Explain this open-mouth thing that men are always doing in photos. Some kind of psy-op?
Explain this open-mouth thing that men are always doing in photos. Some kind of psy-op?
Weak family structures promote high divorce rates. Divorces rates lead to female custody. Female custody results in poor role models. Poor role models creates boys who resort to the feminized media as a fatherly figure. Process result? Soyboys
They are weebs wanna-be anime.
Accurate assessment. Thread is now over.
Look how weak, boyish and submissive I am. I am not a threat at all.
It's too signal other men to deposit their semen right in their mouths
"My wife is Asian"
primate fear grimace
That doesn't explain why they open their mouths.
>dude is having fun with his gf
>beta user sees it on their fb account (he's stalking them of course, they're not friends,beta user has no friends not even in the cyber world)
>gets exceedingly jelly because he doesn't have a gf or indeed anyone in his life that cares about him
>post their picture to Sup Forums so the other anonymous no-life losers can nitpick every little perceived flaw (which are actually just insecure projections from the weakly betanon spergs that inhabit this site)
>feel slightly better for 4 seconds
>go back to jerking off to anime instead of making his life better in any measurable amount
>Explain this open-mouth thing that men are always doing in photos
its a leftist male thing
they do it so they show they are surperior to right wing males
Also brownie points from feminists
I mean men often think with their dick after all.
No real surprise here.
That is how they breathe.
Highly educated men tend to be soy. They also tend to come from 2 parent homes. Out of all the people I met in college and grad school, very few came from single parent homes.
A beta father who is subservient to his wife is probably worse than having no father at all.
I was raised by a single mother and I turned out to be manly. I chalk it up to virility/testosterone levels, fitness, and having a concept of manliness that I try to live up to.
I only see white men doing this.
Covering the mouth when surprised or shocked is another thing I only see females and white males doing.
its male duck face and nothing more
They’re probably too worried about how shit their actual smile is so they try to hide it (much like they cover their weak chins with beards a lot).
this tbqh, OP is a faggot and doesn't realise most of these "soy" smiles are either ironic or just their best way to smile without looking ugly.
It's the inner soul crying out in pain.
This explains a lot on here.
Sometimes I think the anonymity is just counterproductive here. So many losers trying to give advice when they don't have their own life in order and just want to bitch. This place is a crutch to the lazy.
it's even more evident because he's a racemixer
I figured it was just supposed to be an overexaggerated cartoon smile, like Spongebob's ridiculous face
Apparently smiling normally isn't unique enough for people
That might be because you've been lucky to not have a retarded bitch mother.