What are the jews scheming with this? This was our safe space
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They jews are only out of touch with internet culture by 15 years or so, as usual
They want to weaken the image of Japan. Jews fear the samurai.
they watch the worst dubbed american imported shit. who cares?
They'll never stop coming for everything we love.
>Oy vey goyim, our golems enjoy the same things you do! They are just like you!
>openly proclaimed their love for the genre
wtf anime isnt a genre
Ayy yo where da sailor moon bitches at?
Oh for fucks sale. First vidya, now anime? Where will it end?
i know, now they are coming into my digital world. Just to get away from them i have to go outside again
It won't end until every male in every medium is portrayed as a hapless Homer Simpson-esque character, and all female characters are STRONG WAMEN who save the world.
It’s not that they want to destroy it, it’s that it’s free and easy to co-opt it and make it a normalfag thing, then profit from it. They are out of content ideas at this point.
Blame (((Netflix)))
First they game for our games and now they come for our anime.
They want to (((subvert))) what we hold deer
This timeline keeps getting weirder and weirder.
the left is redpilling themselves now.
Yeah and I'm lovin' it
Bump for making anime real
>what's the scheme
They want to undo and subvert every element that contributed to Trump winning, including anime posting.
>ha! glorious nippon wont animate Judaism
If they can't jew up the in japan, they'll just pay studios to animate communist propaganda like will smith did. They'll pump it into the normiesphere while banning anything sexual on crunchyroll. Anyone who watches subs will be alt-right, and anyone that watches raws will be literally hitler.
By default we win in this scenario, because we're making the rules, and theyre forced to co-opt them in an attempt to stay relevant.
it's just part of normies ruining nerd culture.
eventually all the cool kids are going to be buying doujinshi and dakimakuras.
at this rate everyone on here is going be be doing shit outside again and learning useful shit.
>02 next to Naruto
not fucking surprised.
please no they already ruined vidya at least leave my anime alone
They have been slowly subverting anime for a while now.
Crunchyroll is owned by a Jewish corporation as are all the other Western anime providers. And the more popular their platforms get, the more say and power they have over anime trends and creators.
Someone post based anime man from Twitter who has been calling them out on it.
blacks have always liked shounen animes, this is not new, at all.
Don't worry, blacks will defend anime with their lives m8 it's going to be ok
>Not liking everything Trigger do
Absolutely disgusting.
requesting twitter caps of the jap anime guy who said the holocaust was fake and that jews were trying to leverage their way into anime
You're probably right, actually.
jokes on them I adblock all their shitty ads and basically watch anime for free on their dime
>blacks have always liked shounen animes, this is not new, at all.
The biggest weeb I ever met was a nigger I used to work with. Always wearing anime t-shirts and talking about going to various cons. But he was an IT nerd, not some hood nigger.
weeabooism will convert people of cultures from around the world leading to world peace
Anime isn't "ours". We didn't invent it. This is just an enthusiast site. And it was never cool.
Many of us originally came here to make fun of you faggot weebs.
That's the very essence of Sup Forums.
no waifu no laifu
>it was never cool
right, and it isn't supposed to be, which is why normalfags and celebrities jumping on board is bad
>It’s not that they want to destroy it
pure (((coincidence)))
This time the problem isn't actually the blacks, it's the Jews. The faces they're shoving on the "anime is cool goyim" stories may be black, but the intention is obviously:
1. Promote anime
2. As a result this gets (((western))) media attention on anime
3. Which justifies talks with the anime industry as large entertainment bodies who could take them under their wing and in doing so open up new markets
4. Bring under their thumb one of few mediums left that was outside of their control
>still watching anime in 2018
>Liking Trigger
Smelly nigger, please.
Take a bath.
The jews can never take Shiki from me.
>Crunchyroll is owned by a Jewish corporation as are all the other Western anime providers. And the more popular their platforms get, the more say and power they have over anime trends and creators.
this. tick tock weebs.
Didn't that bitch get a tractor on her face.
good thing ironic/fake weebs don't even watch anime more than a few times a year, CR isn't going anywhere in the near future because anyone with a brain just torrents
Haven't you guys seen the new Devilman: Crybaby? There's rappers and negro love interests in it. Absolutely disgusting
>our safe space
Some of us are over 18 faggot
>negro love interests
No, he just had locks that doesn't make you black and hip hop culture is sub culture in Japan.
This is why I stopped being a weeb back in 2005. Too many literal faggots wwre getting involved in my once nebbishy subculture and I knew where it was headed to where we are today. It was at least a fun six years and Otakon in 2001 was a blast to attend.
