Yeah, a diverse set of punches and kicks.
absolute cucks. Ive never lost a fight to a nigger and ive been in several
Niggers besting on a white woman. They have picked their equal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice larp.
Times when it is ok to fight dirty.
>grabbing the tendon behind the knee
>grabbing balls
no larp here cuckboi. If youve never been in a fight you shouldnt even be allowed to post on this site.
> jumped the poor white guy
> Were going to throw him over the rail instead of fighting w/ honor
> Hit a woman.. then held her and hit her multiple times for asking them to cut it out
> Europe's future that they welcome in
> maybe it will harden you cucks up
It's in France , here in the capital (whites) we are surrounded by niggers and north africans, arabs everywhere.
it is fucking crazy, every big cities in my country are full of those people.
They are dirty, they don't give a fuck about laws and everything, justice don't do anything against them.
Majority of natives are leftist
Europe is falling to hell, capital is a fucking hell, god help us
europes future cuckmericas present day
> Majority of natives are leftist
I never could understand it.
White boys can't fight for shit
We tried to help you with Le Pen but you fucked it up. No sympathy now
just carry a knife?
This man is insane.
Seriously though how are we Brits meant to stand up to the government now? The only fucking way is to become ninjas and ambush targets with knives, literally no other way we could resist against our current government.
Lust leave to a normal country.
Serves them fucking right.
Fucking faggots keep virtue signaling "violent subhumans welcome".
At this point any redpilled person avoids going to places that are likely to be infested with negroids.
Avoid subways, malls, big cities, put bars on your windows and get a gun.
Yes, exactly.
We're too late on this part bit you guys still have time.
That's the point. Western governments are unified in fucking over europeans now. The only option is to accept it, or opt-out, if you can. It's going to be very sad to see the great european cities turn into equivalents of Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Trenton, etc. centuries of history wiped out from neglect, in a crime infested hellhole
Lol, faggots fighting. you should post it to /lgbt/
I would move to the USA if I could, but I can't. I have to live in craphole London.
that's kinda hot, thought he was gonna take the first guy pants down and fuck him
Been saying thus for years, the government hate their own, the MSM and judiciary are wholly complicit too! See it every fucking day!
years of indoctrination aka school
>Western governments are unified in fucking over europeans now.
What's the endgame? Why are (((they))) doing this?
> present day america
Sorry cuck. You'd likely get shot over such bullshit in a non cucked state. Furthermore, unless you're a nigger yourself, you don't live around ignorant fucks who'd engage in such actions
> mfw black user in wealthy middle class suburbs away from city trash
Sorry. Based black here. I never fucked w/ anyone nor let anyone fuck w/ me... nor my loved ones or friends. I've personally kicked the asses of various niggers of different ethnic backgrounds. In one case, I beat a black guy's ass for fucking w/ my white friend. That ended at some point in my freshman year in highschool. I haven't been in a physical fight since. I CCW and don't fuck w/ anyone or invite conflict. As an adult, if you seek to inflict undue harm on me that could endanger my life, you're gonna get a fucking bullet... that's how we do it in America cuckbois in europe. Howe many niggers do you think would be acting up if the avg. euro was armed?
You guys are going to have the best Olympics in 6 years.
> mfw black user in wealthy middle class suburbs away from city trash
Hey gay nigger youd be the one who gets shot in a non cucked state
lol the only thing you've ever fought is gravity.
EU is not like America user. The diversity police will beat him to death if he ever hurts one of their precious negroid.
WTF i hate whitey now
It's spelled Capitol dummy
Cool story fin cuck...
Gas attacks?
>Gay manlet nigger cuck trying to get accepted by whites
kek Cool sotry Tyrone Cuckenberg are you 1/16th huwhite?
He isn't wrong , you don't belong in a white community. You belong in a black community of like minded black people. You sound smart enough to understand that.
A nation has the niggers it deserves.
there is a very large profit to be made in arming militias. Buy cheap AK47s from the Afghanistan and ship them to Europe, then sell to rebel groups.
This is much easier and much cheaper than you would imagine.
> Finfuckcuck trying to act HARD
> evoking dated racial bantz because troll game is this weak
I belong wherever I decide I belong fucboi
Is that you in the video getting btfo?
