The Men Preparing for Civil War in South Africa
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Who would want to live right at the source of niggers?
why dont they just go in and exterminate the whites?
>civil war can break out at any time according to the group you're interviewing
>wear skinny jeans and high heels to interview them
They should declare independence and create an ethnostate
"A race-based civil war has been promised by black politicians in South Africa against the persecuted white minority. Suidlanders is preparing vital necessities for civilian non-combatants"
Fertilizer can be used to make some fun stuff.
>they’re just now preparing
SA is a huge psyop to see how the homeland would respond to the ultimate chimpout
monitor closely friends
Good luck America, yr next
get Erik Prince on the line
I can't take Lauren Southern seriously considering her and her sister are/were coal-burners.
She doesn't do what she does because she cares about le white race. She just cares about milking betas for patreon dollars and she cares about feeding her own narcissism
If I was the leader of whites in sf, when civil war comes I would force whites to cape town and try to hold out and ship civilians out
just swarm the south coast
>the red line
>She just cares about milking betas
1 armed white = 50 niggers. Blacks are cowardly and only zerg.
>tfw the nogs attack Suidlander combatants with gorrilions but still manage to lose
And what are you doing to help get info about sf out to the public?
throw ya hat in the ring or shut up
There can be no ultimate chimpout, blacks dont even make up a quarter of the us.
boi.... those juicey thighs
Southern doesn't give a shit about the SA farmers Sup Forums is doing much more to raise awareness about it, I already see our rhetoric seeping into social media websites and spreading like the plague.
Though there can be a mudslide where all the pock just go nuts but even then the minorities would attack eachother and whites would be the most cohesive and cooperative; successful in a chaos scenario.
God bless you all in this life and the next.
What can be done? I'm a burger that cares about this but signing a petition doesn't do shit. Seriously when this shit kicks off what can a foreigner do to help? Raise money? For whom?
lol, give it a rest
Gets real info brought out from SE
Immediately puts up a strawman
It's happening YES!
Race war!
>Lauren Southern doesn't believe white genocide is real
>Does a story on white genocide for shekels
>Immediately puts up a strawman
call it experience
> Suidlanders
So is it a legit organization that can protect people when shit hits the fan? They accept donations via paypal. Is it going to help anyone?
I just realized that I genuinely want there to be a civil war in the US because if there's not it means I'm going to spend the next 30 years going to my job every day and attending meetings in the FY2xxx strategic plan wirh a bunch of people who think it really matters. The only thing that could give my life any meaning at this point is if the feds try to take our guns and we start a civil war.
This is for real. I'm 40 with a corporate job that pays $110k a year and it's soul crushing.
Deep. Powerful. You have a career in front of you user
my god i really hope the race war happens. i mean niggers have never had good aim. theyll be slaughtered. it will be like the spartan 300 but inevitably all the whites will die but not before they lay waste to heaps and heaps of niggers.
>This is for real. I'm 40 with a corporate job that pays $110k a year and it's soul crushing.
join the party
How do you think us young labourers feel.
The entire southern third of Africa should be a white territory.
The whole problem with South Africa is extremely exaggerated desu
Sorry for my typos. I'm drinking.
They should prepare to flee, not fight. Those who stand and fight, die.
fuck off you shill kike no one with a brain gives a fuck about an attention whoring, virtue signaling roastie who flies around the globe on beta's dime
>Giving interviews openly with the jew.
talk about shooting your self in the foot.
ZA anons. Should I drop $2-3K USD in BTC on suidlanders? I want to help but I'm a bit concerned that they are too "non-violent" and will just get slaughtered in the civil war.
namibia, botswana, zim, and all land south of the zambezi in mozambique
it's coming
If they managed to amass a force of 100 blacks, half of them would kill each other due to internal squabbles before they could reach travel to white areas.
cuck detected
Have you been there? It's very tense. Like being in a giant prison.
jan lamprecht really doesnt like suidlanders for some reason. apparently most boers hate them too. but i need a saffas input on this.
suidlanders cant appear to be violent anyways because they are doing it by the book. im sure they have some unofficial contingency for engaging in violence.
