Remind me why you still support this kike-loving NYC gun grabbing billionaire.
Remind me why you still support this kike-loving NYC gun grabbing billionaire
88d chess
gonna burn my trump hat today. fuck this retard
Didn't Trump boycott Poland until they say they're responsible for the Holocaust and apologise to Jews or something?
Until Democrats run a decent candidate, get used to it.
Basically this. He's the lesser of two evils. Nerfed white (civic) nationalism is still better than globalism.
We had a decent Republican candiate (Rand Paul) You stupid fucking magatards supported a RINO instead
No he isn't. He's the same exact shit retard.
Trumps not a RINO. Or at least not an establishment neo-con RINO. If anything he's a boomer-era business Democrat.
Rand is an amnesty tard. He would have killed America
Why? Maybe you should tell me how he's the same instead of just throwing shit everywhere. You really think Clinton would be hunting after illegals like Trump is? Or have the same sort of economic plan?
fuck off obummer was a Saudi plant hence why he hated the jews. trump is smart for being friends with the most powerful people on earth.
>why you still support this kike-loving NYC gun grabbing billionaire.
I like how connected and sympathetic he is to Jews
No it's not, the only difference is we slowly destroy ourselves as opposed jews speeding up the process by inducing more foreign elements. Either path leads to the destruction of the United States. Nothing will get better unless America is restored to a 90%+ White majority and we get rid of the jews. Only the best of the best should be allowed here, and even then there should be laws that restrict their ability to gain power and influence. They should be subject to a one child law and barred from holding any type of political or civil position. If they want to live here then they must subjugate themselves to the will of the majority. The rights of and freedoms of the minority should never be weighed against the rights and freedoms of the majority, they should never be considered when creating new laws.
lol at bibis troll wife
He's a fucking idiot. I don't dislike jews like most on this board, so his Israel policies don't bother me, but his gun comment was ridiculous. He's still a conservative though, and I can't imagine the DNC will run anyone nearly as good as Trump in the future, which is saying something.
Trump is killing America without amnesty dumbfuck. I'd rather keep my liberties instead.
You Trumptards are an absolute cancer.
Why did OP use that picture instead of the one with Netanyahu and Trump taken 4 days ago?
The Virgin Israeli vs The Chad American
Israel says jump, the USA says "how high". Pathetic even by British standards.
And your standards go really low
>not a single line of legislation written or signed by Trump
>d-don't you fellow goyim think you should hate him yet?
The holocaust wasn't real, but the next one will be.
>not a single line of legislation written or signed by Trump
But that's literally the problem, faggot. He could use executive orders like Obama but hes too much of a cuck to do it. Also reported for name field.
American Daddy
Remind me why you don't first
Because he fucked all those sexy thots while his ball and chain was out of order. Fucking love that orange bastard. Can't wait for his next twitter tirade. Hail to the king