I have divine insight. Ama.
I have divine insight. Ama
How come you didn't realize you're a faggot for making this thread, OP?
I don't consider things as faggy, merely true or untrue.
Go home McPaddy, you're drunk.
Are you a Druid
Putting your head so far up your boyfriends ass you start to see light isnt divine insight dipshit
I am a digital shaman.
Why am I on earth when I could be in the Nirvana ?
Because you have erected barriers to attainment. Other people forced you to so if you can't reach Nirvana then maybe revenge isn't the worst thing imaginable unless it erects further barriers.
Is there proof of God in this world?
Will Noah antwiller ever return to making review videos?
could you ask god about tomorrows lottery numbers thank you
Brainlet detected
Anyone who replies are unironically niggers
Winning Lotto numbers,gib.
Yes. It was right under your nose the whole time and the answer is in the question.
thoughts on the aliens?
what happens after we die?
Maybe OP should answer this one for us.
Belgium flag, Aussie banter, how?
What is the best touhou, and why is it Marisa?
how can i regain my power ?
Most likely our descendents.
You return. If you were to walk in a straight line across the universe you would end up back where you started. The same is true of time.
Will anyone from the Obama administration or Hillary's circle go down for their massive crimes?
what is causing my diesel v8 to crank over slowly?
Electric or mechanical issue?
>You return. If you were to walk in a straight line across the universe you would end up back where you started.
How deep does mysticism go?
Is what the average Joe knows about the world only a fraction of the truth?
It's so small. What I know is so small compared to the Source. We are closer to rocks than we are to God. Literally, figuratively and spiritually.
are traps gay?
Tell me all about the Source.
Depends why you like them.
stop posing you fuckwit
what's the verdict about oral sex? for both sides.