What's his endgame?
Overthrowing the Rothschild hegemony. Either that or he's working For the Rothschilds.
world domination..?
i thought it was extremely obvious
just another autocrat consolidating power in a country where the overwhelming majority are dirt poor while corrupt fags like him sit pretty on top. putin is of the same mold. sad to the US heading the same direction.
Killing muslims with flamethrowers
How is he so tactical?
I'm pretty sure you don't pull off what he has done unless you're a master tactician.
regional empire, asia and africa.
become the domaint power in the pacific.
after that displace america as the global hegemony power
>overwhelming majority are dirt poor
you are 20 years out of date
poverty in china was previously defined as living at less than $2 per day. if that's your standard, sure.
Practice strategy/tactics:
- In games/sports
- In argument/debate
- In predicting if not participating in politics or finance.
Keep healthy and strong, read, eliminate bad habits, surround yourself with the right people.
A powerful Nationalist-Racialist nation that serves the interests of the Chinese Han race.
Russia-China axis are the only bastions of White and Yellow civilization.
*with the Rotschilds
The Chinese today are a bastardized han watered-down with centuries of invading northern tribes.
Only the most elite are likely to be the most ethnically Chinese.
>cutting down all the trees
>turning all the steel in china into useless crap
>sending china back to the stone age
Replacing America as the center of the world.
To be the first Chinese person that people can recognize in a crowd.
Browsing Sup Forums instead of working is my bad habit
criminally underrated
Remove communism and accept the Mandate of Heaven. China will be an empire again.
Supplanting the jew. They're too distracted to even notice.
president for life
hes gotten himself into the constitution, hes getting rid of term limits, using corruption laws to eliminate enemies...
wont be long now
that pic is so unnerving
fucking chinks man.. they have no soul