New Thread - "The bible is the word of God. Jesus Christ is lord

New Thread - "The bible is the word of God. Jesus Christ is lord.
The beast / antichrist will be Islamic. He will be known as the "man of peace" just as Islam is known as the "religion of peace."
A new caliphate will arise from the ashes of the old. Reborn from an alliance between Turkey and neighbouring Islamic nations.
The new caliphate will declare war on Saudi Arabia, considering them apostates that have departed from the faith and prioritised prostituting themselves and their land to the enemies of Islam.
Mecca will be destroyed.
The Saudi oil fields will be destroyed resulting in global inflation on a massive scale.
All Muslims across the world will rejoice at the re-emergence of the Ottoman Empire / caliphate and pledge allegiance to their new prophet / khalifa.
The western states will have no choice but to capitulate to the newly founded caliphate because of the ever-growing Islamic population.
Christians will be given a choice. Deny Jesus Christ as being lord and convert to Islam / submit to Allah. Or be slaughtered publicly and openly.
Non-muslims who manage to escape this grim fate will be completely severed from the system economically and financially. All will be under Muslim control.
Israel will be swiftly attacked by the false prophet / antichrist at the head of the caliphate after he takes his position, there will be a massive jewish genocide.
Jerusalem will be retaken by Islamic insurgents. The khalifa / false prophet / antichrist will relocate to Jerusalem, rebuild the third temple and make it his base of operations, declaring his victory on Israel and the west as proof of his special status. Essentially declaring himself ruler of the world, or "God.""

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Satan, Moloch, and Lucifer are TITLES or designations, NOT names. YHWH, Jesus, and Kek are NAMES, NOT titles.

Satan means adversary, opponent, accuser, or enemy in Hebrew. Lucifer means lightbringer in Latin. Moloch means King. The being designated by the TITLE Satan varies depending on who is speaking. To the Jews, Jesus is Satan and is called such in the Old Testament. To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament.

Lucifer is a title of Jesus/Kek, who are both emissaries of the True God above the demi-urge, sent into YHWH/Saturn's material prison to bring light to specific groups.

Moloch is a title for YHWH

Satan being resister for whichever side, so a resister of natural and resister of synthetic, also from Sanskrit Satanama, truth.

YHWH or "jehovha" is a self actualising meditation, obviously appropriated by the kike god and forgotten.

Lucifer as a good morning light name of Yeshua and Venus

Fucking hell, I see you post this in so many threads. So quickly too. Do you just wait around for threads like this with your copypasta at the ready or what?

I am orthodox OP, is my soul safe?

When I see a Jew spreading bullshit I post the truth. You are a faggot.

>Moloch is a title for YHWH
Now that's what I call heresy.

The Anti Christ will either be a good Goyim (A second Cyrus like Trump), or a non Khazarian Jew.

As far as I understand it, you're safe as long as you only serve one master, and that's Jesus Christ. And of course as long as you repent and believe that he is the son of god, the lord and that he died on the cross for the sake of paying for all our sins in full.

That's pretty much the criteria. I'm not too sure about the ins and outs of orthodoxy. But I know when it comes to Catholicism, technically speaking Catholics aren't saved because if they truly believed in Christ they wouldn't be part of a church that proclaims the head of the church being in place of christ in the present day. The pope claims to be the half-way point between man and god, therefore he is antichrist and a false prophet which makes any of his followers antichrist in spirit.

Biblical fanfiction. The Bible was just rehashed bullshit anyway though.

>Lucifer is a title of Jesus/Kek
This is even worse than baganlarping. Keep your cringy fanfics away.

>my religion uses another religions holy book, but it’s wrong about everything.

All anyone needs to know is that Jesus Christ is salvation and your only way to the father is through a personal relationship with him. Which can only happen if you repent and truly believe in his status.

Yahweh, Yehowah, Satan, Saturn, Moloch, Marduk, Teufel, Zeus, Seth......
Those are all names for the fallen one, the betrayer.

you forget Israel will nuke itself and the world if it feels like it's ever loosing against the muslims/ being invaded to the point of defeat. Like the temple of Solomon...


Are you another kike saying "no u!"

Christcuckity is dead tho

Fuck, you even capitalize the word jew. You are a kike. Go to back to homopol.

>The bible is the word of God. Jesus Christ is lord.
Is that proven? If so, would you be so kind to show me the proof?

