This man is unifying Korea in a little over a year. He is magic
Fatty Bankrupt is a lame duck who never wanted to be president, obviously.
Let me know when Hillary is in prison
this is the guy who thought Taiwan was the capital of Thailand
The future is ours
The future belong to his rampaging hordes of amnestyniggers
His mind is too great for minor, non-US localities.
It's the Trump era! Enjoy these two terms while we can!
That orange guy is just a bully, korea unifying by itself without that basterd
he is from the future
maybe it is in the future
Apparently there is a major announcement at 7pm, how do I watch?
>Trump’s ‘madman’ rhetoric may have scared North Korea to talks, analysts say
Probably White House youtube channel will live stream it
He's the god's damned dragon, winning is one thing, but this much success is massively troubling
trips, announcement confirmed big
Fox just said that Kim and Trump are gonna setup a face to face meeting. The meme magic is going to reach a level never before seen.
Next up .. Trump reunifies California w/ america w/ equal measures
So, your President looks like a shitty commie dictator with nukes and adoctrinated regimen fanatics.
>analysts say
>dennis rodman
Wow proofs. Trumpcucks are pathetic
And snatching up guns faster than slick Willy ever could have.
Haha you shills are fucking pathetic. It's hilarious how you don't even have talking points to spin this. Stupid jews.
>On the contrary.
There is no future for all of you
>Trump literally says "Take the guns first, and then have due process."
Nice one, plebbitor ;^)
>all your base are belongs to us
But I want war
It was Obama's previous negotiations and sanctions that brought NK to their knees and to the negotiating table, this is yet another example of Trump taking credit for Obama's work
>Haha you shills are fucking pathetic. It's hilarious how you don't even have talking points to spin this. Stupid jews.
It's always the best when big news comes after they already started their shift and Brock is yet to send the memo. They are like fish out of water.
>every trump critic glows
your pederast network is crumbling, soon you'll be less than a plebe, a pariah you shall become.
May you live for ever.
Trump and Kim will be friends
I cant wait for all the memes!
>just a bully
This development will make him look like a god in almost everyones eyes, and even his most hateful opponents are forced to admit his skill and ability politically. 2020 is an assured victory at this point.
DNC may as well disband if he reunifies the Korean Peninsula. They’ll never win another election.
>people think Kim Jung Un isn't going to have Trump assisnated
>gentleman creates magical meme
>leftists think he stupid
Red America is Best America!
>Peace and Safety
>Peace and Safety
What could go wrong?
i have to check this even if i dont agree you eu cuck
That would be even better than peace in Korea.