ITT characters that are literally you
ITT characters that are literally you
Pretty much, constantly tired and so give off a bit of an emotion-less vibe and being completely withdrawn from conversation outside of work means that I talk overly polite and somewhat mechanically. Oh, and don't forget the hugs. Your character seems fairly reasonable though I personally find Tachibana to be the more logical choice for affection. To each his own, I suppose.
Yep, I'm human trash.
Sounds like someone needs a huge
>characters that are literally you
dock in her ass, agreed
Literally a God and have autismo madly in love with me due to perfection
Nah, you're just more honest about yourself than most.
You have friends and have improved in popularity, self esteem and as a person?
Thanks user *hugs*.
I can see how. Reminds me of one of my old class-mates years back who was very much like Tomoko - very disheveled appearance-wise, very quiet and incredibly sensitive to the slightest touch (to the extent where he cried because someone tickled him, and punched one of the chads incredibly hard for poking him). In some ways I felt bad for the guy though while I'm sure he probably had considerably hardship throughout his life he never really seemed to put the effort into everything I've seen him do, even during classes he used to rest his head on the desk and do little if any study which is quite a shame given that he seemed the type who would be particularly clever if they set their mind to it. Anyhow don't mean to ramble, you don't really get to discuss these things elsewhere. Were you similar or were you one of those types who got bullied, tried to compensate by excelling at their interests yet came to the realization that confidence stems from a child-hood of approval and can rarely be earned?
i just wish i had a sensei route activated.
Ha, not even close.
I've been a quiet person pretty much my whole life and always distanced myself from others since I never really wanted to be bothered by anyone. Which lead up to developing poor social skills. I can never seem to keep a conversation going. I've even started noticing I stutter my sentences on very few occasions.
>Ha, not even close.
Then you're not like Tomoko, who's been making real strides.
Aww, do you need a hug? By any chance do you keep making one-word answers to people's small-talk then feel guilty about coming off as rude? You seem like the type. Its pretty strange when you talk to the average group of people and have to take part in all the "banter", its so hard to be mean to people, especially when its jocular as we're so accustomed to the risk of accidentally upsetting someone. Are you making more of an effort to be outgoing or are you more resigned these days? I haven't a collection of Karutan reaction images so unfortunately one has to use whatever else is at their disposal.
That looks like it could cause some considerable neck strain user, be careful and sleep tightly.
I'm not really the type to make one word answers. I think it's rude in the first place to even consider. I'm midway in my college years and since starting it's been easier and much more comfortable to converse with others who I could relate to in interests of similar caliber. I'm not not quite there but it feels like some sort of progress.
I'm coming off today. Still one cannot simply have someone post an image of Tomoko head-patting herself, it shows that it is you who needs a tried and true headpat - so here is one *headpats*. Anyhow I'm glad you are becoming more socially competent, best of luck user!
He posted the anime version, not the manga version.
My role model.
I'm literally Elias.
A wealthy wizard bachelor, who lives alone and dreams of acquiring the perfect redhead waifu.
>tfw no yukino gf
Literally me
Also Chinatsufag.
We’re both horrible people for poking fun at the disabled
Realistically speaking I don't think any anime character is like me, which isn't surprising seeing as anime characters are usually designed with some kind of archetype in mind, and real people are rarely archetypal. For instance, consider me; I am a software engineer, extremely religious, I like anime, and I enjoy talking at length about inane shit. As far as personality goes I alternate between two states of indifferent fury and furious indifference. I don't have any friends, but that's because nothing I say makes any sense. I'm a walking contradiction destined to die before I turn 30, not because of a health problem, but because my prolonged existence in the mortal realm is a thought so outrageous that God himself would not entertain it. This is me.
Eternal loser always trying to act cool, but it's never my fault
>eat four dozen eggs every day thanks to this film
>roughly the size of a barge
Thanks Gaston-kun
i want to marry you user
With a dick.
Anno pls
Literally me.
A Sup Forums friend of mine said she reminded him of me, but I have many many doubts.
This was the only time I was compared to an anime character. ;_;
Fuck off, shitstain.
same here
>been told I'm good looking by alot of people
>kissless virgin
>cynical and nihilistic
Just like him, I hate being alone but I don't care anymore either.
Fat, Cunty, won't stop eating sweets, and hates her sister.
Literally me
Literally me. I stutter all the time and have social dysfunction.
So you're a low-res version of this dude: