"White men just want unearned identity with the glories of the past."
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
We dont want the wealth of our fathers given away willy nilly and wasted
Fuck off
did he really wear a fucking fedora?
Of course, he loves to dress up.
haha nice i remember that one. anons were firing these off in a thread a couple days ago. these three i posted are OC. text from Nazi Sozi
seems perfect for the kind of faggots wait in line to suck his words and fondle his thoughts.
It must be an incredible privilege to hear him lecture about how the different species of animals have "no genetic interest" in their own species.
Great minds like this don't come along but once every few millennia.
pretty fuckin' mint
All of them that I've been able to collect so far:
>he doesn't even know where to begin
disdain for plebs. some fellow anons should spam his twatter with misquote JP memes
It's pretty funny when you post Solzhenitsyn quotes and his followers sperg out that you're "spreading slander", then it dawns on them where the quote is from. They go silent.
Also gets your twitter account banned pretty fast.
Based Yair Peterstein
nice collection. that kermit the frog one sheeiit.. and yea ill bet his soyboy diehard followers, if unable to recognize the solzhentsyn at first, have an oh shit moment. Someone should press him to discuss 200 years together.
This photo here is ripe for exploitation.
Go download Gimp (free/open source clone of photoshop) for making your memes. Works a lot better than paint.
>200 years together
Especially considering the guy who gifted him the book was an actual jew. He said that he was a jew when he handed Peterson the book. I predict he will just "never get around" to reading it.
Canada is owned by Chinese
the quote is from around 1930.
nice, saved for possible future inspiration. thanks for the tip, ive been using imgflip and screen capping it to get the shitty logo out of the corner and keep it out of their database. the dip in photo quality is disappointing.
>I can't do it
How about people just listen to him if they want, examine his ideas and think for themselves. You are never going to agree with someone 100% of the time, just take the good and leave the bad.
God damned gen Z idiot children.
i thought thats what most people do anyway who are older than 21 who have half a brain. He's just an easy target cause he makes bank and he bails when it comes to the tough questions. JP is doin' what JP needs to do, just under heavy scrutiny
Seems like everyone is looking for a messiah with all the answers regardless of political persuasion. It's a great time to start a cult.
>"no genetic interest" in their own species
Why stop the quote at interest? Just as bad as the leftists to selectively quote to suit your narrative.
The human races are different subspecies of hominid you ignorant pleb.
The idea that "we're all one race, the human race" is neo Marxist propaganda that is not based in reality.
good point. cult of personality is the religion of yesteryear. this time with profits
i should say, also with profits
>unearned identity
So if I do something for my grandchildren and their children and their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their childrenand their children
they can just ignore my accomplishments and pretend I never existed and don't matter and my DNA didn't shape their spirits.
OK, thanks crypto-Commie Peterson. I'll remember to clean my room and feel bad that men are all cucked.
Better thread for intelligent Sup Forums:
*buys a 2k rug from Doctor Peterson*
*has over 10,000 karma from posting on r/JordanPeterson*