Does anyone unironically watch anime legally? You have to be such a fucking pleb.
Does anyone unironically watch anime legally? You have to be such a fucking pleb
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I watch it as it airs together with my beatiful japanese girlfriend in her rich partens back up mansion we have to ourselves
I have a CR account. Since 2012.
No, that would be gay.
Only newfags do.
Like this guy
StOoPiD mAn
I have some cheap DVDs, other than that, nope.
>its free to watch anime on TV in japan
>also totally legal to record it and watch it later with friends in your living room
>but when you record it and send it to a friend over the internet, it becomes illegal
I never understood this logic.
why would you do this
I even have an anime strike subscription
I pay for CR just so I can watch it at work. The building I work in is a SCIF and you can't have phones or anything. I also work 12 hour shifts that rotate between day/nights every two weeks so I need something to pass the fucking time./
Do you actually not understand it or are you just pointing out that it seems silly?
people are paying for cable
you have to pay to unlock your box now to record shows on a flash drive for someone else to watch
all Japanese have can pay for their cable but not everyone around the world can so your basically "stealing" their money that they would earn from exporting the media
honestly though if i had to pay for anime i wouldn't even watch it
I have a Crunchy account.
Also, does having Netflix count? It has anime...
>honestly though if i had to pay for anime i wouldn't even watch it
Same for me. Also same for TV and movies, aside from the odd time I watch a movie in theatres.
Can you explain to me why you think it's okay for you to post on Sup Forums? And no, I'm not just asking that because you have a CR account.
'cause I'm a nice lad.
is this bait?
But Sup Forums is not a place for nice people, so that doesn't make sense.
there are anime series that air on public TV channels, the ones that dont require cable subscriptions
Also by that logic inviting your friends over to watch cable is "stealing" money from the cable company since your friends aren't paying for it.
I actually have a crunchyroll subscription, 50 Bucks a year isn't that much and the streams do have a pretty solid quality.
I'd buy blu-rays for the sake of collecting if it weren't for unreliable Sentai and Funi releases and subs without typesetting (which admittedly is a hardware limitation). I'd have to play the BD on my computer and use the subs of my choice, but at that point why not just torrent a BD release? I'd still buy the BD for keeping it on my shelf (or if I just cared about the dub, like for Baccano!) if it weren't expensive as fuck for a product I'm not even going to use.
>Only newfags do.
Nope. Been here since 2005 (watching fansubs since 2003) and am watching a lot of stuff the legal way.
The thing is licensing restrictions make this so fucking annoying that I end up downloading a lot of shit the traditional way anyway.
I have reduced my buyfag expenses by about the degree I'm now spending on streaming.
The situation is shit. Everyone loses out in the end - including Japan.
What newfags will tell you is that the situation is great/better than before. It's not.
I've had a CR account for 5 years and regularly use it. I buy physical copies of manga and import BDs of anime from Japan. Anyone who doesn't have a physical collection anime/manga and figurines is a pleb worse than a newfag.
You say that but cable companies would make it illegal if they could
I'd rather support the authors and the companies who allow us to view that content here in the west.
And I don't want trouble with my ISP as well as the police.
Shocking, right?
I'm watching Infini-T Force on the Viz website every Wednesday and I purchase DVDs every now and then. Other than that no. Viz only shows one ad per episode before it starts and leave you the fuck alone after that. So it's not awful.
I only really watch shit that doesn't have a proper legal watching venue in the West. Now that LOGH has a legitimate service I might change that, but I don't see Patlabor anywhere.
>not paying for your anime
Hey me too!
>I'm watching Infini-T Force
Why? Looks like rotten garbage.
If shit actually got released on the UK's CR then I would
Fuck you. Infini-T Force is great.
>he thinks CR is paying anything less than pennies to the Creators
I bet you think Daiz is a good guy too.
I remember watching the trailer and thinking "Nope."
Don't remember exactly why, though, so I can't argue with you.
What do you like about it?
The CG looks really good and I find it funny that they made Ken the out-of-touch old man who doesn't know how to work a smartphone. The fight choreography is also really good.
Nothing shocking about that post, including the Reddit spacing.
Your first point is correct, they are barely paying anything, and they are (human) scum, but your second point?
Hasn't 10-bit turned out to be the right choice?
I haven't actively followed that, since I never had problems with 10-bit encodes. "Werks for me."
I only use horriblesubs, I could've just as well paid for cruchy.
But then again
>buying anime
> A content presentation system and method allowing content providers to regulate the presentation of content on a per-user-view basis. Content is distributed an associated license option on the number of individual consumers or viewers allowed to consume the content. Consumers are presented with a content selection and a choice of licenses allowing consumption of the content. The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken.
My library has a BD/DVD anime collection, and regularly adds more.
and I plan to actually pay for some service when I start getting disposable income.
For a number of reasons I don't have a CR subscription and don't plan on getting one.
BD's are fine, but they cost too much for me to consistently buy unless it's a show I really like.
I only have a CR account because I like to watch it on my TV while I'm on my comfy sofa. If I plug the PC I need to get up and change the episodes.
Conversely, I've been watching fansubs since '94 and now that I'm an adult with money, I watch anime as legally as I can while also purchasing whatever related merchandise I feel like owning.
The situation is infinitely better today that it was 20+ years ago, when there were a handful of importers, virtually no online shopping to speak of, everything was majorly overpriced, and the only way you'd see anything other than a handful of shows was by watching a copy of a copy of a VHS fansub you picked up at one of three conventions nationwide that was had absolutely abysmal video and sub quality.
Only newfags who think they are actually old fags understand you have a greater access to anime and anime-related merchandise now that you ever have before, and you're pissing your diapers because it's still not like living in Japan.
The only way you're gonna be happy is if you move to Japan. And even then, you won't be happy.
Public television is paid for by taxes. You are not paying taxes in Japan.
If the cable companies could somehow make it possible to charge each individual viewing any given screen their content is on, they would absolutely do it in a heart beat.
It's hard watching anime legally as an American.
I would love to use crunchyroll but the 1080p paid thing is a total deal breaker for me and I'm a broke ass student who doesn't have money to be spending on anime site subscriptions.
Not him but I knew I've read something like this somewhere. It has great potential.
Jesus, my bad grammar aside, just to follow up:
I'm not trying to say that "stealing" anime is wrong or that you shouldn't do it. I've done it. I still do it if I can't find a show on a subscription based service or find the hard copies to purchase at a reasonable price (I'm not paying $300+ for BD's, it's just not happening).
That being said, if you think the way we have it today isn't absolutely the best it's ever been, you're either too young to actually know what you're talking about of you're a delusional contrarian that cannot be pleased.
None of the usual anime services are even available in my country.
It's like they don't even want my money, so screw them. I can only afford handful of manga and dvd/bd a year.