So with Trump signalling he won't defend the Second Amendment from grabby state politicians...

So with Trump signalling he won't defend the Second Amendment from grabby state politicians, you're all going to turn in your guns, right?

>when someone gives an opinion that doesn't fit mine
Ah yes, the thinking man's meme

>Rights are negotiable

Neck yourself cuck.

Get back to work, Frank.

Nope, I'm going to war and killing Jews and tyrants.


Soon nigger, soon.

i love my guns but they shouldnt be a right.

Are you willing to die trying to strip us of our rights?

Actually I've been considering making myself an AR-15 from an 80% lower. I wouldn't turn that in to anyone.


>shouldnt be a right.

speech and guns are not the same thing user

if you use a router it's really messy, you need a shop vac and a mask

Guns protect speech, speech protects guns.

I'm a leaf and even I can see that.

I support the arming of trained responsible militias.

t. Brainlet

Can you read? He said it shouldn't be a right for fucks sake.
Also this is the internet, you can't really try intimidating people with your guns here...

>He doesn't register his mind as a lethal weapon.

fucking pleb.



>ill call this guy a faggot on Sup Forums that'll show him

he's right though

im in college lol

He is a faggot though.

You are obviously a faggot, let's be real.

It's true only faggets would use a board like this

can confirm im am fagget

I will turn my bullets into Trump yes

fucking boating accidents, man

they happen every day

>Trump signalling he won't defend the Second Amendment
Fuck off, shill.

the right to bear arms ensures all other rights

>red state passes gun control laws after President advocates for it
I support trump, but you donald redditors are insufferable sacks of shit. His 145d chess move bit him in the ass in regards to Florida

OK so what kind of genetic freak do you have to be to do this to your ear? I've been trying this for a good five minutes now and it won't stay, it just flops back out. Can anybody here accomplish this?

Im going to hide my guns inside my floorboards and report them stolen by niggers if they ever try to take them away and I implore every other US citizen to do the same.

I tried doing that right not and broke my ear. Thanks.