Why isn't there an international men's day?
Why are Men second class? this is why fucking traps exist.
Why isn't there an international men's day?
Why are Men second class? this is why fucking traps exist.
lol white people
There is a men's day, but no one cares.
We're second class citizens because men always will be in society.
why do you need a special day you pussy?
Well.. why not?
Women's day is a communist creation
every day is men's day
There is also an international childrens day. Again no one cares. Except Skippy of course.
Because you're a man, you won the lottery faggot. And if you're so much of a beta to actually complain about not having something a women have then just kill yourself, nobody will miss you, because nobody likes sensitive little homos like you.
There IS a man's day, you fucking homomutt
Something something feminist talking point of (((toxic masculinity))). Shills are being active today.
Because men, especially white "men" (if you can even call them men), are pathetic creatures, deserving of contempt.
It used to be march 14th.
Wow, i wasn't considering suicide, but some random guy on Sup Forums told me i should. indisputable logic, Guess i should do it.
Thanks bro.
Every day is anti-men day in this new world
That's like saying Feminism is also for men. They're narcissist.
dafuq do you mean "used to be" dont tell me the fucktardfeminists actually achieved something and got it removed?
traps exist because some guys are sissy butt sluts.
but people like your pic are everywhere and ignored, bullied, and beaten down for being boys. I blame womans rights. 3rd world countries tries without that shit dont have these problems.
I feel lucky to be gay honestly. Women are repulsive.
>not transitioning for one day to siphon praise from women then converting back to male
>Why are men second class
>Literally most people in political power are men
Sure seems second class to me
theres no mens day because men dont bich enough for people to make a holliday for us
nigger, is op someone in power? He speaks for the common man, not the elite
what's with the faggy little pocket knife? that's not how you do it, son.
Men's day is in november.Google it.
This kid is dumb. There's no way his parents won't see this or get told about it.
>this is why fucking traps exist
Probably true. I unironically used to think women had it easier as a child and would wish I was born as a woman. Luckily I grew out of that.
everyday is white man's day, check your privilege.
>Why isn't there an international men's day?
There is you absolute faggot. No fuck off
It would take several years to even begin to list the accomplishments of the white man.
23 february. Or atleast in Eastern Europe.
It happens to us all at some point in this world, keep pushing threw those jewish thoughts, user.
Nobody has won the lottery by being a man. There are no advantages or priviliges awarded to men just for being men. The contrary is true. Men are discriminated against in hiring for jobs, and palcements for universities for the sake of quotas. And men have to face daily attacks on their character just because they're men.
>tfw you missed international men’s day because you were to busy working.
le low IQ rightwing post
because every workday is men's day
I’d miss you, Ralphie.
Mens Day is literally every day of the Year.. Womens Day is One Day because thats what Men allow..So in fact Womens Day is still just another Mens Day.
Decent bait but i'll bite.
How exactly is every day Men's day?
Men and women face their own different challenges and neither has more advantage than the other.
Of course they face their own different challenges. However; Men are actively discriminated against for jobs and university positions on top of that.
Yeah I know mate times is tough. But it's our own degenerate culture.
International women's day is a communist creation to undermine tradition, control what women think and remove them from the home/child rearing.
International Men's Day exists. It was created by feminists and is a day for men to reflect on what they can do to make life better for women. Not even joking.
Oh, there will be one. Bet on it. And it will honor trasnmen, soyboys and faggots, while condeming masculine trad males.
November 19th
Because you didn't ever struggle in life due to being a man. You struggled in life because you're a failure.
how is it not?
Who owns the world? Who does the rape? Who holds women back? Who oppresses women?
Men do it all.
this pic triggers me so fucking much holy shit
That's like making November White History Month so white people can better reflect on how to apologize harder for slavery.
>Who owns the world?
>Who does the rape?
>Who holds women back?
>Who oppresses women?
Gg ez
Here's the difference. Women's day is celebrated and lauded.
The UN does not recognize international men's day. They have designated the same day as world toilet day. There's no comparison.
Today is international urinal day as far as I am concerned.
Well, because Valentine's Day is just another day for women. The 14th of March is pretty much the 'anti' Valentine's Day, better known as 'steak and blowjob day'.
It's all just a shitty meme though.
We need to be treated by society as second class citizens because it is our nature to be first class, so we accommodate their jealousy over not being our equal.
>world toilet day
...why doesnt India take the fucking hint
We already have one it's called father's day and we already had a women's day, mother's day. Mothers and fathers deserve a day or respect because they actually achieved something (making new life). You don't deserve praise just for being a gender
there is one.
we don't need one tho and that is why no one knows about it.
look around you everything was created by a man or a team full of men with a meme women figure head.
if you are bitching about this like some MGTOW faggot beta soyboy you are the problem with society kys
the clue is in the name
the world is their toilet
No the reason why have traps is because of winy people that think there gender has to do with the way they are treated. No being a horrible person is why you are treated the way you are
The liberal teacher fuckhead is the only one there - literally taking pictures of this poor woman while she does her shitty job. It's not that she's a women, it's just sad to see humans in such a state.
I would have mopped teacher bitch in the fuckin face.