let me just grab my fucking microscope
They got shoa'd for this episode
I liked them to begin with but they became incredibly overbearing with
and spending half their showtime talking about offtopic bullshit and bringing on retard guests who saw bigfoot or faggots who just want to shill their book.
For shitting on kikes a lot they sure do shill for Jew Apron nonstop but I guess you gotta make ends meet somehow. I appreciate the research though, by far the best research of any podcast group save for maybe MU. Dial back on the fucking Jew shit though, we all know it's the Jews we don't need to hear it every fifteen minutes in the most obnoxious way possible.
Was it the Halls and Their Costs episode?
Gas yourself
You gotta listen to their Jan Lamprecht stuff, though.
All they did was repackage stolen memes just like the rest of (((TRS radio network))). Will not be missed.
This. The memes weren't fresh, dank nor spicy. Just a echo chamber. I'm all for some humor while investigating the JQ, but hearing the same shit over and over is just annoying.
Honestly, that show was pretty bad anyway. And Monoxide was going on and on about that pic of the little girl in relation to South Africa farm attacks when it was proven it was a dog attack a while ago. Not that you can expect conspiracytards to actually do any research, but however you feel about TRS's shows, I think it's one of the worst anyway. If it was still on YT, I'm surprised it lasted this long.
Rest assured, these yidrats who fancy themselves arbiters of the internet are going to be in for a rude awakening.
If you haven't listened to them they literally interrupt shit midsentence to say "THE JEWWWWWWWWWWS" in a loud obnoxious voice as if it's funny or something. They rarely did any episodes that actually connected Jews with shit. It wasn't informal or entertaining and it didn't need to be used like punctuation.
I fucking hate Jews and the only time I want to be hearing about them is when either it's interesting information or it's important information. Not just bombarded with "GEORGE SHEKELBEEEEEEERG?" every time a Jew name crops up. Yeah they're Jewish I knew it the first time I heard the name I don't need you to repeat it in a weird voice.
Is this a joke? You're calling TRS stale, stolen memes, while using echoes, which are a meme from TRS. Kill yourself you oblivious leftypol jew.
You're obsessing over minutia so that you have a reason to not associate yourself with the far right.
>I hate alex jones because he doesn't call out the jew!
>Okay, yeah, the paranormies call out the jew, but they do it too much! I'm happy the jews censored them!
>Defending a cult of personality that revolves around a 1/2 kike that was married to a 100% kike.
I hate Alex Jones because he's a disinfo shill known as Bill Hicks placed by the CIA to make the truth seem crazy to normalfags. I don't listen to your fucking show to hear you reaffirm what I already know I listen to it to in order to gain new perspective on things I knew and gain insight and understanding in things I didn't know, not hear you repeat Jew names as loud as possible every single time it's brought up every five seconds and then immediately go to break only to come back with some offtopic bullshit for half an hour. Imagine trying to read a book and every time a character name is said it takes up an entire page by itself and how fucking annoying that'd be. Just fucking do episodes on the JQ nonstop if you're going to make every single episode nothing but shouting Jewish names and offtopic shit.
It's the same reason I stopped listening to Last Podcast on the Left because they didn't fucking talk about what the episode was suppose to be about and just spent all their time shitting on Trump on stupid unfunny offtopic bullshit.
Mysterious Universe is the only good notable paranormal/conspiracy podcast which even addresses the Jewish question, you fuckers had a chance to make a serious informal podcast about conspiracies and the paranormal and tie in Jews in a way that was informal and important which left your viewers with valuable information to take away, instead you turned it into consumerist kike bullshit with nothing but a slew of garbage and nothing substantial.
>You're calling TRS stale
They have become stale after they stopped posting on Sup Forums, preferring i stead to circle jerk with their fans in their own forum.
Ouch, your comment was so bad you can't even defend it?
In your response, I expect you to point our what in my statement
>You're calling TRS stale, stolen memes, while using echoes, which are a meme from TRS.
is false or defensive, as well as providing a source that Enoch is half jewish.
Enoch is not a jew, but you got to admit that the TRS and their fans have mostly stopped posting on Sup Forums, and suffer contentwise from it?
A lot of the content seem to be a rehash of threads in the forum or what Mike said on Twitter, and that is kind of boring.
>implying they didn't steal ((()))
>implying 504um wasn't purged because 23&me was proven to be faked
>implying there aren't a shit ton of clips of kike mike referring to himself as part jew
Go away new fag.
>>implying 504um wasn't purged because 23&me was proven to be faked
Why lie?
>every single episode nothing but shouting Jewish names
I have a feeling you've never watched even a single episode. Because I just watched all of the Hollow earth ones, which is 6 hours of content, and I have yet to hear this "nonstop naming of jews" that you are complaining about.
