Late night edition
Sup Forumsbalk/ Balkan thread
daily reminder fuck s*rbia
sandzak je bosna, dalmacija je bosna
Caмo бeз глyпocти Caшкo.
Butthurt lol
nah, not again it's not interesting anymore my turkoanglo fellow
I will NEVER pay for software. I must have pirated 100k $ worth of apps and games so far.
bulgarians are made to be cute girls!
Go away Mustafa.
tesha je neironicno bazza.. steta sto je 1/4 m*djar
Mи ce eбe ми ce плaчe
if there are girls ITT, post feet
> I must have pirated 100k $ worth of apps and games so far.
I've snorted more than 100k up my nose in a single weekend. why are b*lkanites so poor?
why is ur stupid birth rate so low u stupid stupidheads
Aj ponovi?
kaze mu Dalmatinko
top 5 balkan nations
1. austrria
Now THIS is a good thread.
they go to breed in G*rmany and Ireland
You especially belong under my desk servicing my hard cock.
e nemoj tako ja sam slavonac
what kind of retarded fruit is that ?
good post
I've personally shot 100k tomahawk missiles out of sky back in '99, what now?
a pepper?
>proziva nekog drugog da je madjar
ma kek bre
This is truly sad.
selam alejkum djeco ja sam MUSLI MAN
Post cute Balkan anime girls
n-no please
I am to be pure!
Why don't you guys more to the west literally why are you still in the bombed out former warzone that we call the balkans. There is no future there anons. Move to a big western city with a large diaspora community of 100-200K for fucks sake
He kinda looks like my uncle
sta si ti madjar pa si se uvredio? lel
I only hang out with people who have blue eyes and hair
Polish living in Germanistan, I'm dating a Croat girl recently. What should I know? Btw what do you guys think about this watch?
a ne seri wtf
Karadzic appeal hearing happening next month
What can I get for these in Macedonia?
city life is for niggers
fucking gross
why do yugos post on polbalk but not on intbalk?
Sta je ovo bre?
I would rather live here with no money than go out just for money...
Vilage life is for gypsies. Now what?
Post girl and I'll tell you after
London is full of Albanians.. all they do is beg, steal, burglaries, robberies etc.. scum of the earth.
ovo su dva doajena srpskog glumista
>mfw some filthy b*Lkanite tries to talk to me
dosta za ovaj mesec
I love my town. It's comfy, my animals roam free, and I can drive like a madman
I'm happy with being content.
he's from Kuci tribe, EV-13 haplo and he embraced skanderbeg in one of his videos
too bad his video got deleted for some reason
he is descendant of Skenderbeg
I'm not even kidding
that's a 100 buck watch btw..
not many of those here, sorry
So you could make a cock tribute? All you need to know that she is the most beautifull girl I've ever seen and I'm not even overexaggerating.
he is a montenegrin (albanian)
pic or it didn't happen
Croat women are average and you have shit taste
a hooker
>I can drive like a madman
seems you live in slavonia
Nisu svi. Ima i Čeha u Slavoniji, oko Daruvara
You will become my pure sissy cumdumpster.
see we demand proofs
I don't need a expensive watch to flex. It just have to work properly and look good.
>All you need to know that she is the most beautifull girl I've ever seen and I'm not even overexaggerating.
Where are proofs
I would fuck you I wouldn't even blink
Montenegrins are not albanians they look more Croatian than anything but that's only looks.
kvarner. forest roads best roads. Roads are still icy and my abs sensor shat the bed lol
Zajebavas da ovo postoji?
video sam ga jednom uzivo kod skupstine kada sam isao da cuvam transparente zrtava koji su patkice, komunjare, neolevicari i normici unistili dan pre toga kada su protestovali protiv vucica, pozdravio se lik sa svima, bas je bazza lik.
I see you are a man of culture
What is going on in this video? Is chocolate haram? Did evil serb give them chocolate? Are bosnians normally this white?
This thot Sofia Castrioti is the grandgrandgrandgrandgrand...daughter of Skanderbeg
If what you say is true, these two are related
watch it there you retarded toothpaste
we may steal shit sometimes but we'd rather break your teeth for saying we beg than beg you anything
La creaturas
I like sissies to be lively. Blinking and moaning included.
You have gay taste. Only watch allowed : picrel
her hair is a like a corn field, it reminds me of milk and honey
it's unbelievable how good she is and what I would do to her
fuck off diaspora. Declare yourself, from which balkan country do you originate, may god curse you if you lie
what the fuck????
they are way more KARA BOĞA than croats
what an ugly cunt