Well Sword might as well be the most incompetent Garo so far. Only Lost Soul fuckers are this careless when fighting horrors.
I get that they're going for burger Garo but...
Well Sword might as well be the most incompetent Garo so far. Only Lost Soul fuckers are this careless when fighting horrors.
I get that they're going for burger Garo but...
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>Sword might as well be the most incompetent Garo so far
Are you stupid?
The action scenes are pretty spastic. I don't remember the previous two anime series looking so spastic.
He was an asshole but not incompetent
Goint to watch the episode a third time, best first episode of this season alongside Kekkai Sensen, Mahoutsukai and Osomatsu-san.
Fujoshits leave.
>He was autistic but not incompetent
fuck the Raikou and the idiot from YamiTera though
So the second knight gets introduced next ep right?
It's because Sunghoo Park did most of them this first ep. He's the guy that directed/animated the Leon Alfronso fight in ep 18 of HnK.
Pretty sure it's a priest.
>most incompetent ever
>Murrica Garo
Wrong. Raikou and a certain other Garo would have words with you.
Kouga was neither autistic or an asshole. He was a man who had to grow up seeing his father murdered by his protege and had already lost his mother earlier in life, not too mention his continued training involved seeing other kids and fellow Makai Knight apprentices getting killed before his eyes. Of course that would cause him to harden and keep a tight lid on his emotions to avoid getting involved with people attacked by Horrors. So of course it took a long time for Karou to break him of this.
He'll get a stern talking to next ep, lets hope it also calms the camera down too.
>Priest is totally Not-Enrico Pucchi
Thank you Ameiya
Too bad the MC is some sort of ugly bara-bait / chad.
Pretty incompetent too since he let so many people die during his hunt.
But this made me want to rewatch Karas at least.
would you guys recommend watching/reading something before diving into vanishing line?
Watched the first episode today and fucking loved it
Watch the original Garo and the sequel
He also did all the DF ones, though, didn't he? And those were much easier to follow.
You mean Divine Flame?
no i mean the tokusatsu
so honoo no kukuin then guren no tsuki?
no i mean the original show with Saejima Kouga
time to visit /m/
Maybe they decided to exaggerate everything even more to fit with the burger theme
I'm still mad
Finally got around to watching the movie Lara;_;
I never got around to watching Crimson Moon either, is it really as bad as you guys say or is it still worth it to watch even if just for a couple scenes?
Crimson Moon is TERRIBLE
nothing was worth it, it also suffered from being the next series after HnK, which set the bar pretty high
Did the Garo sword take on a techno appearance to reflect that era? That, and Swords reliance on the Zarubike makes me wonder if Madou Horses have less prevalence in that era.
>Lead the Horror on a chase around the city, killing and wounding several civillians
>Killed the horror in the most flashy way possible
Maybe he'll get better as the series goes on, it's not like all Garo started fully competent.
It just shows that Leon still loves her. They'll be together in Makai afterlife.
That or the watchdog in the area is probably pretty lax.
Watch the first anime series and the movie "Divine Flame". Skip the second season. If you want more, go watch the live action series.
Same. I loved the movie. Really makes me sad they dropped the ball on Crimson Moon, because I really dig the fuedal Japanese setting.
Maybe, Sword did get his order/message from a fastfood restaurant afterall.
No one is exaggerating when they suggest to not bother with Crimson Moon. It really is that bad.
It's a damn shame too.
Watchdog is gonna be a fatty, mark my words
Please no, there's already so many titty monsters in the first episode.
Will armor fusion ever return?
i'm surprised with a third series, it's the franchise very popular at japan?
Pachinkobux baby.
The Pachinko games are
How was he incompetent? He beat that Horror. Leon was getting his ass kicked half the time.
I'm betting Garo will fuse with his bike atleast once this series, probably to fight an even bigger or powerful enemy.
Makai Knights are suppose to fight Horrors in secret and shield normal society from them, not dragging Horror on a chase across the highway and into various crowded area.