Take a step back, and just read the post you wrote. You go through mental gymnastice and backwards rationalization and obsession with minutia so that you have an excuse to not associate yourself with anything or anyone because you've been so conditioned to think negatively about the fringe right.
There could be 1 million independent far right groups pop up and you would have an excuse for every one.
Maybe, instead of writing walls of text that nobody including myself read just so you can rationalize your decision to pussy out of everything, just wonder why you are supporting jews for shutting down far-right media.
Why you bouncing from wifi to mobile to same fag?
>Because I just watched all of the Hollow earth ones, which is 6 hours of content, and I have yet to hear this "nonstop naming of jews" that you are complaining about.
So why do you think their show where shoahed?
>Why you bouncing from wifi to mobile to same fag?
I'm not.
I stopped watching a year ago after their soundcloud got shoa'd and they had to hyperlink everything from twitter. The quality went straight downhill and each episode was nothing but TRS memes being repeated verbatim each episode with half of it being nothing but offtopic chatter and the other half being constantly interrupted with memes.
I don't care if you name the Jews, I want you to name the Jews, but I don't want you to constantly SCREAM LIKE A FUCKING HOWLER MONKEY EVERY TIME A JEW NAME COMES UP as if your viewers are too fucking retarded to pick up that, yes, in fact Goldnoseschwitz IS a Jewish name as they suspected. Your logic on how I write isn't sound either, why would I give a shit if someone else doesn't read it? This is for you, it's our discussion.
Sure you aren't. Neither am I.
I expect a source for all these claims and the original claim that you still haven't sourced. You're rebuttal against unsourced BS can't be more unsourced BS.
>TRS and their fans have mostly stopped posting on Sup Forums, and suffer contentwise from it?
That's an interesting idea, but Sup Forums has really gone downhill after the invasion of the_Donald and the civic nationalists. I myself have mostly stopped going on Sup Forums too. I never post on the TRS forums either, because I can't stand namefag forums. It's fully possible that they would get a wider range of content by still going on Sup Forums, which is where they really began. And during TDS, they reference stuff they "saw on Sup Forums the other day" semi-frequently. And on This Hour has 88 minutes, they just did a whole episode based off advice from /k/. I agree that the TRS crowd has began to use Sup Forums less frequently, but it's like that for alot of people who have been here for years. This toothless, civic nationalist, optics-faggotry Sup Forums isn't the same. It's not the hate machine of the internet anymore, its' "Hey, delete that! CNN might screenshot it and make Sup Forums look bad" Sup Forums"
8gag Sup Forums is fine
>Asking for a source that water is wet.
>That's an interesting idea, but Sup Forums has really gone downhill after the invasion of the_Donald and the civic nationalists.
Are you sure that it's not partly because many oldfags now post on the DS forum or the TRS ones?
I know many oldfags now post on Jewtube in stead of Sup Forums so this could also be partly why Sup Forums have suffered, and then you have what I suspect is paid Trump shills shitting up threads that could be a danger to the Trump-cult.
Sup Forumsacks on Jewtube is a good thing though, even if Sup Forums suffers.
Again, where the hell in the most recent Hollow earth series, that had 6 hours of content, is this nonstop "screeching like a howler monkey about jews"? I just listened to it and I don't remember this. I thought it's some nonstop thing that occurs so much you can't watch anymore? Please tell me instead of repeating your same claims again without backing it up or even addressing them.
>I stopped watching a year ago after their soundcloud got shoa'd and they had to hyperlink everything from twitter.
I started watching the paranormies very recently; the oldest one I've seen is from October, most of the ones I've seen have been in 2018. I have yet to hear them do what you are talking about. Maybe they were doing it back then, I don't know. But what I can tell you, is in the 6 or 7 recent episodes I've seen, I have not heard that at all. So maybe if they were doing what you said, they got too many complaints and toned it down.
>Your logic on how I write isn't sound either, why would I give a shit if someone else doesn't read it? This is for you, it's our discussion.
Alright that's fair
>8gag Sup Forums is fine
That is absolute cancer now, as the mods bait quality posters, so they can ban them when they lash out back.
If they've gotten better than I might go back to listening to them.
That may be true but they also get news quicker than Sup Forums, I've noticed this board has started lagging behind.
I agree fully with that, and on top of that, I am one of the guys who mostly just posts on jewtube now. Most of the other long-time Sup Forumsacks I'm friends with on steam also just comment mostly on twitter or jewtube now as well. I'll check Sup Forums once or twice a week now, but being called a "false-flagging shill trying to make Sup Forums look bad" for saying "nigger" was the last straw for me with regards to browsing this place heavily anymore.
>but being called a "false-flagging shill trying to make Sup Forums look bad" for saying "nigger" was the last straw for me with regards to browsing this place heavily anymore.
I kind of like to be called a "false-flagging shill", so I still post here.
