>raising a white daughter in America
Why would any self respecting white family do this...?
>raising a white daughter in America
Why would any self respecting white family do this...?
>raising a faggot leaf
why would anyone do this?
don't live in liberal infested high tax areas is all
That’s what she gets for calling the other black girl a nigger.
Deserves more than that beating desu.
she probably deserved it some way or another.
hahahaha white roasties btfo
idk most black people dont punch random people (in schools), looks like another entitled bleach
>call a black girl "nigger"
>fuck her boyfriend
>get hit
Yeah no.
Dumb cunt deserved it.
>stays still nearly a full second after getting milk poured on her head
is this a common occurrence in public schools
she's hypnotized by her fucking phone
SO fucking mean. What have whites ever done to blacks? That's right. Nothing
i bet she fingers herself every night thinking of that
Is that the story behind this?
spoken like someone who never went to school with blacks
a likely story
>yeah it's cool to chimp out when someone says words lol being a primordial ape is rad XD
>being an autistic beta leaf
>talking about self-respect
Just avoid communities with non whites. Raise your kids to be qualified to work in rural white areas. Problem solved.
Always remember, non whites as a collective hate us. The second they outnumber us they will no longer feel the need to hide it as individuals.
>New Zealand
I'm sorry, did anyone hear something?
Huh, guess it was the wind...
It's some nigger who thinks it's being clever.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
>dyed hair
she is a liberal roastie who trusts mainstream outlets, pedo government and pedo democrats more than her own brain good riddance hope she felt diversitg in full force
Staying relevant by being a nation of flaming shitstabbers is worse than not being relevant at all
Its a pretty common tactic for the class punching bag. It's the old lay down and pretend your dead trick, if you dont give any response the bullies get bored after a while and leave you alone. Course it doesnt work when it turns into assault.
Christ literally everyone in this video is ugly.
>unnatural hair color
I don't care what the story is behind this. She deserved it. Far as I'm concerned a degenerate got the shit beat out of her and a nigger went to jail.
niggers will attack anybody for any reason at any time
t. went to majority-black elementary school, middle school, and high school
she probably said or did something to deserve that
Did you ever see a single fight involving a nigger where his posse didn't jump in the second he started losing?
>raising a white daughter in America
She's not white tho
I was working at a plant a while back, and one of the guys there said he was selling his truck and downscalling it, specifically so he could afford to send his daughter to a catholic school, even though they werent catholic, just so she wouldnt have to be around "the monkeys" Apparently there was a dance team for girls (who are like 8 years old) that is some trashy twerking thing and his daughter asked to sign up for it.
yeah, but their fights are mostly just brawls that last like 20 seconds
I actually did see a video of two black kids fighting where their friends dont just mob the guy and they actually fought one on one. Then when one guy hit the ground, they stopped fighting and walked away instead of kicking and stomping him to near death
>so he could afford to send his daughter to a catholic school, even though they werent catholic
i am glad atheists and protcucks recognize our superiority. you are all directionless heathens with no community and no inherent support system. luckily, us superior catholics have spent decades building our own school system that is safe from modern degeneracy. you are welcome to join, but i do admit a simple "thank you for saving the European people once again, Catholicbros" would be nice.
He probably figured the priests whouldn't be interested in a female.
I train my daughter how to fight and situational awareness. Always expect more then one attacker if there is a group.
I also live in an all white school district so its probably for nothing.
Jesus Christ... That nignog.
i didn't that she insulted the other girl in anyway or instigated the fight. i mean she was probably just some liberal zombie thot the way she was zoned out on her phone. she'd probably the next white bitch sucking on nigger toes.
>That’s what she gets for calling the other black girl a nigger
That's no the story
She said Trump was based and was proud to be a republican
The 'niece of Obama' couldn't take it
I'm gonna have my kids learn martial arts from a young age so they can knock shit cunts like this the fuck out.
you people have a mental sickness that only bullets will cure
Bleached & Shooped
why didn't the guy (i think) to the right of her in the video not get up and stop the nigger?
Wow, the white in them really shows through.
You don't have to have any skills to work in rural areas.
Rural areas are full of cleaners and losers that hammer in fence poles or dig holes with a shovel all day for a job.
The only people with good jobs in rural areas are the the tradies but most people are like the examples I mentioned prior.
Do you prefer congoid ?
racemixing is a mistak...
My gf said she did this, when the nigger girls bullied her (she was a small town goth). I don't get it.
Yeah, but they're animals, only in so far as they think they can get away with it. A human with a stick can part an entire troop of baboons.
