Why are feminists so fucking retarded, Sup Forums?
Because you have to be retarded to be a feminist
>t. the eternal virgins
I'm a feminist but I don't act like these retard
a leaf
This is a new low.
>Trudeau posting on Sup Forums
>mfw Trudeau is the obamaleaf
Go rake yourself. Your opinion will always be irrelevant in every thread.
Day of the Rake soon
I'm with you.
Feminists make for strong leaders.
Tell me, why does she wear the mask?
>le virgin maymay
i'd rather pull it of her hip than her face Turdeau
and does she die if we pull it off?
Si pasa la ley de igualdad me tiro de un edificio
for fuck's sake i didn't watch tv today
where is this, plaza de mayo?
Calm down irrational psycho ameritard.
you expected something more reasonable? women are a few notches above animals, but even animals can be trained to be loyal.
anda preparando el redbull que pasa de una
y la de aborto ni te cuento
Why haven't i thought of that before
none of them #grannypanny masks...
Just an observation.
It'll be extremely erotic.
This is projection at it's finest, anons.
>1 absense of parenting
>2 so cult steps in and take over (this is the case for all cults)
>3 patriarchy brainwashing (this part i don't understand)
>4 they think being a "nasty woman" is "fighting the patriarchy"
Figure out the propaganda in step 3, you'll figure out everything
My wife's sister tried to knock me out the other night . What kind of sicko laces their panties with chloroform ?
At least they are not land whales
They are literally a meme
Feminists are the female equivalent to beta males
Can’t wait for all Private Business to fuck off because they are forced to overpay women to “fix” the “wagegap” lmao
Guess that means more taxes for me
Holy shit this is amazing. We have to meme fat American slobs into doing the same thing for lulz.
Lots of americans are incredibly unstable, face the facts stop with the cognitive dissonance.
maybe we aren't white but girls in here look nice
>rare Yuri
Yes, Justin, you do. Hate to break it to you.
Mmmmhmmmhmm.... Delicious
would love to bear children with this pure Christian woman
Alright. Which one of you fuckers did this?
There’s a primary school that teaches writting with X instead of A or O to include both genders.
Some retxrdxd shit like these so everyxne can feel included
Send help
Feminists are girl soybois. THIS IS GOOD IDEA
Oh yeah, I have seen that bullshit here too, it makes everything confusing as fuck because most words are gendered in spanish
I feel you, boludo
Do You have a none blurry link to that or an webpage?
>mfw they need a man even to teach them how to wear pantsu on head
Something about female brains being inferior?
gracias huevon
por lo menos chile esta a salvo, por ahora
Probably some Sup Forumstard...no definitely some Sup Forumstard
Because women are fucking retarded.
hacelo stream
oh, for fuck's sake
>ad hominem
>I'm a feminist but I don't act like these retard
Well, maybe not like "these" retards, but you are certainly retarded
lmao this meme...
please just nuke us
A fucking leaf
bitch lasagna
>panties on face retarded
Feminists really like to set themselves up, don't they
I would ask her to take off her panties so I could participate
I'll teach those fuckers, I'll wear my panties on my face.
No idea but have a picture
I feel sorry for these women. Every advantage they had over men is ignored by them and instead try to compete against men in things created by men. They cant so they complain and men relent and lower the bar of excellece, ruining evreything so debbie can feel involved. A womans most powerful feature is the nag. They are going to nag the world into sweden and then throw their hands up and say not my fault.
Google (((Freud's))) concept of Penis-envy.
In short: Women are born inferior (less physical strength, unreasonable thinking due to hormonal fluctuation), plus they carry children and are reminded of that every month. Than they see men: Strong, able to shape the world around them, ... and they become depressed because of their inferiority.
I hate All You Cunts. I hate you Mom for raising me to be a fucking Cuck Soy Boy and let these FUCKING BITCHES take advantage of me. I hate all feminists and Cunt Bank Tellers who are Cunty to me when I withdraw my money and That Cunt Bitch at the Cunt Grocery Who gives me her Cunt Eyes when I buy doughnuts at discount after 6pm because it's the only thing that makes me happy.
Fuck all women. Can we start the fucking war NOW ??? !!! so I can get my retribution. WHORES AND THOTS each and all. Fuck I hate women. Fucking CANCER to this world Fucking spank them all until blood is drained into the ground. FUCKING PLAGUE.
Alt-right virgin losers scared of women once again, what a surprise.
They are women, and without a controlling hand.
So they subconsciously do anything they can to provoke it.
2nd mars, 2018, michael savage
Inb4 Planned Parenthood in Peronia
What is the source of the poison in Argentina's mainstream media?
>muslim rape baby
That would be quality bantz if there was a solid reeee somewhere.
at first she was charming, then she did that thing with her fingers and she looks like she thinks she's on mtv or something
I would rather fuck a dumb possum that just got hit by a Peterbilt during a Chem Trail Rain.
Damn the JEW to hell. Purge the Cancer from this Nation.
We will Manifest Hitler NOW through the meditation of Germanic Carrots.
How many proud anglos got their face sprayed with acid today?
women are idiots.
Dont they thow people like you off the roof in your country? Asking for my girlfriend
My Ass!
>women are retarded
more news at 11
>1 post by this id
i will rake you
lack of knowledge, logical thinking, job and hobby.
Feminism is the proof of female inferiority:
Intellectually, morally, work morals, civility, socially, physically, ....
Argentinian feminists are top tier retarded, that image of the screaming feminists that is frequently posted here is from Argentina also.
money would be a safe bet.
also all the fucking media is shilling for this feminist bullshit and (((abortion))).
Hey I recognise those tits
No thanks
Sniff sniff
Let them have their fun. You know once they hit 35 it’s pretty much over for them
not their fault.
The day of the rake will come soon, leaf.
Wtf I respect women now