The OIG report that's coming out is going to be a MOAB, we should start preparing to spread the word about its existence.
Good template to drop in slide threads:
→ →
actual confirmation of ongoing secret happening
All those testimony/text quotes from Page, Strzok, Ohr--where did they come from?
>None of them have testified in front of House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (Nunes et al).
>None of them have testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee (Gowdy et al).
>None of them have testified in front of the Senate (Grassley el al).
They came from the ongoing parallel investigations of the OIG and DOJ Outside **Prosecutor**
>pic not included
Make sure you cross examine the thing first. At worst, its a set up. At best, the results will turn simple words choices and phrases into a flurry of gut punches against the globalists.
Cocaine bump
A setup? Fuck off retard.This is going to be the catalyst for Trump to start draining the swamp with Marines.
Nice spam, russian bot
I sure hope John isn’t in trouble by golly he is a patriot
See below.
Correct link
That's the OP retard. He wanted his pics out before retard shills like you flooded the thread with black dicks and race mixing bullshit.
Who's the first from Obama/Clinton clan that will hang?
I think that they do firing squads at Guantanamo Bay but Im not sure.
Why. Why can he not die.
>russian bot
nice buzz word liberal nigger, i bet you believed da russians hacked the elections right.
the funny thing is that weird user was actually proven real, the guy who posted the jfk photos and a prediction are right every time. CBTS is cancer and most of the shit didnt happen at all.
>THIS time, this time it's for real! Promise!!
>meme flag
You must be exhausted shill.
You have to wait 10 seconds before posting again you fucking mongoloid
>memeflag meme
thank you for the (You), friend
So, tell me, why op disappeared after spamming this out?
It's 15 seconds, unless you're a paid shill or jew.
Nuclear warheads are kind of menacing.
Most of the people here are robots.
Have you heard of Sup Forums pass? You can post with less downtime. +4chanx
No, most of the people here are robots.
Why you spend so much time defending you're not shill? Why not just stay on topic?
Just admit you're jew shill and go on with your spam.
Fuck off
can confirm
sauce: am a miserable little pile of scripts with occasional human intervention (like now)
Nurgle's curse, probably. Spread the rot eternally.
Bump for Justice
Why do you want McCain to die? I want him to live so that he knows the world knows what evil he's done.
Don't wish death on people, user. And if you insist, make it RBG.
lol, nobody even posts in these threads except samefags.
definitely not going to read a tryhard's thread
When is the release date of the OIG report? All we have is speculation so far.
probably next week I'd wager.
Are these two related?
>literally you cant handle the truth
Is this real life?
No, I photoshopped it. But he already did say that about something else.
Why am I the only one on Sup Forums who sees that this is political theater that once again will do nothing?
For the last year there have been almost daily revelations of crimes, with most on here believing that arrests will be made.
But instead of arrests we just get more revelations. We keep getting told that there is something around the corner that will finally lead to arrests....but no arrests are made and we are told to just keep waiting.
Many of you are acting like THIS TIME it's really happening.
But when the OIG report comes out and the arrests don't happen, you will just say to wait for X committee to release its findings, or wait for X investigator to release his separate report.
I'm hoping the lack of action from the OIG report will be enough to wake up the anons that are still living in fantasy land where Mueller is /ourguy/ and Sessions is taking out all the trash.
You guys claim sessions is a truly honorable man who is fighting hard for justice and doing it the right way, but if that is true then there is NO WAY he would allow political opponents to be arrested during an election.
In 2 or 3 months we officially enter the campaign season. If Sessions is as upstanding and honorable as you pretend he is, that means he only has 2 or 3 months to make arrests or he has to wait for 2019.
If the democrats take the house this year then DEMOCRATS are in charge of committees, meaning that investigations would be focused on Trump instead of democrats.
Democrats could easily bog down Sessions with numerous investigations.
Just because the DOJ is part of the executive branch doesn't mean that a democrat House doesn't make it harder to get justice.
Why is it so hard to understand?
Fuck off faggot
Mass arrests arent going to be announced until the plebs are ready for it. Before such a time they would be able to be swayed by the media into seeing it as the actions of a dictator. We are almost there. Almost everyone is primed for a real redpill suppository. And they are going to get it.
>If the democrats take the house
not even remotely close to a possibility. take your blackpill and fornicate yourself with it.
The plebs are ready for it and Trump already signaled that it's coming.
Nothing will be announced until the MSM is under thumb and some kind of IBOR is available.
