Do you talk about it, or just try and avoid touchy subjects all together? Have you lost any close friends because of differing political views?
Do you have close friends with drastically different political views than you?
I am close with my cousins and some of them are extremely SJW and some of them are religious nuts but I don't care I still love them
All of my friends are either Jews or Leftists.
I just say/text as much offensive shit as possible whenever they are around.
Hasn't affected my friendships.
Politics shouldn't invade friendships. I've got hard left and right friends and we all get along fine.
All of my good friends are liberal, as I'm a former liberal myself. We don't talk politics very much. They may or may not be vaguely aware of my beliefs, I'm not sure.
if their views are different than mine they're not friends just obstacles
what friends?
Yeah. It's less that we avoid touchy subjects, and more that they don't usually come up due to the nature of our relationships. One of my buddies is commie tier left-leaning, but all we ever talk about is gym shit because 95% of the time we're together it's either gym stuff or boozing at bars.
Yes. We talk about it. I have to take it very very easy or he will get very depressed because hes Alt Right and Im normie.
Of course not, faggot.
yeah i do give a fk about more than politics
shit not really tho on the latter
but you get extremely influenced by people around you, even when you don't realize at first.
>easy or he will get very depressed because hes Alt Right and Im normie.
he sounds interesting
I feel like it would be hard to maintain any close friendships and not get a feel for where a person stood politically, even if you avoid ever directly talking about politics. Like if you don’t have some idea about how someone feels about the world I can’t imagine you are very close.
I bet those friends would never have your back in a tough situation
I used to have like 2 bestfriends and we did like everything togheter, but like on of them turned SJW so much it was litteraly a diffrent person, becouse he started going to this fancy art high school were everybode is like gay og commies.
Alot of my friends at uni are liberal but appreciate funny Sup Forumstier mobid, cynical humor
you know which friends you Faulker
My own brother turned into a SJW when he started dating a feminist. They've since broken up, but he's still a cuck.
I love him, but I respect him a lot less than I used to.
I have a really close friend that is a far leftist, he doesn't like to talk about politics anymore because it makes him uncomfortable when I present good counter arguments to his beliefs. He's an intelligent guy but he won't change his political stances unfortunately
I do, and when the topic come up o so the verbal equivalent of leaving their assholes cleaved in half in a dark alleyway because I know damn well every single one of our points is defensible to the last dot in the smallest i, and I just can't help myself.
My friends are all liberals. I just don't talk politics, or if I do I just go so big brained with it that they don't know wtf I'm talking about.
>Do you have close friends-
The ideological leanings of my friends are fairly diverse. A single jew, a few SJW's, some conservatives, vocal racists, liberals, some hippies, and some business types. I banter about politics with some of them, but not all. Its autistic as fuck to talk about politics with everyone you hang out with.
all friends and family are right wing
feels good to be Christian
I have a friend who is pretty left but open to other ideas and discussion in general. I enjoy talking to him about politics, social issues nad stuff like that immensely.
He is aware of Jordan Peterson, immigration issues and 3rd wave feminism being cancer though, so he is not your typical oblivious soyboy.
Underage b&
Right now I spend as much time as I can trying to break the left/right false paradigm. Yeah liberalism is pure cancer, but cmon if you are speaking in terms of RNC/DNC then you are still plugged into the matrix
I voted for AfD, my best friend voted for Die Linke. The different political opinions never really sabotaged our friendship.
I'm a closet rightist. I've played violin since age 8, do theater and have an IMDB page. Everyone i know and love is liberal, including every girlfriend I've ever had, which includes two jews and a muslim (she was in an arranged marriage after we split, and left it. half her family shuns me.) Sometimes my power level shows when I try to get my leftist friends to critically think. Some do, but most cannot turn off CNN. It's...painful. My gf is a fed and even she doesn't know. I became lonely when I found out the autistic faggots on this board may accidentally make satire real, and became one myself =\
half her family now shuns HER*** sorry
I have an American friend I met through an online community. We met back in 2015 and he was super chill, but he jumped HARD on the "Fuck Drumpf" bandwagon
It's still fun to shoot the shit with him about other stuff but we've got to avoid politics these days, I just can't stand his crazy whining.
No most people I know don't care enough about politics, history or anything.