>mad about lauren
For fucks sake
The language spoken in unis is the native white language and everyone gets along
There's also whites in parliament
Bump the question
gotta be realistic, there's under 5 million of them... a fair portion of that are women, and another fair portion are men over the age of 40. securing red border wouldn't be impossible
The Dutch settled in South Africa before America was even settled as you know it today. There were zero niggers there in South Africa and it was like that until a society was built and they flooded in for gibs. Read a book you nigger
orbiter scum
How do we accelerate it? How can I make sure it happens?
I have two sons, aged 3 and 5. How fucking awesome would it be to fight side by side with them?
Build bunkers SAbros
>there's also whites in parliament
didn't they all get up and leave when it was confirmed land should be confiscated from whites, just because they are white ?....
You know a person is not a white nationalist when they put their feelings about a woman above the well-being of white people in South Africa. These posters are either shills or useful idiots for shills. None of them are white nationalists, that's for certain.
The one with ID: Vu9Pmywc is Moarpheus who is a civic nationalist who spends all his days attacking anyone pro-white.
actually there is a huge issue with the afrikaans language being opressed, and it is
Niggers just use english cause englisha re race traitors
the Boers need to leave they will be wiped out , they are outnumbered and the ones who will actually take up arms is too little. They should just leave and burn the farms when they do
>doesnt believe in white genocide
>makes shekels off white genocide
>Be leaf
>See someone producing valuable content that benefits humanity and serves an important propose
>Accuse them off doing it for the wrong reasons
you're right i don't care about south africans, at least i don't pretend to so i can feel good about myself. i care about white americans and that's it. kys finncuck
At this rate a civil war is in on a historical scale right around the corner. It won't be tomorrow but it will be here before you know it.
lol i think your sons will still be too young by the time it kicks off. Honestly, I think the first fighting will either happen in South Africa(1-5 years time).. or somewhere in Europe(5-10 years time). very quickly it'll spread.. and in the spreading phase is when conflicts will pop up across America (that's if the government doesn't begin setting up defences in anticipation of of how bad things could get.
i said realistic.
She's not wrong.
I love that even when they're on the verge of being slaughtered, white people show more forward thinking and future preparation than the low IQ nogs coming for them. "Ya, let's set this up so we have some hyroponic pods and shit and we're going to need to grow crops from scratch so let's plan for that"
meanwhile the nogs are going to take all their land and be sitting on literal crops ready to harvest and be like "so wut do we do now?" "dunno" and let it all die
Meanwhile white women and a couple of soy boys are fighting are against them.
Do you think people can't read dates, Moarpheus?
You're a fucking rat who deserves to be shot along with the kikes.
>beliefs cant change in two years
>especially THESEA past two years
I love her man voice, I wish she had a bend desu senpai
Its an issue because literally no one but whites use it, and it's still shoved down people's throats even though English is used more
yeah, there gonna need a lot more shit and not plants. little depressing this is it.
I heard suidlanders are a fraud and crazy religious cult
They are only evacuating big donators.
The Suidlanders sent out this DVD to everyone in 2007
Watch these videos before you give a cent to the Suidlanders.
Suidlanders are helping no one but themselves
>deserves to be shot
yeah by someone who isn't you right? because you're too pussy to kill, so pussy that you have to put your support behind a meme e-slut to feel like you're helping.
I hope they get massacred in the most brutal way
Why would I have a problem shooting an anti-white rat? I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Lol look at this fucking goblin.
What is he even thinking?
your a beta orbiter. i doubt you have the agency to make any decision on your own and killing is a big decision to make.
i get the coalburner thing but getting out the word is good. Our brothers need support and you only care about the girl interviewing them. Do you really care at all
Hope you're right.
Im preparing to jerk in and then eat hamburger
If they had the will they could do it.
They just don't have the will.
5 million organised whites aren't going to be bested by 100 million 60IQ Africans.
Not without the Africans having the support of more powerful whites as was the case in Rhodesia and South Africa.
Organization will always win over numbers. The nigs will kill most of each other over food/water. Right up unitl the (((NGOS))) step in to stop the evil whites defending themselves.
fucking kek
I think if I were to kill someone for political reasons and go to jail I'd target someone significant, not a random retard whose death no one would even mourn aside from MAYBE his mother.
It is time to slay all the wh*Toids in Africa. I hope my government will pick the right side in this conflict.