Fake news? Doesn't matter because greatness? Please explain your approach
Trump's Family Trips Cost Taxpayers Nearly As Much In A Month As Obama's Cost In A Whole Year
Obama’s policies cost us 250 yrs worth of progress in only 8 yrs
Trump is bringing in more revenue to cover the cost and then some. Faggot lefties NOW want to be fiscal conservatives?...They can fuck off.
I'm always suspicious of these reports but even so, business trips.
the main difference of course is that trump has contributed millions over the course of his lifetime while obama is an ivy league lawyer who became a professional agitator and jew pawn who has only held government jobs instead of real ones
Nit picky BS not worthy of debate. Low energy, like real low energy. President Trump owns a golf resort in Florida, its a really classy place, nice place, you would like it if you had the money to visit.
Trump has already paid more in taxes into the system than Obama ever will. He's already more than made up for the 10M expense.
Also the other poster is right, you can't claim "what-about-ism" in this sort of argument. If you argue cheese tastes better than milk and I retort that milk is cheaper, that is not "what-about-ism."
>The money King Negro spent doesn't matter
>but now it does
What about it, liberal?
hey you dolt, it only matters insofar as we can compare it to our current president - just to expose your hypocrisy, which many of you are mentally jumping through hoops to avoid
not even a response - at least you seem to admit you have no logical defense
>cheese tastes better than milk
>b-but milk is cheaper
that isnt even relevant to the discussion (which is strictly on taste), you are retarded
>Trump has already paid more in taxes into the system than Obama...
really? im very certain only one of the two has made their taxes public
The peace-loving left has produced orders of magnitude more death threats against Trump than those ultra-violent right-wingers ever did against Obama. It costs that much more to provide security for our commander-in-chief because of it.
You are a stupid son of a bitch and a disgusting faggot traitor and you should be hung by the neck until you die, faggot.
Trumps while purpose as president is to funnel public money into his accounts so its not really surprising, is it?
Trump can spend 1B dollars a day and every cent would be returned tenfold. Since Trump took office my salary has risen 150% and my cost of living dropped by at least 200%
>no numbers to back anything up
>implying the threats against one president were somehow more credible than the other
plus, you have to be absolutely retarded to think the only difference is in security
>you should be hung by the neck until you die, faggot
wow triggered much? I love it when you guys very clearly have nothing relevant to add so you chimp out - I wonder how anyone takes you seriously.
>well my salary has risen since Trump came into office (implying causation) so therefore Trump must be boosting the WHOLE economy
get this Cleetus, you arent the only person in the nation
I just like watching some of you guys struggle with cognitive dissonance
>hurr le durrr
it's not just me. everyone I talked to agrees people from Alaska to Florida say they've never had it this good.
I love these threads, all the MAGA cultists grasping for straws. You're allowed to criticize the president, you know. Trump isn't perfect.
The amount of cognitive dissonance required to claim that this isn't an issue when two years ago you were on obamas nuts for golfing too much is just hilarious.
>expose your hypocrisy
you faggots really dont have a scrap of agency do you?