What caused the downfall of Prison school? Is it Hiramoto taking on 2 manga at the same time? The overfocus on a shitty character like Hana? Or does Hiramoto just not give a shit anymore?
What caused the downfall of Prison school? Is it Hiramoto taking on 2 manga at the same time...
Calvary Arc
There's actually a manga called prison school, eh..?
Is the manga still about the group of guys in a girl school or is it Kiyoshi n' friends?
Stopped caring during Namek Arc.
perfect until the the cavalry arc.
will be hard to recover from that.
The parts where Mari played a major were great. When he focused away ftom Mari, shit sucked.
but Calvary Arc gave us the best bro story
Mari was the focus of cavalry, so no
It looks like Hiramoto just ran out of ideas after the lesbian sex scene, and he just went on with whatever stuck on the wall ever since
fucking namek killed the flow and thus the hype. it went for way too long
Pretty much Kiyoshi n’ friends
>What caused the downfall of Prison school?
I don’t know if I’d use “downfall”, maybe “decline” is more appropriate. Hiramoto’s gettting his footing back after the sports festival, which in itself I don’t think was bad. It’s just the pacing was really slow
>Is it Hiramoto taking on 2 manga at the same time?
Could be, though the sports festival did go on for a very long time with several breaks, that in addition to the overall slow pacing made an already frustrating read even worse.
>The overfocus on a shitty character like Hana?
Thankfully she’s been getting BTFO heavily lately, so it’s pretty amusing.
>Or does Hiramoto just not give a shit anymore?
I think he had a hard time figuring out how to end the arc, but I think the payoff was worth it. I have no doubts that he cares, the current arc has been fantastic. It’s not even over and it’s already my second favorite arc with my first favorite being the USC in prison.
I dropped it when the story literally didn't move in like 6 months because of the dumb sports festival.
Lurk more or fuck off.
>the current arc has been fantastic
It isn't though, characters actions make no sense anymore and the pacing is still shit. The latest chapter literally had nothing happening.
The character actions have never made sense in prison school, and even then, they’re still pretty much in line with what their characterization for the whole series has been like. Also, there will always be chapters where nothing happens but it’s not like the sports festival where several chapters of nothing are released back to back.
>they’re still pretty much in line with what their characterization for the whole series has been like
>Kiyoshi is turned into a literal retard who can't remember 2 words just to force a date with Hana.
>Meiko randomly allows Kate to accompany her to the airport
>Mari randomly thinks back on Kate fondly
>Mari vanishing without saying anything to anyone
They really aren't. It has me worried, if he's writing this crap now it's only going to get worse.
Nothing out of character here given the circumstances, even then, it’s minor
>Kiyoshi is turned into a literal retard who can't remember 2 words just to force a date with Hana
Kiyoshi’s always been retarded, and Hana was the one forcing the date
>Meiko randomly allows Kate to accompany her to the airport
Not randomly, they both want to get to Mari
>Mari randomly thinks back on Kate fondly
Their feud has always been one sided, also, not random given what recently happened with the sports festival with Mari saving Kate
>Mari vanishing without saying anything to anyone
Again, given the sports festival, it’s not unusual. She bit the bullet and accepted her punishment after the boys’ breakout, seems she’s not a sore loser.
>Hana was the one forcing the date
No Hiramoto was forcing the date.
>Not randomly, they both want to get to Mari
Meiko literally said she thinks Kate is trying to stop Meiko from stopping Mari. Even if she did think Kate wanted to stop Mari, there's no reason for Meiko to want Kate anywhere around her for this.
>Their feud has always been one sided
Mari has never given 2 cents about Kate. It's minor meaningless scene but the fact that it's there is worrying.
>seems she’s not a sore loser.
Except she didn't lose.
Why are people still bringing up the cavalry arc as if this is the first manga they have ever read that has a shitty arc?
Is Prison School a starter manga now or something?
On the contrary, if Meiko keeps Kate around, it’ll be easier to keep an eye on her. Kate is the only one who cares in this feud, so it’s not odd for Mari to look back in amusement. And she didn’t lose the match but she did lose her dignity, which is the only thing that seems to really matter to her.
It was a ticking time bomb really.
"5 goons doing stupid horny teenage shit to try and get girls" stops being funny when they actually manage to get them because it gives Hiramoto a chance to let typical romcom cliches plague his writing. Namely in the case of Kiyoshi + Hana + Chiyo.
I binge read it a few yrs back and it was right before the girls was put into prison.
I fell off because i didn't feel like waiting for new chapters to be released and not as much fap material
Almost every thread descends into chiyo/hana waifu shipping wars
the boys all should still be in prison right now getting raped by meiko with no end in sight
The cavalry arc was exceptionally bad to be honest since it shows issues overall with the manga's continuation. A lot of plot points that were quite meaningless to the overall plot, it really showed that the manga was meandering around for more plot and subplot filler to grab onto instead of resolving Kiyoshi's romance chart and ending the manga. For example, Ass Man's adventure with amnesia, bottlerocket-sama, the overall length for the cavalry battle and certain aspects (Big Guy Andre, for example) were prolonged. Granted, a lot of long-running manga do this since artists take it slow for a break while still pumping out income, but Prison School's original concept has played out and finished. Instead of just resolving the final plot thread, he's trying to fray it. It becomes a question of whether or not we want a few hundred more chapters to resolve romance or fifty just to wrap things up and leave potential for a sequel that continues any stories.
>waifu shipping
This is the real problem with Prison School, it attracts ironic weebs.