> abrahamic religion
> idiotic prophecies
> Judiasm
> Christianity
> Islam
All from the same root LARP

This. It's the god of this world which is Satan or the adversary that goes by many names. The father is just the father. And Jesus is just Jesus. Right now, the father is just a concept in which we access through Jesus. And once we're saved and revived after the end times, then we'll know the father. Because right now while we're in our fallen state, we literally can't know him. The closest we can get to him is Jesus.

Well the antichrist will have allsorts of lying wonders and what not so perhaps he will have some kind of technology that will allow him to relinquish control of global nuclear armaments from individual nations. Think StuxNet x10000.

Good, orthodoxy is the closest you'll ever get to the original church founded by Jesus and his apostles. The accepted doctrine in orthodoxy is that the pope is a false idol. No man is infallible no matter what station he is given, it's just hubris.

>t. fucking brainlet
go back to plebbit faggot.
Sup Forums is and always will be a Christian board.

Lucifer is a name of Jesus it comes from Lucibel (Lightbringer, Sun of the Sun).
Other names for Jesus are Mithra, and Baldr/Baldur etc.

Might be mobileposting. Mine makes me capitalize all shit like that unless I go back to drop it. Stupid to refer to Thor and shit as God.

I've spoken with people more initiated than you likely are. They all agree Lucifer is Satan.

With whom?
Judeo Christians?

No. What order are you in? Are you a mason?

Hitler confirms!


Well there is said to be a great falling away during the end times.

The things spoken of in the bible aren't wholely worldly so not all of them can be proven as worldly things can. They're metaphysical, spiritual, and while some metaphysical or spiritual principles can be observed in the world, not all can. Some can only be observed within the mind's eye, spiritually. I think this is the main problem with the burden of proof arguement for and against Christianity. It's expected of christians to prove their faith has validity when their faith isn't based on anything worldly, so they're instantly at a loss. So no, I can't prove it to you. There is no proof of the things I say.

However, that being said. These philosophical, spiritual principles that the bible has us consider can be understood and somewhat integrated with worldly things by way of mind. But in order for you to understand and integrate them correctly you have to have a genuine love of truth. You have to want to know truth with all your heart, no matter how much it might hurt you, or scare you, or whatever else.

So again, no, I can't prove anything to you. In my opinion it's impossible for one person to prove anything spiritual to another. You can affirm things, yes, if you meet someone with the same spiritual understandings as yourself, but you can't prove to someone that what you believe is true. They have to find their own way to the same understandings.

It's kinda like telling someone what love is. No matter how much you describe it, they won't understand it until they experience it themselves.

So you don’t value the Old Testament? Because while the name of God Doesn’t appear in the NT (as it became unfashionable c 250 BC) Jesus clearly references the God of the OT, which is YHWH, as his father.

Oh wow, stuff that's now considered racist is well researched formerly common knowledge. I really hope the based version of the church comes back.

No, those Satanic hyper Jews are the enenmy of my group!
I help the Black Sun!

You are a bit unknowing, you probably think that Jews are good, that thr holocaust happened and that Hitler was evil.
You should read the books of Miguel Serrano.

>both of you being this wrong
The word Lucifer appear once in the Bible, as “helel” (since the OT wasn’t written in Latin) which simply means “a shining one” and was used in reference to a fallen mortal king of Babylon.

go home kike

>there is said to be a great falling away during the end times.
I’m curious if you share my suspicions of why this is important.

I think you're the first decent leaf I've come across desu

but yeah, exactly. we've all sinned, we're all living in sin. even after we've repented and asked for salvation, we can still sin. no man has the right to rule another and most certainly not in the place of God.

can you tell me a little more about Orthodoxy?

I don't even know what to identify as desu. I don't like to even label myself as christian because of the religious connotations it has. I believe in Christ. But I don't think that deserves or requires labels. I think they can be derogatory against what the faith is.

Why do you think this is important?

Shalom, my brother! The muslim infidels will not take the sacred clay of Israel from us! The holy justice of our only G-d YHWH will be upon them!

as far as I'm aware Jesus never calls God by name, he uses titles to describe the father in certain modalities at different times like great king, father, lord, god of the living, lord of heaven and earth etc but feel free to correct me.

What do you think God is trying to accomplish in revelation? He has the means to handle things differently, but he is wise and just, and he loves those who want to be a part of his love.

What is he accomplishing?

He does not call him by name, but he refers to stories about Yahweh and as that being the work of his father.

>Jesus Christ is lord.
Jesus Christ wasn't even a real person. Don't take my word for it - that's what the Apostle Paul said.

