Why does anime look like shit now?
Why does anime look like shit now?
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Because it's not written or directed by autistic old men anymore
Because your hobby is seeing how many dicks you can fit in your mouth at once.
It doesn't, and you're making the good anime of old look bad by association with your faggotry. THis is coming from a guy who enjoys the old anime aesthetic, as well.
There is literally nothing wrong with VLC.
They do, though, for the most part. The worst of it is the horrible fuzzy outlines. They make QUALITY look twice as bad.
Cause nowadays producers are in charge of both writing and art. Eg the two things producers care the least about.
Another thing is that each generation is more stupid and more spoiled than the one before. If you or one of your parents work at a school, you can easily check that this isn't just something I made up.
>mad newfag because he can't be spoonfed sauce from vlc filenames
>tfw no animes visuals will ever blow you away as much as when going from 0079 to zeta
>over detail shading
keep it simple
Man, I really miss how they used to draw girls.
She looks beautiful
>shading so bad you can't even tell where the light is coming from and makes the character look like he has vitiligo
I like old anime aesthetic, but all of the TV UC Gundam were animated like garbage, Zeta Gundam included.
It looks good in a still frame from time to time, but for the most part its animated like garbage and looks meh even when still most of the time.
Beautiful name, too.
70's or 80's, which do you prefer?
they put a lot more money into anime in the 80's
What are you talking about? Looks great
>all of the TV UC Gundam were animated like garbage, Zeta Gundam included.
Why are you so open about not watching much anime on an anime image board?
Zeta is pretty solid looking for a TV series most of the time. Not amazing or anything, but solid.
>You have a different opinion from me, you must not much anime much, casual.
Fuck off faggot.
Zeta looks like garbage compared to most TV anime from the decade, especially mid 80s when it came out.
Rumiko Takahashi anime look better, any Adachi Mitsuru anime looked better, Dragon Ball looked better, any Dezaki anime looked better (Funny since Tomino ripped directly from him direction-wise), and other 80s mecha like Macross and Votoms especially looked better despite being released years earlier.
>Zeta looks like garbage compared to most TV anime from the decade, especially mid 80s when it came out.
It really doesn't.
why was anime so bad back then?
You shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.
Agree, 90s OVA GR did good
It really does.
Post some good cuts from Zeta that aren't from the OP. It's easy find the occasional shot from a show like Zeta that looks good, but the animation in the show was always bad, and it only rarely had some neat looking shots.
>I have no arguments left I b-b-better shitpost to pretend like i'm not butthurt.
Stay mad faggot.
This man speaks the truth.
Please kill yourself.
I'm not arguing that Zeta looked exceptional or that it had an abundance of great animated scenes. But is it woefully below par for its time? No. It's pretty average.
Watch more anime.
It looked even worse pre-2000
Because you're trying too hard to fit in.
the industry destroyed the animes (in general). It is basically very shallow formulas, light novel and Fordian model.
Fucking peabrain. That problem used to be way worse in the 70's and 80's. Almost everything released back then was a children's show or Gundam.
I think it's too much digital shading. Compare old Goku's jet black hair with his current Super hair. It looks like it's made of metal.
That and the general style most artists seen to follow, but there was one back then too and that becomes subjective.
>Why do modern anime look so shit
>Z-z-zeta looked good for its time.
Because the economic bubble burst
Now take your meds and go back to sleep Otaking jii-san
CGI killed anime.
Digital means less effort
You've gotten old
Fan pandering
How in the heck would someone not know where the OP is from, yet manage to make their way on to this board?
>Doesn't understand that vlc is just bad.