Eternal cavalry shit arc, that was unnecesary as fuck
Cavalry arc was way too long and boring, but other than this big downer i think that the manga was able to repick a bearable pacing so that's why i'm still able to enjoy this manga pretty much, and also the art is always nice to see. Always.
These. Too fucking damn long. Even if it had great shit like Hana running commando and the piss scene
I think the series is at it's best when it focuses on the guys doing their thing and has the girls on the backside working around them, I feel like the girls have taken too much of the spotlight in the past arcs and that has severely hindered the quality because there's little comedy in those instances with just the girls.
Also, Hana became the best girl and author didn't know how to get out of it.
Trips of Truth
>What caused the downfall of Prison school?
not making it into an manga with his glorious art
>best girl
i only ever read it for meikos large breast and ass and sweating.
once it started it to get even retarded i bailed
>what caused the downfall of Prison School?
Popularity, I think. It was too much too fast for the mangaka and it shows.
Where is the 'Mari actually likes Kiyoshi' shit coming from?
The manga.
Kiyoshi's arse
What's going on in prison school currently? Last thing I remember was Hana accidently asking kiyoshi out I think
It's all of the above OP.
Hana decided to tell Chiyo everything she and Kiyoshi did together. And show what a scumbag he is.
What's her angle? Eliminating competition?
No angle, she just saw an opportunity to be even more of a bitch and went for it.
>What caused the downfall of Prison school?
its retards like you reading it weekly.
Read Prison School in bunches like it's meant to be read. Its the same (or better) now then it was when it was released. Its just you're a fucking Sup Forumsutist who is reading it weekly and crying like a bitch on Sup Forums because as a weekly manga its not great, but when you have several dozen chapters to blitz through it's fucking great.
>What caused the downfall of Prison school?
Once they started to focus on characters outside Kiyoshi. Does someone ever care about Andre and his slut? About Gakuto, the lesbian, the others and that stupid PBR? They're great support characters but once they started having their own plots it became boring really fast.
He has a second manga?
Me and the Devil Blues was uncancelled and is running again.
>reading a weekly manga weekly is a bad thing.
Good. Let's hope he drops this shitty manga and goes back to working only on Devil Blues.
But Meiko's a girl.
>Andre and his slut
But Prison School is so much cuter.
Girls can rape boys. They just need a phallic object and to be able to overpower them.
But girls DON'T have a phallic object, therefore they cannot.
erotic draw wore off
boys left prison
too much dragging on
hana, meiko, mari, kate, etc are all just misunderstood tsunderes
Are you saying shoving a dildo up their ass isn't rape?
They can make one. With hands.
That's assault.
That bondage girl who just started dating him.
>That bondage girl
Feel free to drop her name.
my fucking god i love kate
i want her to overpower me, handcuff me, and make me her personal slave
What if she forces your unwilling dick in her vagina?
a japanese friend girl raped me with a strapon on once
but i only pretended to not want it
Unless she's fat or has a disease that's not rape. It's just a gift in disguise.
I doubt that's how my waifu would see it.
>He doesn't have a waifu that would forcefully sex him and leave him chained up in the basement so no one else can
W-who'd even want that? Certainly not me.
Literally impossible.
Who knows, but is funny to see how Magazine where series is published, pushes up series like Parallel Paradise in desperate attempt to find new leading instead of Prison School.
What the sod am I looking at there?
The cavelry act disgusted me
As everyone said, this
>Went on for ever
Why did the Cavalry Arc take so long for it to be finished in a fuckign draw?
It was because he dragged out the Calvary Arc in which had a lot of Mari in it, coincidentally.
The futon arc would beg to differ. Maybe you just got bored after the lesbian sex.
Biggest problem with this entire story is that main character's love interest is shown the least. I mean he probably developed more chemistry with her older sister than her at this point.
I don't agree. Things are finally being paid off now after years. The Hana/Kiyoshi/Chiyo showdown is one of them.
Delusional MarixKiyoshi shippers.
Those other subplots are necessary, but Kiyoshi's and Hana's are the strongest of the manga.
This is not true and you are wrong.
Could Chiyo be the most powerful character in Prison School
>Effortlessly scaled Andre
>Knows kung-fu
>Avid sumo wrestling fan
What if Kiyoshi ditches her for Hana and she just fucking kills him for it?
Are you sure it's not just a case of horny teens looking for new fap material?
That would make a Chiyo awesome.
Maybe the same thing that caused the downfall of Alcatraz?
She's a massive unlikeable and manipulative dyke. The only way to get the male audience and most of the female audience(if there is one, there probably isn't) to put up with her is to make her soulless whore who'll fuck anything at all(which is worse),secretly bi which is not as bad but still very bad, or try for the guy fucks the dyke straight thing.
And let's be honest, basically all men know that it's complete delusion AND that there are basically no lesbians that are worth the effort.
lol wut
>She's a massive unlikeable and manipulative dyke
I like her.
Meiko was a good girl when she was a self-conscious middle school girl with huge breasts.
Has she mellowed out her brainwashed man-hate?
She most likely defaulted to how she was pre-mindbreak. She hates men because of Mari's influence. If Mari buried the hatchet so would Meiko, possibly hesitantly but she would.
There's always one.
She's ruined.
Leave her on the curb and drive on.
I want him to take his time on that one.
>the guy fucks the dyke straight
Anyone who thinks that's even remotely possible has no concept of what determines orientation.
no, this manga in particular always had a dumb story to support the amazing art.
after the cavalry just went boring, and people just can search for shindol or hirame if they are desperate for hentai.
if the majority agrees on something you don't need to agree too but at least listen why.
don't be a snob retard please.