About this whole controversy

Hey guys I don't know about u but personaly I don't think it's such a bad thing to raise the age to buy a gun to 21 hell even older there just kids and guns aren't toys.

There immature to I'm 49 and the most disrespectful age group I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with are young kids they can't even get a drive thru order right and they think they can buy all the guns they want? No thank you.

It's a good thing one less unresponsible kid to go buy a gun thinking it's a toy and kill himself or worse go rob a gas station or something.

— Annoyed and Disgruntled

Other urls found in this thread:


But with that argument we should also increase the military service age, draft, and voting ages too since 18 is far too immature to handle these things.

^ The military would sort them out good.


Shouldn't be able to own or drive a car until 21 either. Cars kill more people a year in accidents than people are killed on purpose with guns.

fuck off fudd, we arent giving libs a inch

Nah fuck that, either we should treat citizens under 21 as minors or they should get the full rights at 18

People leave home at 18 to live by themselves - they should be able to protect themselves end of fucking story

you mean 25, right? If you can't rent a car, you can't smoke cigs, drink alcohol, or die for your country.

>incredibly unsubtle troll will still get his precious (you)s from the most naive board on Sup Forums
Call me a fortune teller if you like

Bottom line is "they" are totally ignoring any and all actual causes to these problems. as per usual.

there are reasons why people become so disturbed they go out and shoot innocent civilians.

>People leave home at 18 to live by themselves - they should be able to protect themselves end of fucking story
something parents something not mature enough

don't bother arguing with these people



I’m answering anyway fuck you. If you can’t convey your thoughts on the internet without littering it with spelling and gramatical errors I really don’t think you are qualified to tell anyone they are or are not allowed to do something. Sun Tzu said in the Art of War (paraphrasing) that giving your men orders on something is the best way to ensure you will have to give orders on that matter from now on, meaning if you treat people like children they will fucking fit the bill. Hell, we had young teenagers in our officer corps in the 1800’s

Slippery slope

Leftists will never be satisfied until guns are outright banned. Feinstein stated as much over 20 years ago. And she has been working on it ever since.

Then there was the project veritas hidden camera video where the democrat delegate also admits that the end goal is total gun ban and that they use appeals to emotion to get people to give up rights inch by inch

Get these people into a friendly conversation and get them to drop their guard and they will start talking about how a total gun ban is the end goal. Then they turn around and say they "respect the 2nd amendment"

put all gun, alcohol, military enlistment and age of consent to 20.
you literally cannot argue otherwise.

okay, fair enough

people will be forced to stay with their parents until 20, will have no rights until 20, and will not be held responsible for anything they do until 20

Let me ask. Why 20? Why not 15? Why not 25? Why not have these rights at birth?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes I can

>ur mom gay

>People leave home at 18 to live by themselves
Kek, you actually think people leave the house at 18 still? Mate we're all so pathetic getting out of a family home may never happen.

i did, i was abused

Then you probably need a gun more than anyone else.
I'm sorry user, I didn't know :(

>not trying 20 year olds as adults for crimes
Lol no.

What does changing the age limit even solve and for that matter what's next on the list that'll supposedly solve all the problems?

this completely fails to address the actual underlying causes.

you continue to parrot liberal left agenda talking points
while continuing to purposefully ignore true causes

Yup, let's just keep raising the age of responsibility since that worked so well on millennials.

You crusty fuck, we keep pulling this shit and people under 30 are going to still be in primary school.

your age group was the most disrespectful age group your predecessors had the displeasure of dealing with. That never changes and it's never actually true but completely a perception.
Also thisthisand this

>Kek, you actually think people leave the house at 18 still?
I had my own apartment and full time job a month after graduating high school. I wasn't abused or mistreated by my parents at all and continue to have a healthy relationship with them a decade later.

Plenty of young people are self motivated and hard working and want to provide for themselves and enjoy the independence of living on their own.
>we're all so pathetic getting out of a family home may never happen
Don't project your own failings onto society as a whole.

/k/ really is the easiest board to troll.

I hear drinking bleach helps with that disgruntled state.

I'll accept age 21 for guns if they give us age 21 for voting

Le troll xddddddddddddddddddddddd

Thanks for posting these videos!

im all for it.

all of which would be a good thing to be honest. it would be much more legally arguable to raise the voting age if the gun-buying age was raised to 21. if we could cut out the 18-20 year old voting block of retards it would be well worth any minor inconvenience in gun buying. think about it. cutting out 18-20 year olds from voting would essentially guarantee you would never lose gun rights again. there would never be a hilary or obongo, because only people with actual real life experience who have worked for a living would be voting. ie, stakeholders. people are a lot more picky about where their tax money goes, when they start seeing 30% deducted from their first paycheck. retard 18-20 year old communists love to spend other peoples money to spread charity among the world and sing kumbaya. fuck em

>I’m ok with gun control as long as it’s not my durr rifle

Fuck you /k/. Goddamn the last few years here have been leading up to this and you take it in the ass. Those leftypol cunts are right and it’s sickening. You will give up your guns and make fun of people that are smart enough not to. You’ll not do a damn thing when the atf comes to shoot your dog.
>hEEuyck hEEuyck your mad youngin profhls my point
I’m 23. Get raped by Pinhead /k/

"They" are the cause.

this isn't a problem

why 20? because that's when you become an actual person and finally grow up mentally
18 years is simply not enough.

learn to do math retard

If the age was 21 then the Florida shooter couldn't have gotten a gun. Just like how the school was a gun free zone and that stopped him. Just like how murder is illegal and that stopped him. Another law on paper is what would have stopped him.

>under-21s aren't mature enough to own firearms
>under-12s are mature enough to undergo gender reassignment
This is your brain on liberalism.

enjoy your helicopter ride faggot.

Give a reason to do so and I will tell you why you are wrong.

>NFA was passed more than 50 years ago
>One teenager shoots up a school
>now it's obvious you shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun until 21 because 20 year olds are not capable of handling firearms

This is stupid.

as said 18 year olds are simply not mentally mature enough and this is proven internetically.

>18 year olds are required to sign up for the draft
>shouldn't be allowed to own a rifle
really made me thonk