>simulating bestiality
were you searching for something else?
how does this club simulate bestiality?
Not gonna lie, oligarch's son here. It's hilarious to watch Trump getting fucking in the ass by hyenas while being peed on by donkeys. But in all the seriousness, we cannot let this guy have Moscow piss tapes
Good for him
>Trump goes to strange strip club
>Hillary campaign tied to human trafficing and child pornography
top quality
what do you expected from someone only voted by retarded rural people?
I love having an excuse to post this
Oh shit I think I went to that same club. Guess I'm a Russian bestiality enthusiast now, along with millions of other people.
wow so spicy
But seriously, I'm disappointed that Trump would call an Armenian beautiful. Really lowers my opinion of him
MY NIGGA gettin his freak on...
#mybody #mychoice #mencanbeslutstoo
oh right another liberal milking other gullible liberals
i would say carry on, but that money comes straight out of welfare cheques, and hence my taxes
and he even made the water yellow, its so obvious
wake up drumpfkins
fuck black people
Trump piss thread? Trump piss thread
they exist
I vodka'd
It was her. God. Damn. Turn.
by little person do they mean child or dwarf / midget?
So trumps a furry!!!
I’m ok with this.
I've honestly gotten so bored with watching them constantly bitch/make shit up about Trump that I just don't pay attention to them anymore, not even to laugh. They're fucking pathetic.
>spits borscht across the room.
Good one Dmitri
Only rural and suburban retards voted for trump
That’s Gatorade people!!!
>Vegas club allows fetish events and also Trump was there once
thanks daily mail where would we be without you making the mundane sound like a scandal
Piss tape is real. This is proven. Other countries have it besides Russia.
That's why he was hanging out with Kanye, another well-known furry. It all makes sense now.
Honestly someone here should write a book and get rich. Everyone is doing it. Liberals worship these fanfics.
only welfare parasites voted for crooked
This will sure end his presidency!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I voted for blair.
>A new Book,
Ah okay
I don't blame people for cashing-in on a large population of people eager to read dirt on the POTUS, real or fictitious
post pictures of a transvestite mini-trump
Considering that fanfic was written here, I tend to doubt the veracity of your claim faggot
Probably not a bad idea.
>Trump is a Sup Forumstard
>"Where dancers in the past had..."
So: Not at that time..
Where's the picture of her before the upper lip wax?
It is a statistical fact that rural and suburban areas have higher average IQ than urban areas. There is virtually a direct correlation between increased urbanization and lower average IQ.
The evidence supporting this is vast and unchallenged, and liberal retards actually think they’re smarter somehow because in the north east, an all white, all rural part of the country votes democrat.
Not only are urbanites statistically stupider than anyone else in the country, but the only reason the north east votes left is because they are all white.
Further studies concluded that Americans are more likely to support wealth redistribution policies the more homogenous their region is. In other words...
Whites only vote left when not exposed to niggers.
Urbanites are the real retards.
And you’re a faggot
*in the north east all white, all rural ** all higher IQ on average than the rest of USA
drumpf is going to the gulag
opinion discarded like your heritage
Wtf I love depressing landscapes now
Wait. Trump was at comet pizza?
You win for today.
The left is trying too hard.
Something is cooking.
They know something is coming soon.
same shit, different day
If there was a 1080p video of Trump pissing in a whores butt, he'd go up by 1000 points in my book... and i'm not alone
This squat's for you, Vlad!
t. shill
get out urbanfag
im concerned with the question and the digits
make me, I've been here since last summer.
looks like this one is the one that will end Blumpf
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who aren't ultra high IQ city people
What the ACTUAL FUCK???!!?!?9
How can you possibly even THINK that your opinion matters if you're not part of the global metropolitan elite you dumb, inbred, stupid motherfuckers you don't even deserve to LIVE for fuck's sake
big fat kikey bastard piece of shit. fits perfectly with the fat jew bastard pedos on here
>a blunt force snear campaign
cool this might even lower the msm's prestige even more
party animal trump
oh yeah? suckin on strange assholes like it's goin out of fashion
Hi Share Blue! Nice try!
Fake as fuck!
muh leafs blow dogs reeee
>cancels tariffs
everything said on here has long ago lost all mustre now
fuck you Mikhail
hi dugin. you source from the daily bowel movement all the time. project roman goddess. occulus. plvs vltra. epstein. moore. tory smith. putin pedo. stormy
Trump is Caligula-tier now
I love having the excuse to post THIS
>implying this is a bad thing
the people loved Caligula
>Philo of Alexandria and Seneca the Younger describe Caligula as an insane emperor who was self-absorbed, angry, killed on a whim, and indulged in too much spending and sex.[104] He is accused of sleeping with other men's wives and bragging about it,[105] killing for mere amusement,[106] deliberately wasting money on his bridge, causing starvation,[107] and wanting a statue of himself erected in the Temple of Jerusalem for his worship.[100] Once, at some games at which he was presiding, he ordered his guards to throw an entire section of the audience into the arena during the intermission to be eaten by the wild beasts because there were no prisoners to be used and he was bored.[108][clarification needed]
Truly based he was
Have a (You)
he unironically was pretty based. sure he was a bit of a hedonist - and he got worse towards the end - but he was considered a populist of his time and the senate fucking hated him because he would purposefully humilate them.
Give me a quick rundown on this guy.
public humiliation is part of the ritual.
Caligula most likely had bipolar (from hyperthyroidism) and was a known epileptic. Theodore Roosevelt had bipolar.
You spelled statistical fact wrong, anushunter7000
>Sheldon Adelson's hotel
>Rob Goldstone
that's a Mossad kompromat and then they sold the info to the GRU
my feelings don't care about your facts, canuck
literally /ourguy/