Meme ball thread, post em

Meme ball thread, post em



Oh yeah does anyone have that picture of pepe on a bike with a "slow your roll" shirt while blocking the cars?


>when you’re actually so stupid that you think the industrial revolution was a biproduct of anarcho-capitalism

>when you couldn’t even get the font right


















Stop spamming this shit. Literally nobody gives a fuck about Quebec.


>Third World country telling me I don't matter








Dump complete


>monopolies will not exist under the system because it's even less restrictive than the laws during the era








But the capitalists don.t pay taxes to the tribe

Also, to the nigger burgers not contributing nearly enough :

Keep'em coming!


Copyright can't exist if there is no government, swine.



Does this count?

AnCap societies would build roads.

Ask yourself this, would you rather go to the gas station with a road, or without one?


t. roastie



>User ID K6bzk1Q0 is now banned from buying Amerimeat™ ffrom all surrounding properties until said user apologized to our company
>Amerimeat and Co. will now notify our clients that user K6bzk1Q0 was arrested by our Private Death Squads™ and dealt accordingly. Please enjoy our products in perfect tranquility!

W8 a minute. So you be sayin' das Shell-owners would pay a privately owned company to build a road for them that reaches only their gas station? With that logic, every one would have pay a privately owned street-builder company to build a road in front of their property, right? But what if, say, 30% of said owners/citizens of the entire city refuse to do that because ti costs a TON of cash? Would they make it a requirement then for everyone to pay a small ammount in order for there to be roads?


A leaf really knows nothing about politics.


They'll ask you to pay a tax instead. Not paying it will be considered a violation of the NAP.

Or we could all pay a small ammount of our income to 1 individual who is ready to pay for the entire road to be build in the citiy. no fuck that, we could all come together in the neighborhood and decide uppon 1 common privately owned road builder company to build our roads in our neighborhood. But what if the rest of the city doesn't do that? Will there only be roads in our neighborhood and in front of big companies? I mean, i can't imagine McDonalds not paying for a road that reaches at least 100 meters in every direction from their property.

>Buying up all the fresh water and gouging prices to enslave the world isn't aggression

wew lad.

A modern classic

Im confused on this because if people were paying for roads the ancap woukd build them


Ok ok i got it. It has to be a requirement for every one to pay for a solid road in front of their property, this means that if you rent, you don't have to pay anything...directly, vecause the landlord would apply some sort of taxe- no, let's not call it that, let's say he adds a little extra rent-money so you kinda pay indirectly for the road in front of your House. Either that or, if you are unable to pay for the road, you will be forced to make some sort of contract with some wealthy dude who can afford that, and you will paay him back little by little every month. Like paying taxe- FUCK.

You know what? Fuck it, I don't want to pay for a road in front of my house. If it bothers you guys that much, pay someone to build it, free roads for me.... but wait, will you be able to build a road on MY property? What if sell you the property in front of my house so that you can use the road that you will build? But would I be able to use it myself or anyone for that matter? Wouldn't it be a violation of the NAP if someone sets foot/a tire in the road that YOU paid that privately owned road builder company to build a road for you?
This basically means that even if everyone decides to pay for a piece of road that covers their property, it would be road of X citizen followed by road of Z citizen etc etc etc across the entire citiy/state/country. Wouldn't it be better to, again, pay someone else to build the entire road in his name but he will allow basically everyone who paid for it to use it (and their family for extra Taxe-) FUCK

This is my favorite memeball. It is one of the best.
All glory to the memeball.




>Not realizing I was making fun of the other bloke

Why should I pay for X guy's road that I never use?



No problem if you never use it. But what if you Had to use it? What if it was in front of your property and every destination/place in your daily routine goes through that road? Work, supermarket etc.

Can't even read it you fucktard, come back to Memexico you traitorous shit

this desu





get your eyes checked and then your brain, pea brain





Jesus christ this fucking thread

does anyone have the frowny face soviet memeball that says "when theres food?" that one makes me lel


It says "when your mere existence causes massive amounts of butthurt"

I still don't understand why you need roads when everyone is flying an helicopter
even if they existed before, they'd just get cluttered with splattered commies anyway


Here you go.

I thought they were okay

People still have no idea what Anarcho-Primitivism means.
Capital punishment is a fucking idea, Primitivism doesn't restrict ideas, it just restricts technology that relies on shit like slavery or causes mental illness from being autistic and retarded.

That idea can lead to a legal system and therefore civilization.
It's an idea that anarcho-primitivism can't allow to spread.
Anarcho-primitivism is retarded anyway.