How much does a house in USA like this cost ?

how much does a house in USA like this cost ?

This looks amazing

Other urls found in this thread:,pf_pt/globalrelevanceex_sort/30.059926,-95.17417,30.058027,-95.175887_rect/18_zm/,_Houston#Crime_rate

It costs living in a 56% white country and the possibility of being shot by a nigger at literally any given time

>cut and good well maintained grass

white people neighbour hood right?

There must be a lot qt blondies there

It's Houston. So I'd say $400,000

thats not a lot
that house would cost 1-2 million here, not joking


there are parts of the US that a house like that in a safe neighborhood can cost about $200k, in Houston that is probably closer to $500k

Depends where it's at.
Could be as cheap as 100k in the countryside or several times that if you live in or near at big city

in California it would be about that, because of how jacked up that state is

That would go for about 150k in my town.

You could build a house like that in Ireland for about 250,000 euros (including land)

It says the price right on the curb.

are large amounts of land cheap in Ireland? there's a 40 acre farm with dilapidated house and new barn for sale for $89k near me that I might end up buying

ireland is a fucking wet shithole like it is here you dumb nigger

How common is it to build a house Stateside? Your houses are poorly built from I've seen. Here we insulate well, put down a good foundation with brick-cavity walls. Houses in the states seem to be made of wood, plywood kind of shit. And you get a grand for a solar panels. I saw sweltering sun over in the US with zero solar panels I couldn't understand it.

depends where house is located

That house + land would cost 3 mil here

t. Vancouver

you know there are real estate sites where you can easily browse homes/properties for sale throughout the US, right?
why did you happen upon this particular property and location?

Average about 9,000 euros an acre for agricultural land but its going up quick. Its very hard to get it rezoned. A site of 1-3 acres could cost anywhere from 40,000 - 170,000 depending. You have to get planning permission which is a total scam and pay rates to the council. A good farm with sheds and a house plus 40 acres would probably cost half a million euro here. You'd have about 40-50 cattle on the land, all grassfed.

100-150k in WNY

That neighborhood goes for around $300k a house

Funny all I here English people say is Ireland reminds them of England back in the good old days.

Better picture. It’s just north of Houston

It costs $4000, read the top left box of your own picture, op.

And be owned by chinks

In Sacramento, that's probably $450 to $600K.
$300,000 gets you a clapped out shithole in an intregrated (nigger fuxated) neighborhood.
Rising interest rates should put downward pressure on the prices, but people fleeing the Gay Area keep it propped up, along with the kike realtors and their (((lobby))) in DC.
You can get 10 acres an hour from town for $100K, but fees like (((traffic mitigation))) and shortage of builders means you'll be right back to a half million for a home, and you'll also have a commute in shitty Cali traffic.

You can't compare "USA" to your country. USA is as big as Europe and of course you will find very cheap houses in the USA, but so you will in Romania or Bulgaria or even Hungary and Poland.

Housing prices are all about location, location, location and then some of the actual house and plot.

If you want to compare roughly, compare California with Germany or Britain and the inner cities of any commercial hub are pretty much the same all over the west. The same goes for true prime locations in the millions.

For Luxemburg your should compare Seattle with your "country".

What website is that?

More info if you really want it.


Around 300k,_Houston#Crime_rate

75% white, 8% asian, 5% nigger or so

Didn't flood during Harvey, shouldn't flood in any other storm

Revising my Sacramento estimate due to size of house:
$550 to $750K

That would make it in the Woodlands which is known around here in Houston for being stuck up/full of haughty pricks. AKA Ex-Californians

Thats a really nice house.. Brick structure will make a building last hundreds of years (look at all the building in NYC that are hundred(s) years old.

The price is mostly based on the real-estate value (the land value basically). That one is dallas.. If it is in the outskirts/suburbs that house would probably be worth $350,000 since its a simple design... If it was close to the urban center it would probably be worth 350K-750K. Those kinds of brick houses, for some reason, arent in as high demand as it might seem like (i guess theyre too white or represent colonialism or something.)

