>> %80 of kids has problematic anxiety.
>> %60 of kids has clinical depression.
>> USA is bestest first world country.MUH.
why the kids gets depressed? whats the reasons behind that?
>> %80 of kids has problematic anxiety.
>> %60 of kids has clinical depression.
>> USA is bestest first world country.MUH.
why the kids gets depressed? whats the reasons behind that?
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lack of sleep because they're addicted to smartphones
Jewish spread of cultural Marxism
I think it has to do with social media destroying socialization and self-worth. not saying social media is all bad
Videogames, smartphones and computers.
All the garbage food
Jews, obviously
Too much multiculturalism. Every city in the US is basically just the majority(white people) living in these shitty suburban communities and them being unable to travel throughout the city without fear of being raped/robbed/killed.
Are we pretending not to know why anxiety and depression exist? It's called modernity.
>are not getting treatment
You have shit reading comprehension you fucking retarded faggot
this. every sense of structure, meaning, and childhood development have been removed.
56% is the reason
Forced integration.
Reinstate segregation.
Only white kids are held accountable to the rules, the sacrosanct non-whites get to break the rules and fucking terrorize the white students and faculty.
This will solve the gun violence in schools, shit this will solve over 90% of the violence in schools.
Whites are getting tired of getting shit on.
You can only beat a dog so much until it turns on your and tears your fucking throat out.
Over diagnosed. They did the same shit with ADHD, they do the same thing with Autism.
Its just a (((ploy))) to put your kids on SSRIs to fill (((their))) pockets and dumb down the average American.
You'd be sad too if you had to grow up around niggers and mexicans, your mom divorced your dad and started fucking tyrone, who bullies you, and your older sister was a fat cunt with pink hair, who hates all men.
suburbs like this only exist right outside major cities , far from the majority of white people
Liberals and lesbians are wet blankets
This really. We were never supposed to have so much free time to ruminate over things. There is literally no time to be depressed in nature.
No fathers or male teachers in school to tell them to toughen up.
The problem is jews.
We all know this but we can't do anything about it.
>Tell kids they're not really the gender they think they are
>Tell kids every white man out there wants to rape and kill them
>Tell kids they are inherently evil because of their skin color
Who wouldn't be depressed?
>Only white kids are held accountable to the rules,
>the sacrosanct non-whites get to break the rules and fucking terrorize the white students and faculty.
I have never heard this put so well.
this. also just general knowledge thier future is fucked. people think kids dont know their opperuntys but in truth kids can look ahead and see how fucked they are
80% of children with anxiety are not being treated. 60% with depression are not being treated. Read the ducking article you brainlet
Low-nutrient food, high intake of sugar, overexposure to blue light, low rate of physical activity, and low exposure to sunlight all leading to huge hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances.
I had high anxiety and stressed about everything as a kid too. I'm probably one of the few millennials who doesn't have a hard-on for muh 90s.
Death of traditionally connected societies and the start of a behavioral sink. We were not meant to live this way.
Because many of them come from either broken house holds and have to live with mom for a few days then live with dad
Or they live with super empowered, fierce single moms who pull in on average like 25k$ a year to raise a kid and support themselves.
Or they get diagnosed with ADD and get drugged out the ass to keep them down all the time
For boys there seems to be an attack on every Boy only space where they're meant to go out and learn to be men, the Boy Scouts announced a few months ago that they will accept girls even though we already have a Girl Scout program, these girls who will be much more calm then boys will probably sit down and listen which will become the expectation for all the boys when theyre supposed to be outside.
I've seen plenty of Cops episodes, you all live in suburban thin cardboard walled houses.
Are you retarded? They exist literally everywhere here
retarded parents, non-existent parenting, single mothers, men forced to sit down and obey all throughout school with no hands-on learning experience, no sense of community which leads to no place or purpose in said non-existent community, dead-end schools and nothing to work towards after high school, female teachers bossing males around their whole life, lack of male role models, roasties running rampant and cannot possibly fail in todays society, average male does not have genetics to be selected by said roasties because the roasties have the freedom to choose whichever chad they want for the night and never fail at life because they always can go on welfare and never ever be shamed for making shit decisions in life, women soaking up jobs just to work towards muh back-up plan incase chad dumps her, lack of biological gender roles due to jewish marxism and forced social engineering changing societal norms, parents putting male children on medicine to suppress their normal behavior, virtue and traditional values are not being selected for, man having money and status is not being selected for because women have welfare fallback and are not shamed for being sluts
This man gets a like.
oh boy is that why american kids are so sad? you have extremely intelligent children in America
Diet my guess.
Dem legs
Because public schooling is child abuse
alienation, lack of a sense of community
I’d be depressed as shit if I were American too. Fucking dumb fat assholes
being forced to do a whole bunch of activities planned by your parents so you are 'prepared for the job marke't and 'develop your talents', giving you no time for free play tends to make kids fucking miserable
Full time working mothers, broken families etc ... but those are just symptoms of course.
Same answer as almost every question on Sup Forums, jews.
All of this is Donald Trump's fault. Debate me, hint: you can't.
What, you think it's better in Europe? Canada?
Instead of spending time with our kids and teaching them patience and respect, we shove pills down their throat instead.
Touche, Pablo
Discipline is patriarchy, tyrant
Because their parents suck, because the schools suck, because the society they live in sucks.
not shooting guns doing what you want to do, doing next best thing, sperging out
commie subversion of natural order
Growing up anxiety and depression where normal feels. It comes and goes. It's something you're supposed to overcome on your own.
Teacher here, maybe I can answer some of your questions.
Boomers raped and abused younger generations, from what I can tell.
It came but never went
read this shit. I will never look at people the same way when I realized the Elliot roger meme wasn't a meme. These are the people who post the blacked threads, you'll instantly be able to feel the evil.
Well figure out the issue man. If you're depressed find the cause. If it's anxiety force yourself slowly in situations that make you anxious. Sometimes it can be prolonged if you abuse drugs even the internet. Man was made to work, build and, explore. Not sit around in a dark or florescent light office surrounded by clicking of keyboards traffic noises.
Kids absorb this mindset. Maybe they can't articulate it, but they are forced to live it. They live it when mum and dad get divorced, they live it when they get bullied in their schools which are controlled by gang violence, they live it when news anchors make dick jokes and the whole world has been entertained into idiocy.
>you have extremely intelligent children in America
never thought I was see this here
Because our society is shitty. You eat fake, processed food. Your friends are fake (if you have any). Your family doesn't give a shit about you and you don't give a shit about them. Everyone listens to the same shitty hip-hop music. Some people can't take it and fall into deep depression that they never come out of. The other option is to get so angry that you start running around trying to fix everything that's wrong with our sick society. Until enough people take the second option nothing will be fixed.
Actually not what happens.
What actually occurs is called learned helplessness or defensive apathy, and it perfectly describes what we are seeing.
It is the purposeful destruction of white boys.