Trump: South Korea to make major announcement regarding North Korea @ 7:00 EST
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Trips decides what happens
SK + NK = Best Korea
They announce a Korean unification with zero bloodshed or happening
End of the armistice
Cap this
Rolling Again
nothingburger if there ever was one
when it will be in pacific time?
You've failed. RUSSIA NUKE
Imagine the left going to lose it when Kim meets Trump.
They will both attack Japan.
(happenings are the only source of happiness in my life)
They're going to announce BTS is going to have a concert in Pyongyang
Roll for unification, that would be nice.
Korean Unification and they both nuke Canada within a week! Please!!
"Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old" when I would never call him short and fat? Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!"
Negotiations breakdown. Nothing changes.
A) "after long consideration we have decided to surrender to glorious best korea"
1) "Thanks to President Trump North and South Korea have entered into an agreement to rejoin as one country"
It's in one hour i believe
Rocket Man is found dead and North Korea move into the modern age.
North Korea will be renamed Kalifornea and Californians will be deposed to Kalifornea overseas. California will then be reclaimed as a state back into the United States and repopulated with Americans.
rollin for unification triple nuclear strike on Israel by US, NK and SK , czech em
Hopefully NK gets BTFO
WW3 get
Unification negotiations will begin within the month. A tentative timetable has already been agreed to. Those in gulag to be freed within the year. Nuke Japan by 2020
please be war please be war please be war
rolling because I think this is it
False reunification as a pretext for a sneak attack
Digies confirm. Canada BTFO. Project Leafblow accomplished.
>at 7:00 EST
>tfw your country is so fucking dank the rest of the world holds press briefings when we would watch them
Eurocucks, when you are done licking your tariff wounds.. take note.
Maybe re-opening Kaesong industrial zone but that’s not a major announcement ,there will never be full reunification until the US closes its military bases,withdraws its troops and stops pulling the strings in SK.
S & N Korea will each submit one champion for a man-to-man fight to the death for all the kimchi
Hitler comes back
Hitler comes back (reroll)
They name the construct.
Throw Commiefornia in there too and you got a deal
I'll take it
My d i g i t s will prove the incoming peace treaty and the eventual reunification of Korea.
poo poo pee pee
Kek give me unification trips bitte
Trump announces tanks in 30 minutes
NK + SK become american state, Kim dzong un gets California to do whatever the fuck he wants with it.
Trump and Kim become besties
Trips say Railroad between north and South Korea opens
global thermonuclear war
So close. So very close.
Jews are the enemy, and they will pay for their atrocities.
NK gets nuked in couple of hours
while a happening would be nice if it's live streamed, it's going to be north korea announcing discussions to """end""" nuclear program in exchange for some tariffs being lightened
Here’s to flooding USA with exported NK commie brainwashed cloned assassin waifus for nazi white supremacists to start natsoc white sharia harems with.
>inb4 nuclear war
oh boi
Live Feed about the announcement
Kim decides to stand down on his threats and allow full inspection in every inch of his country in exchange for a couple of handles of johny walker and tranny porn
Nothing happens and we go about our business as usual
Reunification and will remain a nuclear state
I’m so jaded. Nothing will happen
Rawling for trump & kim become besties
>CNN (3 mins ago) radioactive iodine detectors tripped at Japanese nuclear plant.
something has already happened...trump is just going to officially announce it.
Kim is going to meet with Trump, pretend to give up nuclear weapons, sign a peace treaty and reunify with South Korea, and then use DPRK loyalists to create a shadow state that will inevitably take control of the whole peninsula screen cap this
North Korea Invades South Korea
crap why do your trips have to be so dissapointing
>this nog literally prevented WW3
your retarded
all south korean mcdonalds will turn their logos upside down in unification between north and south
>China gets their nuts put in a vice by Trump's tariffs
>NK suddenly surrenders
NK doesn’t exist it’s just a reason to block off the border to the wormhole that Satan is in.
So close
>Morning announcement
Can't be good, can it? Announcing something like war during the evening wouldn't give people time to process it before bed.
Absolutely nothing
global thermonuclear war rollerinoinpepperonis
I heard on a BBC radio programe called "Newsday" during midnight that the North Koreans are considering Nuclear disarmament. The south Koreans brought the North Koreans back to reality and they wanna speak with Trump.
TLDR; NORKS BTFO. You saw it here first!
NK says they'll,give up their nukes and unite with south but then they blow the west coast off the face of the earth triggering the yellowstone caldera.
North and South Korea now make all the worlds dildos.
allahu ahhahahahahahahah
The fuck is that from?