Mina a cute
Other urls found in this thread:
Autism speaks.
I'll post the pages here for the anons who wanted them in the previous thread
They look more like family considering he's parenting/babysitting her clone and the rest
>wasting all those illustrations on Hamazura's onihole
>not even one of Aiwass vs Coronzon or Pendex vs Accel
too late user
Last one.
Here are links of all text pages, just in case someone wants to repost this quickly next thread in case someone wanting to translate doesn't show up this thread but does the next one. Thank you to the user who dumped them this thread. Perhaps Styil will show up.
Why does she need electricity if she's now a grimoire? Or was she just hungry or something and thought she needed it?
Is Kamachi about to show off his thelema boner?
Reminder that Rikou stole an illustration of Fiamma getting spooked by IT in WW3.
so the reason why index is always hungry is because of the grimoires?
Will she keep her hunger or not?
I don't remember it ever being implied that they're causing her to always be hungry. It just seems like a "funny" quirk.
Just good old 2004 anime comedy.
Apparently almost 80% of the volume is Hamazura. It's also pretty hard to read, according to that same eleven. Guessing the Thelema terms are getting tossed around.
> That title
Can I blame Kamachi for this?
I need Saiai
Picked up.
>not many of the spoilers we have are related to Hamazura
Makes the cover seem even more questionable.
Holy shit you're persistent.
I think Facebook is that way.
Well at least it wasn't like pic related where the two had about 2% of the volume.
Touma only appears with Aleis-tan. He's more of the perspective of a veteran who knows how to deal with magic bullshit well
Accel's perspective are mostly about science stuff while Hamazura's POV are mostly battling whatever the fuck is trying to kill him
and then thelema shit
Sorry user, I'm not your boogeyman.
Are you seriously pulling this boogeyman bullshit? He didn't say anything over inflammatory about your precious cover. Calm down.
When will we get a proper Mugino volume
I assume the Between the Lines segments will be following Coronzon?
Well at the same time, having Aleister before and after between the two covers isn't a bad way to convey instantly what happened. Hamazura in a mech on the cover would be too out of left field so the only other option probably would've been Coronzon (who probably doesn't get much) or ITEM.
Come on everybody this is an autism safe space
They're Aiwass vs Coronzon, according to 5ch.
What suprising revelation could the Hamazura plot unleash that would be worth spoiling?
>this just Mugino still wants Hama's dick
The suit seems to be related to Aleister. Don't forget that the whole British Commonwealth invasion and IT vs Aiwass was not in the NT18 spoilers.
I'm craving more illustrations, particularly the full pic of Aleis-tan sitting on Touma.
If its in the book, it's worth spoiling because it may lead to something? If Coronzon vs Aiwass, Pendex, and Mina are all a small portion of the book, he has to do something of note this volume. The colored illustration has him fighting what looks like Silver Star tentacles
Haimura should be updating his blog soon, I'm sure it'll have something good.
Hoping for at least the suit and perhaps Aleis-tan or Mina.
There's also the baby, and apparently Fran gets mixed up with a suit as well? Not to mention the crime that's supposed to piss off Accelerator that is from the summary. None of that has been mentioned
I want my own catgirl onee-san (grimoire).
>constellation leggings
Apparently Touma's whole screentime in the volume is about being a tsukkomi until he needs to beat Pendex.
This still makes me laugh to this day. houseofsixten.com
>Miraculously saved by Aiwass and gains a body
Why does Kamachi always pussy out of killing someone off? She isn't even a person.
>it's a Touma barely appears volume
Wew, that explains why I saw someone complain who didn't like Hamazura.
>Index isn't Lilith
>Can't even Pendex anymore
How is she even supposed to be relevant anymore?
>I leave for a week
>autism pics everywhere
Maybe now people will believe my crack theory that Index is a dragon.
I thought she only looked like that because that's what Touma saw as a comfortable image. Why does she still look like a cat lady?
Well it's not a miracle, because Aleister wanted Aiwass to hold it off in space. In any case, she put herself in danger by assuming he wanted her to hold it off.
She's still sentient. That's no different than killing a person.
Not really. It's fun and good bait. Even fits a moment in the epilogue.
That sounds pretty greedy, no? We just got done with at least 10 novels of nothing but Touma. They can deal with him not having much screentime for one volume.
Someone's having a mental breakdown. Again.
Including this. houseofsixten.com
He wanted more Accel and Mikoto. I just think he was on the ilk that didn't like Hamazura.
>that fucking thread
Holy shit. My sides are in orbit.
Because there's no need to kill her off?
Some guy also complained as an Accelerator fan. Hurt his enjoyment.
>my sides are in orbit
Kamachi's probably saving Accelerator for closer to the end of the arc. Better to have Hamazura doing his thing before we get into Aeon shifting shit.
Probably. Not that I mind. It could focus on anyone and I know I'll love it.
As an Accelfag myself, I don't see anything to complain about? He got screentime and is very likely
It's better to leave Hamazura out completely instead of wasting page space on him
Whatever you say Mugino
I agree. Oh well. It's the same as always with people wanting shoehorning of characters over proper writing.
I'm wondering if NT20 won't actually be an Accelerator volume while NT21 is return to England, with maybe a volume or so after that in which all MCs appear and do their thing
There is nothing wrong with Hamazura and his bullshit luck
You realize every time you post Satania, it makes you look like a retard about to get 1upped by Raphi, right?
I don't know how I feel about this. I legitimately thought they'll announce at least one side project to go along with s3.
Should have been HO S2.
Side project is the mobage
You deserve never having an anime for behaving terribly.
We did. It's just it's all for Toaru.
Raphi actually likes Satania a lot, unlike the Sup Forumstarded Gabu.
Better for them to just ride Kamachi's name back up the pipeline for the next few years with Raildex then take a look at other projects.
>implying it won't end in a few years
>Can't even Pendex anymore
You're missing the point of everything here. They destroyed the collar which, yes, does remove Pendex, but it also removes the restriction on her abilities that made Pendex necessary. If anything this allows her to be more relevant more frequently without something needing to place in a near-death state.
Keep believing that's how things work user. Keep believing.
Stay mad