The mask slips

What did emeritus professor David Barash mean by this, Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Create, man/chimp hybrid to prove we're no different from animals.
>They turn out to be smarter than blacks.


humanzee is so much better than "chimphuman" It's like they weren't even trying.

>They turn out to be smarter than blacks.
You don't need a human-chimp hybrid to find something smarter than blacks, user

>play God
>resulting abomination experiences an existence of pure pain and suffering; begs for death
>thing is still smarter than a nigger though

>tfw no chimp bf

liberals would say it was only because they grew up in an expensive lab with scientists that care about them

>human chimp hybrids should be created

We already have those. They're called blacks

Well if it's half white

So does it mean that there actually exists Chimp on Woman porn? pls gibsmedat

How long until Jeff Bezo's starts pumping out human/chimp clones and forms his own corporate army?

Lmaoing at you luddite prims. Gengineering is the future of human, transhuman, and eventually posthuman technology. This is just the beginning.

I think Russia tried to experiment with this to create super soldiers. Dunno why my autism made me really interested in animal human hybrids awhile back.

They already exist. They’re called niggers

No success, but the Klan actually had a part in aquireing Chimp semen from an American source.

*white scientists

The last one to try it got her face chewed off.

>human chimp but its ARE possible
Yeah, we call them "mulattoes"

Ants run a better farm than blacks

What's the fucking point, most people already acknowledge our animal origins and it's partly responsible for the immense nihilism problem we have in the world today. Instead of squeezing the last drops of sanctity and intrigue out of life, we should work on strengthening myths and attitudes that can invigorate Western civilization.

Alex Jones was right again.

one guy went to africa to try it
all they did was try to fertilize female chimps, not the other way around
but I wouldn't be surprised if someone like goodall got raped and never mentioned it

whats going on here?

>emeritus professor
Lol yeah I am going to bank on his opinions

fake news sage

why does anyone care what a fucking psychologist says about reproductive viability between two separate species with a different number of chromosomes?

We already have niggers and I don't respect them at all.



Lol imagine being that kid who was expressly created to shame everybody else into accepting painful truths.

His teenrage phase would be tremendous to observe.
And somebody would literally have the job of observing it!


Sauron wants his orcs

>We are no different from animals
Why do lefties keep pushing this? Chomsky proved we are in fact different from animals a generation ago. All those hippy "scientists" who tried to teach monkeys how to communicate all failed miserably, and all the projects were abandoned.
>inb4 Koko sign language
Literally a joke, nothing approaching the order of human language. Koko could not create new linguistic structures herself. She had zero creative power even in her incredibly limited use of language. They failed so conclusively that NO ONE in academia is trying to do this shit anymore. It is settled science that complex language makes humans special.

But still we get these lefty faggots trying to devalue humanity because anything special about humanity makes them doubt their own atheism and they can't handle the uncertainty.

Without the developments of Chomsky and the failures of shit like Koko, the whole country would be a big totalitarian Skinner box instead of just your video games.

>Implying they aren't already smarter than blacks

They probably wouldn't even be on welfare

You dont need that there is already a place called brazil where chimps and mutts of all kind walk freely

>All those hippy "scientists" who tried to teach monkeys how to communicate all failed miserably, and all the projects were abandoned
not just monkeys

fucking this.
he's a psychologist. he never never took a biology class since high school.

he is a degenerate who should be shunned with extreme prejudice.. degenerate.

mfw slav wants to start shit.


its not a "hybrid" in the sense that humans could mate with apes.

hes saying that they could artificially edit an apes genome and create a monstrosity with either a human mind with ape parts or an ape with human parts.

you could do it with any animal like editing a horse to have human parts

Ugh last thing we need is more niggers running around.

what make human/chimp hybrids instead of human/cat hybrids

I wonder what'd happen if you took just the neanderthal genes of whites, and shoved them into a nigger's genome.

No thanks. We already have plenty of pavement apes. We don't need any funky hybrid apes.

fallout supermutants

I'm willing to accept that apes can do this. But can they create fission reactors, spacecraft, and near-instantaneous global communications networks?

>niggers need to be grown in labs to be respectful members of society

Planet of the apes becoming reality

fucking koko the gorilla is smarter than the average black, genetically modified apes would look like thespian geniuses compared to blacks

Now this is a much better use of our time and money.
Get on this Elon Musk.

I see no issues.

We already genetically engineer rats, dogs, moneys, cats, pigs, with degenerative bone disorders that leads them to live in crippling agony for their entire lives just so we can try new drugs on them.

How is making a lesser human worse than that?

For all we know it wouldn't even be a lesser human. There are many cases in nature where a small weak specimen combined with a small weak specimen creates something 50 times more productive.

Maybe Humanzee would be our betters and not our inferiors. Think about it.

What's more likely to keep secret government agencies from doing something?

>If we do it we'll make a retarded human.

>If we do it we'll make a human that is both stronger smarter and more resilient than us.

The powers that be are terrified of Humanzee because Humanzee is better than us.

>Giving an animal human intelligence

Lets... Lets not.

(((BARASH))). They never stop.

No but these animals do demonstrate the path humans underwent to become what we are.

It's less a difference of kind and more of degree.

No, because we're already living with the fallout from giving one species of primate "rights" and treating them like Humans. We don't need that shit again down the road.

Where do you think niggers come from dumbass

We just don't want to be tasked with killing them. But we will

Joe Rogan's gonna freak

The Nutty Professor?

It's exactly what was going on in ancient times.
They reached this level of science before. Mixing humans with animals. Mixing whatever aliens or demons are with humans.
God wiped them out for this stuff.
The Shape of Water didn't win because it's a nice movie. It won because the satanists want to recreate those times. And they want women to push for it with their sick fantasies.
They are using the sexual desires of women to push this crap onto the world
And only God knows what kind of monsters they are going to unleash. May God's punishment be swift and save us from these evil men.

A Human/Chimp hybrid is possible and nearly happened when a Chinese mob broke into a lab in China and killed the Chimp mother and the unborn hybrid fetus.

>What did emeritus professor David Barash mean by this
he meant to show us why we need the gas

You realize that the you're never going to be living in some fantastic sci-fi future, right? If they do reach that stage, they'll kill all the halfway sentient humans and replace all of the rest of the world with mindless drones.

>create new linguistic structures
>Yo..holl' be sayin...shit

Niggers can't be even coherent

FPBP /thread #replacenigswithhumanzeeesnow

Let the little silicon valley fag have his LARP

Blacks already exist, idk what this guy is getting at here

Ayy yo where da human bitches at?

They have already targeted us imo and are just waiting until we are no longer needed. They are already collapsing functional white societies as a pre cursor to control and eventual bio weapon release.

>we are no different than animals
so wait a minute
are they trying to call niggers animals?
is this a hidden race mixing agenda

Lysenkoism never dies

Humanzee? This is pretty much how niggers happened in the first place. I vote no

>human chimp hybrids
I see them all the time in the inner city already.

Dehumanizing everyone to the level of an animal is one of the original commie tactics. Creating human monkey hybrids would only make their subversion easier.

this. They are pre-adamites mixed with human. The white skinned ones are the Jews.

So you are in favour of letting them have a whack at it? See how the experiment goes?