>if a male character doesn't look like a generic bishie or bishonen he's musculefag bait
Yeah okay dummy.
Seimei is worth watching it for and the finale is okay but doesn't really explain anything. Otherwise besides Seimei, more cute Watchdog, and Zanga, the Garo and most of the story is shit. Though Douman is a huge fucking hilarious meme.
Hopefully there will be more semen demons. But then they get contrasted by another Watchdog like so.
Is Garm the watchdog in crimson moon too?
Seriously Seimei almost justified watching GnT.
No but the Watchdog in GnT are decent too.
Crimson Moons watchdogs have Garms voice actress.
I agree, this is annoying, but fujoshits seem to think all muscular characters are bara. When actually bara is very fatty hairy gay males, drawn for gays. Actual bara looks disgusting compared to muscular men. I gave up on correcting them a few years back.
I know you guys tried to stop me but I just need to experience it for myself
gonna marathon crimson moon, will alcohol help?
Maybe a little. Like it was said, Zanga, Seimei, Leon's dad voicing the kind of dick-head/machavellian style boss man, and Douman are fun but the rest of the show is a huge disappoint in plot and especially animation, GnT was made by Mappa's B team while the main team did the HnK movie.
I dropped at episode 3
Did anyone ever count HOW MANY TIMES Douman said something involving Darkness? I lost count at over 150 times by 2/3rds way into the show.
Kinda Iike Mad Max, but with the fanservice turned up to 11. Doesn't look very promising aside from the women and the body horror monster at the beginning. Then again, 3 episode rule.
I tought the episode was pretty great.
I think from his POV, a battle which can't be solved with his fists is a battle that will cause collateral damage no matter what he does.
Is there a specific reason Garo's specific pachinko machines are popular? There are probably other pachinkos made with other franchises. I guess if I was going to watch balls drop all day it might as well be with an interesting looking machine
Because people like Garo, are you retarded or just pretending?
He busted at least 3 cars when he was fighting it with his fists, and then like one more after plus the truck. He doesn't seem to give a single fuck.
Thats unfair. Cars can be replaced, cute girls can't.
Isn't toku kind of niche even in nippon?
I think he is pretty great. He is macho as fuck (which is getting pretty rare for Jap protagonists) and I love when he prays to big tiddies.
I would be enjoying this show a whole lot more if they would calm down on the crazy camera shake during action scenes. I don't know if they are trying to hide the CG but it is actively making it worse.
If I like the first episode of Vanishing line, would I like the other Garo anime?
I would seriously suggest going and watching Honoo no Kokuin, it was fantastic.
You can give Guren no Tsuki a try if you want but it was unanimously agreed to be completely shit.
Most Garo machines are golden and flashy. They probably get the attention of old drunk Japanese guys.
They do have some pretty wicked cutscenes. Not just clips from the show either, there's crazy new stuff like Kouga teaming up with his dad in the Makai or a tournament featuring new and familiar knights. Plus a few exclusive songs by JAM Project like this: youtube.com
You can find footage on Youtube by looking for CR Garo but mind the volume. The feedback can be earsplitting.
Everyone loves a loose cannon.
Garo pachinko isn't just 'one of the popular machines', doesn't it consistently rank at the top? There are plenty of other popular franchises people like a lot with pachinko machines competing for attention
Just watched it. Vanishing Line is garbage so far. I'll reserve my judgement until episode 3
He was the only useful guy around in Makai Senki. He basically did everything by himself
>first episode
>worst Garo ever
>shaky cam
Not a good sign
Kouga is by far the most competent Garo in the series. No one else is even close.
No? Do you know how much money Kamen Rider and Super Sentai make for Toei? More than Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, PreCure, and Saint Seiya put together. Now if you mean toksuatsu aimed at teenagers to adults? Then yes, its smaller demographically speaking in general.
Because Garo is popular. Plus JAM Project have endorsed the Garo Project from the very start and that definitely helps as well.
Can I pick this up if I haven't seen Garo before?
