The Jews are turning against Louis Farrakhan and the NOI
It’s happening
Other urls found in this thread:
>Don JR retweeted something about this
>Trump calls a filthy jew a globalist in front of all the media and they scream antisemite
W-whats next? I think it's safe to say the goyim know.
Oy vey, the blacks know
Hannity played a clip of Farrakhan on his show last night. It was of Farrakhan saying Jews did 9/11
Children. The Nation of Islam has *always* been against (((them))). Malcom X spoke against (((them))) and Farrakhan has been this way since the 70's.
>The lobbying group on Tuesday called for the following lawmakers to step down: Reps. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Danny Davis, D-Ill.; Andre Carson, D-Ind.; Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y.; and Al Green, D-Texas.
This is a good list. Well done.
Yeah, gotta give the jews some credit. Getting rid of maxine would ne hilarious. Shes one of the biggest poverty pimps on the left.
louis farrakhan is the real based black
Ouroboros .. they're beginning to eat themselves
>unironically posting an inverted pentagram
She’s promising reparations for votes this year kek.
(((They))) killed Malcom X, and (((they))) know they can’t get away with killing Farrakhan so they’re just trying to make him look crazy
His entire twitter feed is full of redpills and love for his race
NoI is ideologically aligned with Sup Forums. People screaming about "niggers" and "Muslims" don't understand why NoI was necessary to defend against Jewry. They are pro-family, anti-degeneracy, and most importantly, believe that the blacks should have their own country apart from whites. If you want to be an ignorant retard who screams about niggers all day but still wants to live with them and watch them mix with your sisters, daughters, and wives, then go ahead and vote Republican. The real solution comes from allyship with NoI and a united front against multiculturalism and Jewry
spicy sauce?
I love the clip where he's says succinctly, "the jewewwesss, are my enemy!"
I linked the clip in my post mate.
Reminder....Every racially divisive thread on Sup Forums is made by Jews in order to pit us against one another instead of focusing on the real enemy.
correct i still don't want you anywhere around me..
This happened 20+ years ago, n00b
...lack of education?
I do know the FBI put “black identity extremists” as a threat. Expect false flags soon where the perpetrator was a “black identity extremist”
Farrakhan reps the Christ. I love Minister Farrakhan and i 100% trust and donate to the Nation of Islam.
100% truth and 100 can't be broken ever again.
You move on Farrakhan, it's death. When he leaves/departs, expect great war.
ah thanks
Who makes these images? Are they just willfully ignorant of the Jew dick that Trump sucks?
This time thought the putsch must continue.
Are people seriously in support of the nation of Islam on here? i don't know what to take seriously anymore.
that burn, trolls these days..
The Jews have ALWAYS hated Farrakhan. But this is good. You can now get the Jews and gays to complain, and then throw in all the other anti-white shit Farrakhan has said over the years - how whites are the devil, that they were created by Yakub and how they;re inferior to blacks etc.
This is a GOLDEN opportunity, don't side with this nigger just because he attacked Jews - this has the potential to bring him down for good.
Yes, but (((they))) have recently restarted their campaign against black nationalists. The black lives matter movement started getting redpilled on Jews and now their trying to fight a tide of anti semitism in black communities( aka blacks found the truth)
The Alt Right and NOI should join forces.
The best way to beat the Jews is to promote nationalism. Not only amongst ourselves but other races too.
AHAHAHA he has the kikes in a total meltdown down
The Alt-Right isn't fucking real. They're all zionist controlled opposition.
wtf i love hannity
Richard Spencer is a fucking zionist. The Alt-Right isn't real.
>jew blusters for 10+ paragraphs
This bump
you're at Sup Forums you must be kidding, 95% of the people here are borderline retarded
Yes! Get rid of all those scum
>jews are turning against louis farrakhan
t. underage newpol retard. Farrakhan and the nation of islam in general, has ALWAYS shat on jews. ALWAYS. He has been called out by jewish groups since the early 90s for talk like this.
When will you understand they play both sides
give the niggers their nation in the south
You're here so...
Should that image not say “THAS REICH”?
I like your thinking user.
Use their work to our benefit.
this is the adl and alike who think the intenational 'ok' symbol flashed by the alt right meant white power. they believe it or something
Yes, but they have recently restarted their campaign against him because the black community is increasingly getting redpilled on the Jews, so their trying to stem the tide by making an example of him.
You noticed, you fix.
The Alt-Right comes up with these (((memes))) and operations. The only reason they do this is so that the media has a target in order to perpetuate the myth of antisemitism.
Question, in the same way Germans are expected to feel guilty over the Holocaust.
Do you feel guilty for inventing Communism/Socialism & the fiat money system?
Y'know, the two greatest threats & causes of hardship the world has ever known.