The real problem, in all cases I've witnessed, and what allowed me to avoid falling into this trap, is that there is no expectation of law enforcement upon blacks. None. You're expected to be a nigger, expected to attack people, and laughed off when you do. That's your punishment. "Oh, Deiquandrius. Quit being ig'nant." as your daughter or sister is bleeding in the background. You isolate the problem individual, and beat him. I used the locker room, as there were student witnesses, and as a white, the law would have come down upon me.
Have you never been surprised by anything?
Not only a leaf but A FUCKING BOOMER.
Well, nigs don't really get shocked by outbursts and violence. That's why white will go (Sweden) into shock when a nigger nigs. It's absolutely not in the guide book, how to respond to this. "What do I do? Will the police handle it? Am I breaking the law? I don't want to get hurt." Whereas the nigger just chimps out. White people can't chimp. We need honor, and absolute, unshakable moral grounding. That will allow you to beat a nigger in all situations, and not be phased by coward's concepts of legality and self-preservation.
all of them neither look asian nor fully european.. there's a loss of identity. And 'if" they still happen to look good, they're generally mentally ill
cherry-picking at its finest
why the fuck would you hire a nig to look after your child?
How does any white end up along in a room full of nogs?
Did they kidnap him (her?) or what?
Kid doesn't react, doesn't run away, just hypnotized by the cartoon on his hd tv
What I mean is, we're (purposefully) made ignorant on how to deal with such situations, learned helplessness to keep the status quo (who aren't bothered by niggers) in power. "Don't worry, the police will handle it, you'll be arrested too, if you do anything back." This grinding down of the moral character begins early in school, and is carried no through adulthood, until a nigger can beat an old white woman in a crowded train with white men on board, and no one will do anything, because a police officer wasn't present.
We can't chimp out ignorantly, so we need a set of honor and codes that tell us beforehand "if you see someone desecrating your sacred objects, attacking a member of your tribe, you close ranks and attack, no matter what". A moral character that is completely devoid of any pragmatic notions, not dependent upon odds or orders. A moral character which simply is. That's what turns us into a consistently world-beating force, and why it's been worked upon so hard, to be bred out of our society.
No, it's just people trying to be edgy faggots or referring to the common excuse for why blacks are violent apes with, "that's what you get for calling them a nigger" because it's always what they say.
fix ur nigger problem america
i can smell them up here
It's the sign of an ultimate beta.
Always makes me laugh. Putting on brass knuckles to sucker punch someone. Niggers are so weak without weapons or having a group of blacks around them jumping in or ready to at a moments notice.
Herd mentality of lower animals.
Even then, it's more evidence against race-mixing.
>the very best of both unique races must be sacrificed to make one sort of normal-looking human...thing.
This is the future iberals want for all of us, in the name of human rights, tolerance, antiracism and equality
>light skinned
>no big lips
>no wide noses
>colored eyes
damn i love our skull shape
so perfect
lol all of these niggers have disgusting body odor
Again show me all the videos where there isn't a mob of niggers. Weak shit.
reminds me. Sup Forumsacks, private school or homeschool?
What kind of guy sits there and lets a girl get beaten like that? Be a chad and go comfort her she will be all over you for that
Someone post whites wreking blacks please
Homeschool early (a lot of the hard standardization and indoctrination takes place in kindergarten, that's where a bugman is formed) and regular mostly-white school, thereafter.
Dunno looked like a smug black bitch who knew nothing would happen to her - this happens anywhere a group or person is protected. It's called being a Smug Cunt
I remember this blue haired bitch. She called a black person the N word.
Don't say the n word to black people, you have no idea how ignorant, disrespectful, and inhuman it is to use that word. I really don't care if a white person gets beat up for calling someone the N word. If you provoke someone like that then maybe you do deserve an ass whooping. It's disrepectful. Blue haird bitch will never use the N word ever again.
>Don't say the n word to black people, you have no idea how ignorant, disrespectful, and inhuman it is to use that word.
Shut the fuck up you worthless leaf jesus christ. Even the French have more balls than you. Nobody deserves to be attacked over language unless you're a non-white who doesn't understand Western values, and if you're a "Westerner" you're a worthless cuck who talks a big game but would run at the first chance of conflict.
We would have curb stomped the faggotry out of you people had it not been for England.
>racemixing is a mistak...
End this ride
i got called a jew all through high school and i never hit anyone
>you have no idea how ignorant, disrespectful, and inhuman it is to use that word.
Everyone says that but I have never heard an explanation of how it was that bad. Words don't mean anything anyway unless you have a fragile ego. Letting a word that just means black with negative connotation drive you into chimp rage just shows how weak you are.
im pretty sure all of those hapas are wmaf, while amwf is the superior combination