Woops i meant houston, sorry bout that.

Been browsing it for real estate in the Dakotas. Really good prices, at least from what I can see. Even cheaper than East Germany which is already significantly lower than anything in the West. But then again they are huge and literally noone lives there.

Why don't you make your white ethno-state there, instead of just talking about it on some stream with le vore face?

Because Texas is Right wing multicultural. We refuse to give up our Texmex

I'll buy it

Cant wait for ahmed and his pals to burst into your living room, throw acid in your face, then rape your mom in front of you.

Okay, become Mexico then.

>qually, and more politically awkward for many Jews, we must save the pro-immigration argument from its own most extreme and uncritical proponents. Especially from those who see unchecked illegal immigration from Mexico (in the 1990s the source of one-third of all immigration to the United States and fully 50 percent of illegal immigration) as a brilliant strategy in an undeclared, low-intensity, and thus far remarkably successful war of Reconquista. With over 8 percent of Mexico's population already here, and who knows what additional percentage on the way, the notion of a de facto Reconquista, especially in the Southwest where the Mexican share of immigration is astronomical, sounds less and less like nativist hyperbole.

wow. cheap as hell.

Do those (timber frame) houses last indefinitely or do they have to get demolished after say 50 years? In the British Isles houses are way more expensive (assuming you're near a city) but they're made of two rows of cement blocks (seperated by a cavity, for insulation).

I just don't understand the price difference. Especially given that the USA is wealthier (apart maybe from around London)

depends on the location, that house could be $40,000 to $4,000,000+

LMAO! Just like the fucking meme video

The irony is killing me, Mohammed. I'll try not to laugh when your gf gets browned and then sprayed down with acid.

About the same in NJ, plus at least 15k a year in taxes.

I used to live in North Dakota. It was a nice, empty, agriculturally based state, without too much diversity. Even there, though, the feminist crowd managed to gain a foothold. We had to rename our university hockey team from “the Fighting Souix” to “The Hawks.”


They need minor repairs every so often (about once every 3-6 months) and then need a major overhaul every 20 or so years (new carpet, new roof, alot of drywall needs to be replaced, some studs, some of the wood amongst other minor repairs.)

It is common with these kinds of structures to replace the roof, sometimes including the wood, and to replace the carpet and some of the structural wood and drywall and other elements which are ornemental in nature such as skirts etc..

That's fucking sweet! 3k sq ft? That's easy 500k & 18k taxes in my area.

You have to keep them up but they last a while if you do.. Most houses will easily go for 200 years if there wasnt fueding/jurisdictional things involved.

Yeah, that's the problem. Even if you got rid of all that "diversity", you'd still be stuck with socialism, feminism, post-modernism and all the rest of the cancer.

At the end of the day just getting married, making white children and being a good father and provider to them is the best you can do. Certainly better than waste away hours, days, weeks on Sup Forums or some internet stream.

Unfortunately, virtually no new houses in the US are timber framed. They are almost all platform framed. And if they aren’t platform framed, they are probably balloon framed.

Our new houses aren’t built to last.

Family sold one like that for $650,000 in Northern Virginia recently. Expensive because it's nigger free, you can drive down to 7/11 to enslave some Mexicans for the afternoon and your kids go to schools specifically meant to get them into a good school, which this state is full of.

Cheaper areas like in West Virginia, you might get a mansion for $300,000. The price is living in the middle of nowhere and being far from the grocery store and great school... but it's usually worth being in a nigger free area and paying less.


It's in Kingwood.

am Woodlands, can confirm

nope. there are no whites in houston anymore. that house will go for about 200k and itll be robbed a few times

How much would this cost in yurope?