Don’t let Geek Squad anywhere near your devices
Those comments are total chaos.
Love it.
>Jews not liking Muslims
>Muslims not liking Jews
Why was this thread made? Neither of them are dropping redpills. It's two abrahamic death cults fighting over who has the biggest dick.
>>they have called for these lawmakers to step down and no wonder why, watch this:
lmfao i'm in fucking tears!
>Trump’s peace plan doesn’t sound like Trump
>The Donald Trump who proclaimed Jerusalem the capital of Israel cannot be the same Donald Trump now willing to cut the baby in half.
>Report: Trump Peace Plan Would Recognize Palestinian State With Capital in Eastern Jerusalem
>Reports in the last several months have suggested the Saudi Crown Prince has adopted a stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is favorable to Netanyahu.
>Mueller team looking into possible United Arab Emirates money into Trump campaign: report
>Major Jewish GOP donor moves into sights of Trump probe
>Robert Mueller said to be looking at Elliot Broidy, who gave George Nader 'detailed report' on meeting with president
>Netanyahu-backer named in new probe into UAE attempts to influence Trump: report
Actually Jews are quite proud of inventing the ideas of Socialism, many good things came from it.
As for Communism, Goyim are responsible for 'bundling' it, so no one really blames Jews.
I still don't want niggers and muslims living with me.
Communism was invented by Jews you fucking retard.
You're a fucking kike shill and that's your go to talking point. You kikes have a list of shit you say over and over, no wonder you're losing so badly.
Like what?
You didn't answer the part bout fiat money system.
Even if it was, Goyim did the killing.....and you sure weren't silent about it
I don't know about Fiat's money system
I'm not even gonna argue with you, I'm just gonna sit back and watch as your entire world crumbles around you.
You do realize that exposing the corruption in America is going to lead to the destruction of Israel right?
>arguing with a kike
he can do it all day lol
Officially off the reservation
Nice links. It's especially funny considering you're mentioning the UAE - seeing as they're Israel's unofficial ally in the region, with them working together over a range of issues, from Egypt to Libya, with UAE being the broker/middle man in Israel's arm sales. Do more research before making a fool of yourself.
>Trump presents Netanyahu with US plan for thwarting Iran’s ingress to Syria
See the next DEBKA Weekly for an exclusive on the US military plan President Trump showed Prime Minister Netanyahu for thwarting Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani’s drive for a foothold in Syria.
The Israeli prime minister was about to ask the president to retain US troops in Syria east of the River Euphrates as the most effective bulwark against the passage of pro-Iranian forces to and from Iraq. He was preempted. The US president bowled him over with a detailed plan for the US military to do exactly that – in combination with Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Trump’s operational plan, together with his program for a US military role in Syria, is revealed in the coming issue.
The state globalists will always silence those who tell the truth. All who spout truth against the criminal elite are either silenced or killed, the ottomons, the nazis and the muslims know this all too well.
Tick tock
Can I get a quick rundown on who is this guy?
>not an argument
Figured as much. Continue pasting links, pastas and images of things you have absolutely no understanding of - you're the one that comes out looking stupid here, not us.
Still tell me what good has come from Socialism.
Well before you lot came up with fiat, the rest of us just used money as a receipt for precious metals like gold/ silver.
Then you lads decided to just get central bank to print money (not backed by anything) which is then lent to the government at interest, which put the rest of us in debt (modern slavery)
What are they talking about? Don't they watch MTV Decoded hosted by the Honorable Dr. Franchesca Ramsey? Black people can't be racist.
He hates Jews and drops redpills constantly
Most Jewish post of the thread
the future belongs to Sup Forums
No fuck you, even if they are the whites enemy we must support them so they can help us bring down the greater enemy.
What are the Jews going to hit him with?
Sexual assault allegations? Or are they going to go straight to the cheese pizza? Fucking rotten, stinking kikes and their pet rats the FBI make me sick.
yah I am part of the 5% unfortunately someone has to lead you idiots which means we have to slum. Since you were apparently offended by that statement enough to throw quip shows which side of the line you fall on
I love it when the jews get named
Some of the benefits of socialism in countries are:
>Improving the education of the masses hereby giving them a voice against the rich
>Improving the standing of women
>Installing systems of social security for the old and infirm
>Imposing restrictions on the sale and purchase of a country's resources and land to private sectors.
If you Goyim say we are responsible to the system of modern currency and money printing I'll take it.
All those replies by blue pills. They conveniently use common sense instead of eating the shit they've been serving the right.
>As the leader of NOI, Farrakhan has preached the organization's theology that blacks are superior to whites, that whites were created 6,600 years ago as a "race of devils" by an evil black scientist named Yakub, and that "white people deserve to die."
Based Farrakhan.
Then stop coming here... simple really