Fellow citizens, lets face it, Black people have no value

I’m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

I’ve just thrown in the towel. I can’t keep caring about problems that I obviously can’t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they won’t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs


I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If you’re a thief who doesn’t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesn’t get you a pass from me. You’re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesn’t equality feel good?
Perhaps it’s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

Niggers think that proximity to whites is a universal hi]uman right

I hate to admit it but lately been thinking that the future of Earth will be one race. No not a mixed brown soup either. One existing now will eventually wipe out all the rest. Chinese/Asian are the front runners

Everywhere they go they bring destruction with them, they destroyed our cities, sports ant literally anything else we ever hold dear


70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoing…just as they did to other whites who “needed killin'”. Vigilante “justice” was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.
But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.


If anything it will be some kind of mix of whites, asians, and possibly mexicans or indians

>Everywhere they go they bring destruction with them
I just can’t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. There’s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just don’t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

holy shit I didn't know there was an actual picture for this meme lmao

I don't see it. Asians aren't cucked or propagandized about race like we are in the west. They rightfully think we are insane.

For gods sake just look at Sup Forums
I remember the time when these shitskin couldn’t afford cheap internet excess and cheap mobilphones, I know how it feeels to banter here with other white people, now it’s all changed,
Fucking this
In the beginning we lied to ourself that it’s
>correct the record
>share blue

But it turns out it was just shitskins who fundamentally have different (shit)opinions and are all anti-white agenda

I just can fucking bare it with these subhumans taking away the place i’ve been raised with


I’ve left the “dialogue”, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. There’s simply no point having “the conversation” any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I can’t possibly know what it’s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own “dialogue” with yourself. I’m out.

This is how it starts.... the rage

>the rage
No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say I’m “racist”. I don’t care anymore.

I'll just leave this here...

I’m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are “tired of” being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I say…”Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.”



of the recent videos of niggers nogging my favorite was when the dindunuffin said "ima kill all you" to a cop while in the back seat.
The cop pulls over, opens the back door and gives the little niglet a good love tap to the face, it was so satisfying.




>it was so satisfying



Nice pasta




>Live by the video game life
>Die the LARP way


say her name, nigga

the faggot holding this sign is superior to welfare niggers inasmuch as he's less of a drain on my paycheck

This is the future leftist want for you and everyone you love


> down
> and to the left

What ever happened with the joy lane nigger?

Did he lie when he said he killed like 10 people?

What the fuck are they doing?

So much vibrant diversity! Beautiful!



*interstellar theme*

>Let's rob a gun store, what could possibly go wrong?



EBT crashed


>Did he lie when he said he killed like 10 people?
>he was a nigger
>he mentioned accomplishments
of course he was lying



What a pathetic worthless-do-no-good-pathetic-excrement

Mods are currently deleting anything that belittles niggers or women.

Fuck you hiroshimoot for hiring SJW cretin for our board.


I feel you user! I can't even bring myself to look at them, there are no words to say to them, nothing!

We gotta keep it political on a political board ;^)

Your complaints sound like most of pol anyway.
Op is a nigger












>rolls off the tongue like drool
>not Ashley



Nigeria because of their high inferiority complex try to give complex written names to their niglets




This one kills me every time.




im a w hite guy who spent about 12 years in prisons and i can assure you that whites do not have a monopoloy on morality....some of the most disgusting pieces of shit i ever ran into were white guys who were too cowardly to defend themselves and pedophiles who raped young boys and girls...all races are capable of evil....

Danke! I was looking for that one since my HDD died

it will be one race with small fringe elements of the conquered races on the outskirts. sort of like the whiskyniggers we have in the US


dat filename nails it

I went to black schools growing up, I was sick of niggers before my balls dropped.


Christ. As a guy with a child on the way, watching these vids is mindblowing. How do these people abuse their own children? Even other's children?

HOW!? And they're outbreeding us too! Savages.

post the vid pls

people who push for 'muh diversity' are so fucking blind.

Anecdotal evidence you dumb subhuman nigger

70% of all prisons are filled with niggers

>Fatass gets annihilated by an ice cream truck

I was just waiting for the hit

You see user there are hives scattered around America known as ghettos, in these ghettos nigger culture is what you grow up around.


So even if you manage to have a mind that may overcome the nigger culture, you're steeped in it so long the chance of you not coming out of the ghetto like a complete nigger is about the same as winning the lottery while getting struck by lightning.


working on the backup mega.nz webm cache for you now


Wow! That's exactly my problem, all 12 points are right!

3rd world vids do nothing for me

Niggers can't even milk a fucking cow...