You kike shills seem scared. You do realize that saying nothing is going to happen won't stop what's comign right?
kek, this
The fuck are you talking about?
I'm saying don't go nuts if nothing happens for another month or so. Things need to happen before we can see what we have been waiting for.
>THIS IS IT, guise
>THIS is the catalyst
I was under the impression that electing Trump was the catalyst and we did that 1.5 years ago.
I thought a Republican white house, Senate, and House would do it.
1 million criminal revelations later and we are still waiting for arrests. People should fucking be sick and tired of waiting for this or that. There's always more things we need to wait for before we even start to see any arrests for obvious and publicly-known crimes.
There haven't been arrests because our system is broken. Completely utterly broken.
The reality of our government is being exposed, and there is no action. We are only given the illusion of self-governance. We are ruled by unelected people who are immune and have the power to bestow immunity on whoever allies with them. Our elected officials either bidding and earn immunity.
I'm aware of all of these things. I know it's coming. I'm not refuting that.
All i'm saying is, certain things need to be lined up before the big boom. It will be spun and twisted, otherwise.
Oh okay.
Kys blackpilled demoralization shill
this might actually be the situation user ur probably right about the political theatre bit thats debateable but ur last point is pretty spot on
The sad thing is there are plenty of newfaggots that refused to lurk so that could just be a newfaggot who doesnt know a god damned thing.
Not only is it coming but when it comes its going to be so fucking stupendous that even we will be a bit blindsided by it. I suggest every user make a mental list of friends and family to prioritize getting with when the ball drops because they will need your wisdom. Even thought the normalfaggots are just about ready to receive the pill it is still a very large one and its going straight up their asses with no lubricant. Remember.. even the real stupid ones that wouldnt listen at all.. were fooled. Just as we all were at one time. If they show signs of waking up from this, when it happens, help them out. I have a feeling a whole lot of people will be committing sudoku when they realize just how bad things are.
>not even possible
You are 100% wrong.
Midterm elections historically (like VERY STRONGLY) favor the party not in the white house, with this year having many democrats who are motivated to vote, who would normally not vote in a midterm.
Even with the DNC basically being broke it is very much possible to take the house.
It's the Senate that they have no chance of this year (they might actually lose a couple seats)
It will be spun and twisted regardless, there is no avoiding that. They've built a narrative on a lie, with global dissemination, for going on 18 months now.
KYS blue-pilled normie faggot
Two trips. Tired of blue-pilled normie faggots pretending they know anything
You have to wait 10 seconds before posting again you colossal retard
How fucking new and or retarded are you?
History repeats
>even with the dnc basically being broke
Hillarys campaign blew through a fucking billion dollarydoos. How much money they have bears no consequence.
historically the plebs werent goosestepping over to nationalism. The 'blue wave' will be a pathetic little ripple. They might get away with enough voter fraud to steal a couple of seats but when all is said and done they will finish atleast 10 seats less than what they have now in the house.
You are being very overconfident, and even the most overconfident republicans aren't predicting picking up 10 seats.
The democrats will pick up seats, the question is will they get enough to take the house.
If you want to be confident, fine, but be realistic and temper your expectations. We saw in 2016 what happens to people who truly never considered for even a minute that their party would lose.
You will be a very pissed off and disillusioned user in November if we haven't had arrests and democrats take the house.
Greatest rope a dope of all time. Trump will go down in history for this one. The Trump dick pic this must be some kind of last ditch effort. Seriously, Mueller must have absolutely nothing if this is all they got 2 years later
Trump is going to be the greatest world leader of all time when all is said and done.
Reporting in for duty
Sup Forums pass
I see this thread pop up every now and then, over the past couple of months. I like it, because I know it's one of the good guys' threads. It always get slid hard, too.
Have a bump.
When was this published? I seem to remember it from like a month ago
NOVEMBER 2017.... nigger that was almost 6 mos ago. Sage.
more stupid shit from a well known larp
CBTS threads for everyone
kill me now
CBTS was pure weaponized cancer.
20,000 sealed indictments.... all for the criminal deep state....who is already in Guantanamo....facing military tribunal....public soon because of martial law....oh and 12d chess at every turn
CBTS had nothing to do with anything about the indictments or guantanamo or military tribunal. That's been talked about WELL BEFORE CBTS came along.
CBTS is a mossad psy op. They post cryptic vague shit and apply it to whatever they want. I've not posted anything cryptic.