Different user but to add to this, there was also a Garo event in the Final Fantasy MMO.
>worst anything
Not when Ryuga and Raikou exist for one. I mean jesus fuck, Zaruba barely even speaks at all in the third live-action series/season of Garo and hardly at all in GnT for a reason.
IV/A Realm Reborn? Nice. What excuse was there to bring Makai Knights and Priests/Priestesses into it?
There really was no excuse other than "I like this cool thing I'm putting it in my game".
It was a nice optional costume you won through PvP.
The moron doesn't follow any of the rules
Interesting. Always been thinking about getting into ARR/XIV for some time now. Was it unlockable or had to be purchased as some kind of premium thing?
Almost every single main or secondary main Makai Knight in every Garo series usually breaks or bends the rules. Sword isn't really any different there.
It was unlockable by earning in game currency and was pretty easy to get. Not sure if you can still get it though.
The game is pretty great, has fantastic music but gets pretty boring and repetitive once you finish the storyline.
Still better than TESO or WoW.
>toksuatsu aimed at teenagers to adults
What other series are there besides Garo? The only one I can think of is Amemiya's other series, Shougeki Gouraigan.
There are a couple others you can find if you ask around on /m/. Also Hakaider, Cutie Honey, but there's one slipping my tongue.
>but the RULES
Almost every single show has shown that going strict ends up fucking the entire order over because the super horror exploits their rules.
The only actual rule is the 99.9 second time limit.
No Garo showed no care towards civillians.
Also can not at all forget about mother fucking Skull Man.
Sword wasn't unfriendly to Sophie. In fact he was far more friendly to her then Kouga was the first handful of episodes he interacted with Karou.
How are there still people who equate good moral compass with being a good character in a fictional work?
If you think Sword is shit for legitimate character reasons that's totally understandable, but him being loose and fast with rules seems to be the obvious point and one of his characteristics by how Luke was mad at his bridge stunt.
Kamen Rider Amazons as well
The only issue the new Garo did that is questionable is the fact he killed the Horror with far too much public exposure and blowing up the midsection of that big ass bridge. Otherwise he was fine.
Rules are guidelines, not laws.
I didn't even make it 1/3rd into the show
Public exposure is completely secondary to killing the horror. Kouga rarely shooed people away beyond telling them to run for their lives. If someone saw him being Garo, he gave like zero fucks.
What are they gonna do? Report him?
Well the Watchdogs can strip a Makai Knight, even a major titled one like Garo or Zero, of their rank or even expel them completely. So there's that for one. Watchdogs exist for a reason to oversee and enforce rules on the Makai Knights, just as the Makai Priests and Priestesses are there to guide them.
So yeah I would think being reported for breaking rules might be a bad thing.
It's less about being seen doing Knight stuff and more about widely spreading around the fact that demons from the dark dimension are eating people and slurping on their souls.
Getting into a swordfight with a monster in the middle of the street and then turning into a shining gold wolf knight? OK as long as you get the job done.
Telling otherwise unrelated people about the neverending war in the night? Less cool, you need to justify that somehow.
The entire situation set up by the Makai Order is that Makai Knights and Maki Priests don't go around telling people their real identities, what the reality of the Horrors really are, or spreading said information around to make it readily available to people. The fact that Sword didn't take out the Horror in a more secluded or isolated area and surrounded by a high number of people and attention is the problem, he's going to attract unwanted attention to the Order if he keeps that kind of play up.
And remember, the Golden Knights and Silver Knights (Garo and Zero/Zoro/Zanga/etc...) are always considered the best of the best so they get more leeway then regular guys that even Dan, Baron, elites of elites, wouldn't. So Luke is probably more pissed that Sword is blowing shit up and bringing unwanted attention from civilians who are unaware of this war of darkness going on around them.
Are you that same autistic retard on Sup Forums who keeps derailing the husbando threads with your "bara is ugly obese people" tirade?
I've never seen someone so passionate with how fucking wrong they are. Like literally takes a few second to research on what bara means.
Did Loeb draw this?