>Pic related

That was a better answer as I expected, thank you.

But I could take a piece of paper, write something on it and state it was the holy word of god. That would be as legitimate as to claim the bible is the holy word of god. Because, as you admit, it can't be proven.

I question myself why god (if he exists, which I believe) doesn't make it easier for us to find out truth.

>(((The Bible)))
Holy Wotan this must be a joke.
You a grown up man with an average IQ believe what the Jew book says?
I as a pagan even know that i should never 100% trust my sagas, because the Judeo Christians wrote our sagas down in a mockery way.
There is maybe 20% truth in the bible, and only in the new testament, because the old testament is LITERALLY THE FUCKING TORRAH!

>Holy Wotan

The kike master plan

Separating the wheat from the tares. People with the love for truth will gravitate towards him as he is the truth and people without the love of the truth will fall away from him. This is why he will send a grand delusion and allow it to take hold of many, even the most elect. It's a mechanism to separate those with no love for the truth away from him. If you genuinely love the truth and want to know it, no amount of deception will take hold of you. Sure, it may trip you up now and then but it won't fully deceive you and change your internal being. Only self-deceivers allow themselves to be changed by external deceptions.

But yeah basically he's creating the conditions in which those who want to be near him will be and those who won't, won't be. This is why the knowledge of good and evil was a bad thing, because as soon as we knew evil we separated ourselves from him, created a divide. And now because of the principle of free will, god has to allow us to choose whether or not we return to him, so he creates the conditions that will cause a massive separation between those who do and those who don't.

ah ok. from that it sounds like he was potentially referring to yahweh and the father as two separate things?

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view."

"This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

-Albert pike

Der ewige Jude ist ewig!
Wieso habt ihr Judeo Christen so eine angst for unseren Göttern, und dem Hackenkreuz?

Paul never met Jesus

Check it out for yourself, orthodoxy is the real church as far as I'm concerned. God have mercy.

Ok dude this is now getting weird with the diggits, and 88 again after 77.
Your god and Hitler are giving you sign man!

Bless Hitler!

>Paul never met Jesus
Yeah. That's what he said - he knew nothing of Jesus except what he saw in dreams.

I think it would be pretty difficult to read it that way. Without exhausting myself pouring over it while you wait, there are almost 700 quotations from the Old Testament in the New, though some are obviously repetitions. Clearly the Old Testament was very important to Christ and he was a master of it. And consider the following verse:
>Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
>For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

If YHWH is Satan, why would Christ come to fulfill his law?

Angst vor heidnischen Fabeln?
Angst vor einem Symbol?
Was redest du da für Dreck?

> Sup Forums is and always will be a Christian board.
Kike cucks you mean...

I mean, absolutely, but he could do somotherwise. I have a shitty copy pasta I wrote on this I’ll post in a minute. Most people find it disagreeable but you may find it at least interesting, hopefully at least the part pertaining to revelations.


Well, the way I see it. The only people who would believe what you wrote, if it was false that is, are people who desperately want to believe something. Anything. They likely wouldn't give two hoots as to whether it was actually true or not as long as it held some truth within it and made them feel good.

And this is why I stress the love of truth so much. If you genuinely love the truth and want to know it, you can't be fooled by anything no matter how good it might make you feel or whtaever. Because you will always want to know more so you will always question things, no matter how much it may hurt or disturb you as I mentioned before. So anyone with the love of truth who was to read your "gospel" would eventually recognise it has no validity within it whatsoever.

Nobody with the love of truth has blind faith. Even me, I believe in Christ, but I constantly question my beliefs in order to spur me into further realisations and understandings. I recognise I can't know what I really want to know, but I'll be damned (pun intended) if I'm not going to make an effort to know as much as I can so I can get as close to the truth as possible.

And I would argue that God has made it as easy as it needs to be. He's given us all the tools we need at our disposal within us. The kingdom of God is within us remember. We just have to access it via a love for the truth. Love the truth and it'll come to you and it'll set you free, that's what I think.

Thanks man!

I can't really comment on this too much because I don't know enough to. But my first thought that was perhaps yahweh was a title bestowed on satan at a later date, considering him the great I am in an attempt to blaspheme god or something, idk

I mean even jews who followed the kaballah and talmud call god yahweh, but we know they have no affinity for the father whatsoever. they don't know him. they know another god. the god of this world.