That many of the other good posters are gone, also makes it easier to seed memes and talkingpoints, so it's not all bad.
I have been pushing that socialism have been subverted by the capitalists in order to betray the white working class lately, as white working class communities are the only ones with enough solidarity to stand up to the capitalists.
Not always with these words, but the idea looks to be spreading, and I think that is because so few others bother to seed anything as anons these day, now that they can get the honor, if they seed it under their own name in some namefag forum.
itt: brainlets wanting to answer the JQ but who also allow themselves to be led by Jews
>That may be true but they also get news quicker than Sup Forums,
The news seem to stand still at high velocity, if you understand what I mean, so I don't care a lot about them.
>waiting for responses from user
you must not be very thought provoking. i never debate here, just declaratives and hide thread. pleb
Calling the TRS CIA might have worked in the beginning, but now it's only proof that they have enough of an impact for the anti-whites to pay shills to try to discredit them.
Everything that the anti-whites do that is found to work, will be done over and over until it backfires, and we are way beyond that point when it comes to the controlled opposition meme by now.
Not that I think it will stop any time soon, and that is good for us.
are there still stormers on here? I know they were working hard during the run for prez of the us
>i never debate here, just declaratives and hide thread. pleb
But then you don't really have much of an impact as a single individual?
>are there still stormers on here?
I don't think so.
Weev sometimes post here, but most of Anglin's fanboys namefag on the DS for likes.
They got one strike for the sandy hook episode some time ago, then another one for the holocaust episode. I have yet to hear what the third strike (three strikes and Youtube deletes a channel) was for, but it was probably for the Valentines day episode where they talk about the Florida shooting.
>all these proofs are not actually proofs
>Not that I think it will stop any time soon, and that is good for us.
I'm not a big fan of the TRS, but you just proved my point.
Spamming something ad nausea only works if it is true, but I don't think you guys will ever get that.
Andrew "I fuck gooks" Anglin went full Ricky Vaughn civ nat. Where the fuck have you people been?
>I don't like TRS but here's why they're awesome and you suck...
I thought they already deleted that episode. Did JewTube get them on some kind of double jeopardy?
Are their episodes still on the TRS website somewhere?
>guy logs onto TRS from Israel
>that means TRS is Jews
To be honest, i think this ban could have been easily avoided. You don't even have to refrain from anti-semitism or outright racism, just avoid the big red flags like mass shootings and the holocaust. Upload these code red episodes somewhere else, while you pull-in normies.
But I have a lot of posts in this thread showing that I don't suck.
>Andrew "I fuck gooks" Anglin went full Ricky Vaughn civ nat.
Anglin is kind of a newfag that only knew success, so he think that the reason the alt-right stand still is because of the wrong optics and heretical ideology, and not because they have gone down an ideological path, where anybody that disagrees must be purged as an heretic.
I don't know this, but I think the DS have lost readers, and that Anglin refuse to see that he is pushing people away that are only interested in saving Whitey, instead of "white sharia" and waving the American flag.
>To be honest, i think this ban could have been easily avoided.
The Paranormies is not a jewtube show, so why try to avoid being banned, when them becoming milder would probably just move the goalposts so somebody else would get banned instead?
>just avoid the big red flags like mass shootings and the holocaust
fuck off
My podcast app says all previous episodes are listed, available for download now and the series is listed. Never went to their website or twatter for new stuff. So sage until further notice.
They wouldn't need to be milder. It is simply illegal in some countries to deny mass murder.
they could continue talking about jews all day on Youtube if they just avoided putting those three episodes about the holocaust and the mass shootings outside of Youtube. I mean they had over a hundred episodes on Youtube till now and they only got strikes for stuff that would get you arrested in europoor land.
I loved their fashwave shirt they were selling a while ago but its all gone now
He is cucking because kike mike said doing that will attract normies to the movement. Since that fat slob is now the official podcast and activist leader of alt-right.
>It is simply illegal in some countries to deny mass murder.
But the holohoax isn't mass murder, it's Jewish folklore.
Don't you ever get tired of evading, you permab& retard?
what a stupid thread
>He is cucking because kike mike said doing that will attract normies to the movement.
Anglin doing something because he was told to, is one of those things I don't believe in.
I don't know if that's even Mike's position, but I don't read or listen to everything he creates.
I though both Mike and Anglin were smart enough to understand that we can't have an organized movement, when the US government under Trump are doing their best to shut us down.
There have not been a single nationalist party or organization in any Western country since WW2, so it should be obvious enough to get that this is because the western regimes infiltrate and destroys them before they can become big enough to be a political actor.
Whoah, it must be great to be a Norway, if you know what i mean.
I kind of forgot to put back my memeflag, so it would be even better if I wasn't an unwilling member of the short term memory union.
Remember what you can and can not say, must be hellish for the krauts with a similar condition.