>and hip hop culture is sub culture in Japan.
No it's not you fucking retard
I really felt bad for Megumi, she deserved better.
then they will come for your traps
fucking modern journalists, I swear to god
>watching anime on kike owned websites and not pirate websites with fan subs
yeah, okay
I am starting to like KIM K
what is this feeling
Cruncyroll and Funimation Now are absolutely required in 2018
yeah nah, fuck off. I'll give you funimation since they have their kike fingers in a lot of stuff but Crunchyroll is worse than it has ever been ( especially outside of the US ) and has done more harm to the anime industry than anything else. I'd sooner learn japanese myself than give those kikes a cent
Blacks love dragon ball because they identify with the hero who is a screaming posturing brainless idiot with a monkey tail and no job
also he sees his kids and their mom once every ten years but still manages to make more and more of them
this. Nerds are cutting edge
to add, in Ireland you can't even watch FMA:B on Crunchyroll because it's regionally locked. Not to mention other animes that are basically sold to Amazon or Hulu you won't even find on CR to begin with
>paying jews to watch anime
Fucking why
>The year is 2060
>normies posting anime waifus on Sup Forums and parroting ultra-nationalist memes on Sup Forums
>the average normie is now a full-time NEET who abstains from sexual intercourse and interaction with the outside world.
>social pariahs are working good jobs, getting physically fit, settling down with their wives, having kids.
>They find "no time" to shitpost on Indonesian underwater basket weaving forums.
>Find anime "weird" and "unsettling."
What a world.
Its not cool and never will be
I thought blacks love Death Note. It's a rapper power fantasy. Soulja Boi has a wallscroll in his studio even.
Convenient factor and lowering the bar to entry
those monsters will never get my waifus
>Is anime popular now
Every nigger from Pharell to Kanye have included anime in their music videos, it's popular as shit but doesn't get any publicity because normalfags still think of it as all being porn
They will force diversity and other bulshit they pushed in the US movies/series to the anime.
Because normies hate piracy so they're willing to pay to not feel bad. As it stands right now, legal anime streaming offers absolutely not a single advantage over pirate streaming or torrenting
It is almost as if jews co-opt communities, sow discord, and benefit from the artificially created divisions. Anime now has cancer. You can gamergatechemotherapy it or it will die.
>anime now has cancer
no it doesn't. Jap don't give a flying fuck about what jews and westerners thing so vast majority of anime is safe. Western companies will try to inject the cancer into their western markets but generally it's easily circumvented. The only animes that will suffer will be the generic, westernised shounen-shit
The beginning of the end is when I saw Naruto AMVs prominently displayed on yahoo's front page in 2005.
I think you just made me interested in deathnote
Hopefully you queers will move on to something else
It was just an observation i made a decade ago and wrote an essay about it.
I moved onto kpop.
It's a medium.
Also if you ever have doubts on series you're watching, just open MAL and see (((who))) is behind the production.
alt media always grows into a thing to those that think because it's alt it makes it cool when they mention it to their friends and their friends don't know what it is.
I don't really care. Japan isn't going to change their anime to suit foreigners, they never have.
Finnbro knows what's up
>hold deer
This, Koreans are disgusting. They love nigger culture.
The language is ugly as shit. I'm just a sucker for the catchy songs, kayfabe reality, marketing gimmicks, over polished production values, and great plastic surgery.
>other people think thing is cool now
>npw i have the permission to enjoy thing
imagine actually thinking like this
Are you retarded?
>everyone on here is going be be doing shit outside again and learning useful shit.
hahaha no
Hollywood is desperate for a new genre as all they have right now is Soyperhero and Star Wars films to milk.
Anime has been tested in cinemas for attendance and it's surprisingly popular. It's only a matter of time before they want to turn it mainstream.
t. Cinema Manager
Anime has always been beta shit but also hypersexualization which the globalists want for the masses also, where's your problem goy?
5D chess to infect anime with Judaism and destroy it forever, thereby making America great again
fuck outta here
Typical of an amerimutt to be enthralled by fake plastic pop culture trash
>implying anime doesn't belong us to us now.
Everything is soy, you will come to accept this eventually Sup Forums. We are the soyim.
>destroys my vidya
>trying to destroy my trap and loli porn
Fuck you trump!
Culture has degraded so far that anime and Sup Forums is cool. Sup Forums has been the assault black hole of the internet since I was in highschool 11 years ago. If you told people you looked at Sup Forums you might be weird. Now boomers post here and normies watch anime. There is literally no they culture left to steal for normies. Our society is close to cultural collapse look at Hollywood for ducks sake.