We will still be here when you are ready.
In the beginning, there was God. He was, by definition, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent by his mere status of being all that is. Anything he could imagine would be useless to manifest simply because it would behave exactly as was known to him; it would be an excercise in futility as he would become bored with the thought the exact moment he thought of it and saw it to its obvious conclusion.
All things, that is, save for a being free of his will; a being which could surprise even him, from time to time. Such a being would necessitate it’s own ignorance, and as such it’s own realm in which time, space, and matter occluded it from its own omniscience. But more than that, it would require a sacrifice of God, that of his own omniscience.

No story tells this quite as nicely as the Bible, in which God creates a world culminating in the creation of man.
But there is a catch; God didn’t know if it had worked! No longer omniscient, a test was set up in a safe place with only one simple rule: not to eat from the aptly names Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. And it was hardly difficult to get them to do so! Man had defied God’s Will, Excercising his own free will in doing so. We are reminded again of God’s first sacrifice as we hear the first quoted words he speaks to man in the book:
Then, in a commonly misunderstood verse, he gives them the final gifts to assure they are able to thrive and grow. The woman was given pain and sorrow in childbirth, which we now know causes a hormonal cascade which is critical to the mother forming a bond with the child.
To Adam he states: “cursed is the ground FOR THY SAKE” that he may become disciplined and strong.

>but he could do somotherwise
how so?
I mean I'm pretty sure god knows the ins and outs of his creation so he knows the best and most efficient way of doing things ;p

But humanity wasn’t the only one who had growing up to do, for in relinquishing his omniscience God was given room to grow as well: anger, wrath, jealousy, regret, pride, mercy, love; none of these feeling and more were available to a being which compromised all and all bent to his will. This explains much of why we see such a stark contrast between the God of the early books and God who came as Christ to save us from his own impossibly strict commandments. This sacrifice required something even greater of God: his own omnipotence, that he may be born and die as a man. Truly his love for man knows no bounds! But he has one more sacrifice to make, as shown in the book of Revelation where God prepares himself to be the perfect vessel for his beloved humanity, where God attains omnibenevolence. But first, to do so, God must meticulously and methodically poor out all his Wrath in Justice. The earth falls deeper to darkness so that he may become light. When the days end, those who used their free will to follow His own will join him in his new perfection while those that rejected him shall die the second death to be at peace with nothingness.

Me too

he didnt even live to see I world war
wtf are you talking about

I've always said that God created us as a means to understand himself more.
I mean god is truth, right? and such an emphasis is put on family throughout the bible. we are god's children, his family, we are to have a relationship with him through Jesus. what is the fundamental reason behind familial connections? communication.

If god is ominscient and knows all there is to know, is truth incarnate, then he can't be in the presence of untruth. this is kinda confirmed because apparently the mere presence of god destroys man because of our current sinful form. so yeah god's presence literally destroys anything not existing within the bounds of truth. so god cannot directly interact with untruth.

this is where we come in. we can exist outside of a state of absolute truth. we can experience untruth. we can access something that god's very presence destroys. the godlessness, abyssal, darker sides of reality that simply cannot exist around God in his purest form. and through us, god gains a greater understanding of those concepts. his shadow. what exists where he does not.

I could've explained that a bit better as I have done many times before but I'm a little tired so I apoligise.


the "I mean god is truth, right" was supposed to be deleted baka

>You are a bit unknowing, you probably think that Jews are good, that thr holocaust happened and that Hitler was evil.
Quite the opposite. Do you assume everyone who disagrees with you is a potato?

this also connects to the love of the truth in the way that, we can never know absolute truth so our pursuit for truth will never end, we will simply peel more and more layers of deception back. so not only are we learning about truth, we're learning about untruth. what makes untruth what it is, how it manifests in the world etc. so we are gathering information that god cannot gather on his own.

>inb4 god can do all things.

yes, god can experience untruth, but not directly. he can still do all things, but sometimes he needs to do things indirectly. he created us as a medium in which to pursue this goal. so he is still doing what he wills and it doesn't indicate or imply a lack of ability on his part.

and I think this is why forgiveness and repentence are stressed so much. because not only do we all sin. but we're SUPPOSED to sin. and no this doesn't mean that we should go out and try to sin as much as possible. we should aspire to sin as little as possible if at all. but in order to learn about sin we do need to experience it to a degree and that's what I mean. those who revel in sin will die a second death but those who sin but genuinely repent and learn from that sin over time, forgive themselves and forgive others will live forever because that is the purpose of life. to learn.

