What do they feed this thing for her to grow up with these proportions?
What do they feed this thing for her to grow up with these proportions?
Unf, this girl will drive me nuts.
I'll say it again.
Thank you based Japan, truly God's biggest gift to mankind.
Milk laced with female growth hormones
Nice indention!
Same, fellow Scotsman
She is not short. But everything other is true.
She is extremely delicious.
What anime?
Drawfag here. I want to start doing some lewd drawings with this girl.
Unironically, chicken tenders
My sister loves those and she had giant breasts before she turned 13
Blend S
Please do
must not be organic freerange then
god bless GMO scientists
>pretend to be a drawfag just interested in source so you can do fan art when asking to be spoonfed
fucking neat trick, taking this home with me
She is perfect
>She is not short.
She's the size of 2 middle schoolers, SITTING DOWN.
I unironically got erections from Kaho.
And this is my forst time with non-h anime.
Too bad, she's already married to cook 8man
How is she so perfect?
She is still BIG compared to other girls.
Literally my dick.
How old? This is very important.
>I'm the bondagefag
Fuck off.
Both of those are small, being a bit bigger than a midget doesn't make you big, even amongst women.
Look at how tiny Mafuyu is, you think the 3-5cm Kaho has over her is important?
I'd eat it and get fat gladly.
Those are some impressive Suzuki's
This type of character design is the hottest.
Japan knows.
She reminds me Mai.
Didn't know they made another Working spin-off.
blond_hair twintails large_breasts zettai_ryouiki
Punch those in *booru, get results.
nopan or thong?
>thicc blue eyed blonde
my dick shall pierce the heavens
Literally made for mindbreaking gangbangs.
You forgot the most important tag.
gommenasai sensei
2 nukes were the appropriate number of nukes.
Didn't the Love Lab disaster teach them that SOL with guys doesn't work?
It works 1 out of 10 with all females anyway, tough luck.
Also what is working
>Also what is working
A shit anime?
>male cats
>male female
>male male
What were they thinking
Me on the right
You're absolutely wrong and SOL that has both genders is actually the best in the genre.
But it works.
Is this cuck anime?
>Old Tiger -Super High School Level Funposter- !!29ytrmk7yH7
>So many dicks around me, I want them all!
- u
Me and my wife Maika
Nice try hambeast.
Why is indentation on the socks so good? You would think it's meaningless but it makes everything better
Eat it?
Lucky bastard.
Healthy things.
Me on the left.
Healthy thighs
Cute girls doing cute things is cute for sure, but a full female cast is just very limiting in the end. No one interacts exclusively with one gender in life and I think when you limit a cast like that there's a potential richness that is kind of lost. Even the most hardcore of lesbians is going to have male acquaintances and friends in life and I kind of prefer seeing that reflected on the cartoons.
Not that an all female cast or all male cast can't work if that's what the author wants to do, but I prefer the more natural mixed gender cast. It's just more appealing.
Glove heaven
Imagine pinning down that tiny body and having her lock you with her legs.
That guy experiences that.
>We saw the old hag and Maika's bra but not her
>happy couples in my anime
Extended scenes in the BD?
Fucking slut.
It's a cautionary tale about rejecting your own culture.
Interesting and well-considered points, I'll have to read your posts more often.
Oneesan(S) and SURPRISE soon.
Surprise? I like surprises.
I don't. I fear change.
It's a trap right?
Yeah surprise
It's a dangling surprise.
It's a big surprise. Big like an elephant.
Menma's come back to life?
Imagine manhandling her thicc, tiny body.
>Love Lab disaster
Nice imaginary event, /u/.
I thought this was a dyke show, now I can actually watch it.
What is LSBH?
They don't make enough shows for cucks like us who just want to see other men please cute girls.
Really? Picked up. I love shows with dramaless multiple hetero couples in the main cast.
Long Silky Black Hair
Long Straight Black Hair?
Did you enjoyed Tsurezure as well?
Greatly. But here there's added value from salty tears of yurifags, a rare commodity.
Lesbian Hag
>not actually voiced by Touyama Nao
Do I need to get my ears checked Sup Forums
I knew that Touyama isn't voicing her since I looked at the VA list before, but it does sound like her.
>salty tears of yurifags
Who make up a large part of the target audience and will eagerly contribute to this series failing by not buying it.
Who cares? The anime is already airing.
Working!! got three seasons and this is basically the same deal, I'm not too concerned desu.
The people who funded it will.