it took me a while to realize this
It took me a while to realize this
I hate centrists even more than leftists
>we are the centrists
>you all are far-left
Matter of perspective. Some people will think you're being narcissistic if you say your views are centrist. It's like the south pole claiming that they're the true North Pole. It's arbitrary.
>It's like the south pole claiming that they're the true North Pole. It's arbitrary.
> It's arbitrary.
that's something a radical centrist would say
I hate these filthy neutrals. With an enemy you know where they stand but with neutrals, who knows? It... sickens me.
what makes a man turn neutral...
I'm okay with centrists. It's the national socialist leftists faggot larpers I'm not okay with.
well, Sup Forums is a mix of libertarians (far right, pro-freedom) and natsocs (far left, authoritarian)
it's only logical to end up with radical centrism when mixing such ingredients
All the national socialist faggots should have tipped you off sooner.
This left right paradigm is beyond retarded. What's Natsoc if not "centrist"?
Nationalism is all that matters.
>don't agree with terrible policy put forth by far right and far right
>wtf you don't believe in anything!!!!
Newfag fucking detected.
They are just born with hearts full of neutrality
>in all fields
centrists in politics are like agnostics in the religious field. I have no opinion of them
>Sup Forums
Gas the Jews
Let’s gas HALF the Jews
Does not compute, mutt.
>Sup Forums is one person thread
I agree. Let's gas half the Jews and make the others tell their friends about what we did.
Only brainlets dislike centrists.
Compromise and cooperation between factions is the one path to lasting prosperity. This truth angers and confuses progressives and conservatives.
Being "not okay" with someone's views isn't a very centrist position.
We far moderate now, nigga.
I'm not a centrist. I'm libertarian.
Economically centrist maybe, but there are loads of ancaps still.
>It's literally impossible for my side to become nauseating shrieking authoritarians too!
Fuck yourself lethally
We centrists will play you zealots off each other until you are both too weakened to resist our nefarious plans for moderate policy and compromise mwahahaahah
its true tho, the pendulum has shifted so far to the left that even being edgy is centrist.
and people hate the lefty world
so its time for real change
Your heart is in the right place, but the sentiment is naïve. You don't have to compromise with dead men.
It all boils down to nationalism or not, this is well hidden by der jude
The thing that ticks me off with centrists is that they delude themselves into being on the ''Golden mean, dude!''.
You can't just pick and choose ''good parts from all sides!'' because Real ideologies form their thought on premises and axioms. You can't at once be for equality and against it.
Centrists are almost always social democrat leftists who think they're above everything. They think they are 'open minded' for claiming to be centrists, but they are the ultimate status quo cucks. They can't survive doing the though experiment of being teleported into a historical period when their views would be considered Radical. That's 99,9% of human history. That would reveal to them that their ''values'' are literally 2018: the socially acceptable position™. Their values are literally based on social conditioning and nothing else.
>It's like the south pole claiming that they're the true North Pole. It's arbitrary.
its not
Kevin Chowder is bro; even though he's kind of Canadian as fuck sometimes, he still will not escape the rake.
>he still has opinions
>2018 meming
>New to Sup Forums
>valid opinion
on pick 2 user. Only two