I mean why else would god allow us to continue sinning unless we were supposed to. we all live in sin, there's no escaping it. and jesus paid for our sins in full. so obviously sin has a specific purpose otherwise things would be very different.

so I think on the one hand those who embrace sin are lost, and those who hate sin are also lost.

you have to accept sin for what it is, and see the good in it. realise that it should be avoided but if / when it occurs it can be turned into something positive and learned from as long as you genuinely repent or forgive.

Most people grimace at the thought that God is not omniscient, but it solves the paradox of free will; where free will is the only reason we were created, to begin with.
There are tons of verses to exhibit this as well, most famously God sending angels to Soddom to to investigate, or the testing of Job.

Some people think this robs God of something, but I think it makes him greater both in showing his sacrificial nature and his room for growth through the Bible.

Is that a no? That God, in an effort to save some of us sent His son and his Word to be a beacon of light in an ever darkening world, a world that must be sufficiently dark for God, a being of now near-omnipotence to fully purge his wrath in order to become the perfect omnibenevolent heaven for us to dwell within for eternity as his beloved children?

Any better theories?

That's just it though. God is omniscient. And it's that omniscience that doesn't allow him to directly observe his oppositional elements. As soon as he observes them they disappear because of his presence. Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe he can observe them, but maybe he chooses not to directly because of how it may affect the creation. Maybe the OT was him accessing that part of himself to some degree, and maybe Jesus' sacrifice was god's way of saying, ok, I've learned from that, now here's my peace offering, we no longer need to be in opposition with one another.

Just brainstorming / mind vomiting here.

I do like your theory, I like how it kinda fits in with mine too.

And yay verily it is written that Underdog shalt do battle with Mighty Mouse. And thus will the most powerful, imaginary being be revealed.

God's been here longer. The real one.
Maybe he'll send another messenger along


So my thought is that omniscience is in direct opposition to free wil, it means knowing EVERYTHING, including what you may do, and what you WILL do.
You may grant God omniscience by sacrificing your free will, but biblically it seems more obvious that God sacrificed his omnipotence to give us free will.
I’ve already given you a couple examples, but how about the entire overarching theme of humanity in the Bible is being in OPPOSITION to God’s will?

I’m not saying God made a fool out of himself, just that he couldn’t know E-V-E-R-Y-THING and still allow us free will. He could even be more perceptive of us then any of us know our loved ones, but still without truly KNOWING what we are going to do moment to moment.

I worship the God that preceded time. If a God preceded him, time would have had to exist before him as well by sequence of events.

> I believe in nothing .. It's all a big simulation that came together by chance
> I believe LARPING sand niggers speak of the only true god and everyone else is wrong

If your god existed before time, then when did he exist?

where does the bible say there will be an antichrist?

christian server /bkXHBgq

How much does nothing weigh?

Okay, and who was his messenger, if you are waiting on a second?

>then when did he exist?

He's always existed, that's the point of being outside space and time dumbass.

You say it's a Catholic server one thread and a Christian server the next. Make up your mind.

to kind of extent on that, god intentionally gave us the capacity to be separated us from himself so we could be more like him by way of being individuals who would (hopefully) one day find our way back to him and walk with him as almost equals as was in the days of Adam. except with a twist. we'll have knowledge of good and evil just like him so will have much more capacity to have a deeper relationship with him.

Adam was born with free will, in god's image, but he lacked the experience to access that free will without the knowledge of good and evil. he neede to fall to one day be like god by doing the required work born from love of truth.

And holy shit I've just gone from christian to illuminist.

Fuck me I think I need to go to bed.

I just had a thought that basically the serpent in the garden DIDN'T LIE. or at the very least his lie was a half truth.

ye shall be as gods, true. because god knows good and evil and that's what gives him free will.
ye shall not surely die, true. to a certain extent because if you use that knowledge of good and evil to make your way back to god, you won't surely die. you'll be revived.

what if the serpent was god's agent? what if the whole thing was set up to push adam and eve into the conditions that would allow them to truly experience free will and ultimately set the precedent for mankind having a relationship with god.

man, sorry for cutting this convo short but I really need to go to bed, I'm absolutely shattered. it's been interesting though. I'll repost this thread when I wake up tomorrow. think I'm gonna make a habit of this.

btw just to note, I don't actually believe any of the mind vomit I've been posting in the last hour or so. this is just what I do, I question everything and mull over as many different perspectives as I can and consider different things. I still believe that christ is the lynchpin, period. it's just interesting to theorise about the other stuff. but yeah, adios amigos!

Ah ah ah! Adam did not need to fruit to access free will, he needed free will to access the fruit!