>Fucking faggots keep virtue signaling "violent subhumans welcome".
more people need to get stung so they realize their folly
No its not
>weak nigger cuck hoping to be accepted by whites trying to act hard
kek. How does it feel to be a self hating cuck Tyrone?
No one deserves niggers, not even murica and i hate them.
Europe has turned into a garbage can. But the remaining whites don't have the ability to change things. How could they when the army and police are themselves multicultural. They will not enforce a dictators anti immigrant policies.
>god help us
god said fuck you
I would traverse the city at night with a bat and brain as many immigrants as I could. Do your fucking part and protect your way of life
We are in the Weimar now.
Prepare for the collapse, could be a few more years.
you know why they pull this shit? cause they know none of you faggots has a gun
I have two
>The only fucking way is to become ninjas and ambush targets with knives
OH so you DO see what needs to be done.
Might help if you have similarly minded friends. Willing to start talking to young white men who look like they're willing to do it, and risk getting thrown in the slammer?
Protip: Keep any comms off the internet, and yank phone batteries if meeting up.
Kill whitey. White people are the kikes greatest enemy.
> Thinks I am trying to get his acceptance
> Ignores me calling him a fucking cuck
> Ignores me stating that I belong where I chose to belong
> Thinks I am self-hating because he thinks for a second that I think some fucboi like him is superior
Sorry bitch boi. Time to drop the illusion. I have friends of all ethnic backgrounds and defend them equally. They see treat me as an equal respectfully and thus get equal treatment from me. Fucbois like you are the type who get BTFO in the video. In such a case, I'd probably be the one filming in order to show what happens to loud mouth fucbois w/ no chops once the heat comes on. The only self-hating cuck would be you after you lick your wounded psyche.
That aside, I'm curious as to what makes you think that based blacks want/need your acceptance or give a flying fuck about your opinion? LOL, you think just because you're white you're better than everyone you low IQ nigger? top kek
Save binlan. Restore the hyper-Khanate.
Globalists are gangsters. They've been infiltrating the schools, media, and other institutions for decades. They have wealthy people financing them.
>Thinks I am trying to get his acceptance
mine? what the fuck are you talking about cuck?
>I have friends of all ethnic backgrounds and defend them equally
Some skinny manlet nigger cant defend shit i call bullshit
>Fucbois like you are the type who get BTFO in the video
I would wipe the floor with you self hating cuckboi
>That aside, I'm curious as to what makes you think that based blacks want/need your acceptance or give a flying fuck about your opinion? LOL, you think just because you're white you're better than everyone you low IQ nigger? top kek
Again never claimed you want my acceptance you fucking dumb nigger you dont live here you want the acceptance of american whites on Sup Forums cuckboi.
>p-pls accept me see i called this black persön ö nigger :D:D:D
Kebab attacks will be prevented and pakis deported but only if you type "FUCK YOU I'M MILLWALL"
>nice larp
>le anarchist
>hasn't killed any politicians
What kind of pathetic ass-huffing friends does this guy have? He should go for them, next.
>Seriously though how are we Brits meant to stand up to the government now?
I'm thinking about not renewing my spoon licence, but I'd have to give up rice pudding and tomato soup. I'm not sure if I'm ready for the public backlash that would bring.
all i see are doctors and scientists
nigger trash
and my girlfriend wants to visit that trash pit because of muh romance and muh famous historical place and gets mad when i say it's a shithole ! it doesn't matter that i've never been to the god damn place, i've heard enough word of mouth, seen enough liveleak videos and read enough testimonials from french Sup Forums users to know i don't want to go to fucking paris
> be white
> live around nigs
> don't even bother learning how to fight
this situation makes me mad but at some point whites need to at least know how to defend themselves
Morons cherry picking an insignificant insident
speak for yourself
Looks like you just got BTFO little niglet
>Enslave half of the world for profit
>Torture, kill, kidnap, enslave people for centuries
>Fast foward
>OMG blacks are fighting on the street
Burn in hell
>le "based" black man just went full nigger.