>4 beds 5 baths 4,225 sqft

Houston? Maybe 300-400K
Sillycon Valley? Maybe 3-4M

In So Cal, $2million. In Mississippi, $150k

in texas and oklahoma, there actually is some bona fide brick houses. less common than it used to be, but still some.

I live in coastal Florida and my house is very similar to that one. Mine was purchased for 270k in 1999.

really? It looks like shit


They last for quite a while. I live right near the canadian border so harsh winters, and my home was built in 1943.

There's plenty of 100+ year homes around, however once you start getting too far back, the issue becomes the foundation since they didn't have modern concrete. You can still fix the old foundations but it's more expensive.

>Brick structure
The structure isn't brick, that's just brick veneer over stick built. Brick isn't structural in Texas for anything except really old commercial buildings.

Europe is a contient of 54 countries, and the price is completely different depending on if its rural or urban.

So depending on all the different variables I guess somewhere between 50,000-2,000,000$.

Western Yurope in a major city

>5 beds 5 baths 4,560 sqft

Already explained: you can't just say how in Europe or USA.

Platform framing is MUCH easier to maintain than timber framing, and far cheaper to maintain.

Try getting a 6x6x25 timber post these days.
Nevermind jacking up THE ENTIRE HOUSE to replace load-bearing timber. It takes a crew of 5 dudes to do this.

It's much easier to get a couple of 2x4x10 planks, jack up the platform on either side, and perform an in-place replacement of bad studs. One person can do this. Rent a couple of 10 foot jacks, measure and cut the wood as needed, remove the old studs after jacking up the section, replace, lower, and nail it with a brace.

You can rebuild an entire wall like this for under $1000.

It's in Texas so cheap probably like 300,000

Here house like that costs over million

In England, between 500k to a mill or more depending on how close to London. That's pounds, for dollars add 38 percent

>a brick mailbox

>white warrior 1488
>I am the proud descendant of British, Irish, French, German, Scandinavian, Finnish, Italian, and the broadly European DNAs
>I'm white you guys!
>I also gave my gene data to the sister of the Jewish owner of (((google)))

Oops didn't spot the size of it, 1-5 million pounds, again depending on proximity to London


Within a 2 million population metro area in western yurope

>5 beds 4 baths 4,100 sqft


>5 Bedrooms
what a beautiful home to raise a large white family.

Do both

In CA pic related costs $1,000,000, just fuck my shit up man.

3k square feet Jesus that house is massive.

>30% black and hispanic

HA that's by my house

Shitty area: $150-200k
Nice area: $700k-1M
Always look into proximity to a major city can’t be too close can’t be too far otherwise undesirables



That's probably the worst image of Cuckdeau. And that says a lot!

In or near the city - about a million ($1,000,000) and that’s even for a kind shitty house.

In the country side - $350,000 and that will get you a nice new one.

that house would be around €800.000 in the netherlands

Who lives there?


Depends where.
Could be $200,000.
Could be a million+.

They are confined to the ghetto in America

>7 beds 6 baths 4,268 sqft

Gotta love living in Wine Country.

Yes, but platform framing is also much weaker, much more prone to structural damage, and much MUCH more susceptible to fire. Timber frames can last for centuries, but a platform frame is usually projected to last less than 100 years.

The other problem no one is talking about in US homes is that the lumber is almost always cut from second growth softwoods. They’re lower lignin than the woods being used 100 years ago.

Way less than 350k. In the capital of my state you can get a full blown mansion with pool, weight room, theater room, for only 1mil. Living in a rural state is great except the cities are lacking in stuff to do compared to the bigger places. Other than that its nice being able to walk home at night without worrying about tyrone and his buds. This would cost you 30-40k where I live.

around here (twin cities) probably like 400 grand +

>Brick structure will make a building last hundreds of years
That is not a brick structure. It is a wood frame, possibly cement, house with a 1 layer facade of brick in place of siding.

>MFW these smuggie faggots will be getting beheaded while screaming their meme insults