>50% of the Supreme Court seats should be women
>Supreme Court
50% of the Supreme Court seats should be women
Other urls found in this thread:
This is why women don’t deserve the vote
Middle guy is a tranny
>9 seats
>9 seats
so 4.5 men and 4.5 women? did cnn even take a second to think about this?
Arbitrarily cramming women in based on their vagina rather than their merit is ducking fertarded
Technically everyone is at least half female so I see women being overrepresented on the SCotUS.
Putting a woman on a court for any reason is retarded. Would you trust a woman to uphold or interpret the law?
what's wrong with that? 50% of the population is women. you're not advocating for taxation without representation, are you?
yeah as along as women can't rule on women things
As each day passes my answer to that question leans more and more towards no
I thought we were being racist back then with the women's rights shit, you start to kinda understand things.
>9 seats
Thats sexist
math is raycist
#2 looks more effective
were implying that you and the dumb cunt dont know basic shit when imposing your moral garbage
>or the fact its impossible to have a 50 / 50 split on a 9 seat bench
>not having a hermaphrodite on your supreme court
it's 2018 get a grip people
She's talking about the supreme court of india, which has 30 judges plus a chief justice.
Can you please explain the connection you see between supreme court members and taxation without a representative government?
Clearly they mean 1 tranny Sup Forums btfo
Understand this : Men are meritocratic. Women are parasitic.
U can observe the proof eeeeveryday, in aaaaal those topics.
It is clear as day by now for every thinking man.
Understand this : Men are meritocratic. Women are parasitic.
U can observe the proof eeeeveryday, in aaaaal those topics.
It is clear as day by now for every thinking being.
Also, consider this:
Feminism is the PROOF of female inferiority:
Intellectually, morally, work morals, civility, socially, physically, ....
Also, consider this:
Feminism is the PROOF of female inferiority:
Intellectually, morally, work morals, civility, socially, physically, ....
I legitimately feel that women should not be judges. I think the post should only be held by men of extreme grit. Biologically, women are far more emotional than men, so why on earth would anybody ever want emotions to come into play when you're talking about justice. Sure you could say that they leave their emotions at the door but doesn't it make more sense to factor in less emotion to be checked in general?
Poos trying to interfere with US Justice systwm.
Whats their end game?
Make gangrape and poo in the streets legal
>t.some random cunt from India
Being that bad at math, wow, women shouldnt vote
what about one trans for tie-breaker?
also need 20% lefty, 80% righty
proper ethno-disbursement
and a little lagniappe for the illegals
That's sexist lol.
All of them have at least one X chromosome, so really it is already more than half.
>haha I'm manipulating people and its awesome
>I'm a goddess!
>gets manipulated
>waaaaahhhh I have feelings, how could you just pump and dump me?
>implying women pay tax
Taken as a whole they cost a nation more than they pay in tax. They're literally parasitic cattle that have been given power over the shepherds.
4 males 4 females 1 genderfluid
Never forget that this is all predicated on a self-collapsing system of philosophy.
1. Diversity is good because having an increasing number of different ideas is beneficial.
2. Resistance to diversity is caused by "unfair prejudice" -- i.e., "holding a judgement that a black person is going to behave like a expecting them to behave like a black person".
3. People of various different profiles (like 'lady', or 'black', or 'no kneecaps or eyelids') have different ideas because of their highly disparate background and life experience.
4. Diversity is: expanding the number of profiles represented in your particular circle -- a group of medical researchers concludes it should incorporate more black scientists -- for their "blackness".
5. This concept necessarily MUST imply that "black people have black ideas" and "gay people have gay ideas", otherwise we are not really expanding the number of profiles represented (the stated goal).
6. Therefore, Diversity is semantic shorthand for "unfair prejudice".
Yeah you know, 4 men 4 women and one tranny.
4 women judges
4 men judges
1 transgender judge
there you go guys 4.5 is 50% of 9
fluid won't get the ratio right, you need a perfect chimeric demigender, it's hard to find them split right down the middle
50% female is great because you the method you use to find if a group of people are "good" is if they are correctly self-segregating into their respective binary categories which reflect the ancient and evolutionary mix of biological opposites
wait, HELP
i really wonder what happened to this user
the social contract gives the government the power to tax you from birth. women are taxed without being equitably represented in government. 9 men on the court means women didn't get the right to vote for more than 3 centuries and abortion is still contested in red states.
when women are 50% of garbage men we can talk.
Surprisingly, women only want high-powered, well paid jobs in climate controlled offices
why does it matter how much women pay in taxes and compared to who? you saying voting should be restricted to the wealthy elites? women are taxed and underrepresented in government
honorable seppiku
this is not a place for enlightenment cult french kid rapers
Or perhaps we choose rational fucking candidates with (preferably) minimal political bias. Men or women I don't care; just ensure they're qualified.
lel what? there's no morality in wanting equal representation. next you'll tell me the black slaves were imposing their moral garbage on their masters
Just get Bruce Jenner on the bench, he's got tits enough to be considered half of a woman.
> the social contract gives the government the power to tax you from birth.
get the fuck out of my board you sniveling rat
At least people are starting to figure out where the actual power is. 50% of the U.S. is Protestant, yet there is only one S.C. justice who is; and there were zero before the current president appointed one. Yet people "can't figure out" why things have gone so disastrously... Hmm.
"Taxation without representation" is a retarded argument in this case. You could then divide everyone into subgroups and claim "at least 1 member of my family has to be on the supreme court" which is just as stupid as it sounds
they deleted the tweet?
she was talking about india you guys.
a. MORE than 50% are protestants
b. there are NONE protestants on supreme court
that guy that you think is has never said he is, was raised a catholic, went to catholic schools, and only attends that church now so his (protestant) wife will let him fuck her.
by that logic, it should also be 1 black, 2 hispanics, 6 whites and no jews
I have been on the internet since 1999, and I have never in my life witnessed someone, backpedal this hard.
Was O'Connor bad?
I can still see people opposing a female appointed by Trump.