Re learn your fighting skills, Europeans.
post your nigger hand, negro subhuman
I believe him. Niggers have very strong tells. You can almost always dodge that first punch or grab their arm if you're lucky and they have a long sleeve on. If so, you just hold that arm as twisted as you can and drop with all your weight. Game over. Kick them a few times while they cry and wail if you like. OR just hit them first. They never think you will. I fought my way through the early 90s. Once you get past the fear of being hurt (you'll heal pussy) you own them, unless they are boxers or something. Then duck, grab a rock and smash in their face and run.
>white people are eternally guilty because leftist told me so
I will happily stab people like you with bullets
Why should a white person want to have children if this is the world they will inherit?
>I fought my way through the early 90s
based on your post, you have never been in a fight in your life.
Don't even waste your time fighting niggers. You can easily beat a nigger 1v1 (unless you're a weakling cuck, which is what niggers love to prey on), but it's almost never going to be 1v1. They don't have a concept of honor like you or I do. They will call in "dey homebois" the instant they begin to struggle.
You will be doing yourself and the world a favor if you simply kill them on the spot.
Could the pair of you be less gay. Tension is palpable
>that flag
Start using AI to change the race of the victims and perpetrators in these videos.
>Get back from gym
>Feeling great and happy
>Decide to look at Sup Forums before shower while I drink my protein shake
>See these threads
>Mood ruined
God damn it pol.
>Europe has turned into a garbage can
Lmao, even worst countries in europe are 90% white ,meanwhile Canada and America are closing on sub 50% white NON HISPANIC WHITES.
Here's your 2 shekhels you israelite nigger
learn a martial art and lift weights
teach your children a martial art and how to lift weights
I'm in Paris.
You're completely right, it's so big of a non-white shithole that I'm an arab!
Right outside where I live there are niggers ""grilling"" meat and corn in stolen supermarket shopping carts, selling counterfeit cigarettes, they're constantly mumbling "marhlboromarhlboromarhlboromarhlboromarhlboro" like the savage animals they are, and nothing is being done about that.
It smells like fucking cancer I've never smelt something that bad before and every time I go outside I have to psychologically brace myself and go through these toxic blue fumes. I've gotten so sick of them that I have fantasies of going on a rampage and putting a bullet in their heads. I would 999% do it right fucking now if I could get away with it.
If you ever had to come to France, avoid Paris like the plague, if your GF just wants the romantic aspects of, there are plenty of white places to take her to, like the north, Bretagne, and Moselle.
If you really had no choice but to visit Paris, there are at most two or three highly white arrondissements that are worth sight-seeing, do some research.
>god help us
You deserve this hell you've created for yourselves. I hope you suffer as much as humanly possible.
This is why you have a gun, Pierre. If any uppity niggers start shit with me, they'll be bleeding out on the ground full of lead faster than they can start chimping. It's funny because niggers always brag about how good they are at fighting but ain't nobody fighting a well-placed bullet.
You never even saw a nigger irl
I went to Paris with my family when I was 12, it was an absolutely beautiful city but even in my young age I was genuinely shocked at all the fucking arabs and congoids. I had hardly ever been to the center of Athens then so I wasn't used to immigrants yet, I'd spent all my life in the suburbs but I thought that you know you're in trouble when seemingly the only europeans in a three block radius in the french capital are three greeks
I keep screaming but I never seem to wake up
People are not free thinkers, they barely have an opinion on what they are presented, they don't endorse an ideology they have never heard. Propaganda + censorship is really effective
Says the 55 and dropping
Nice attitude man we re not going to see the end of it if we don't stick together, we were never asked
I live in Paris and it is really that bad even in the center of Paris my classroom holds 7 migrants, they all hate everything European, a few soy boys, the rest are unironic fascists, both the boys and the girls
I have no idea what hope there is for this once mighty city
>it's a guy who never owned a slave or pillaged anything has to give reparations to someone who never experienced slavery episode
> watched vid
> still not racist
Why? Because I discriminate on behaviour. The fuckheads in the video should be hanged, but I would still feel the same if the attackers were white or fucking purpe for my sake. I hope they get paid big time.
>"lol guys i made a mutt meme haha! maybe that will make me forget about my dying, irrelevant nation full of imported sandniggers and somalians! maybe that will make me forget that the majority of my white countrymen vote for EVEN MORE sandniggers and somalians to be imported! maybe it will make me forget that all hope is lost for my country and that i'll be the nesting ground for a new caliphate! take that, mutt!"