Women betrayed us

They chose the enemy side.
Now, they must face the consequences.
We must reclaim the control by force.
No mercy.

My gf banged a black guy in hs.

Now she's a racist. Life's ok.

that's what women have done for all of humanity
to think that they're rational and make good decisions is stupid
I blame white men for even giving them the right to vote at all.
Stupid whitey complains about what's going on yet does nothing and even encourages this behavior


>Now she's a racist.

Begone, kike.

>more women voted for the "far right" anti-immigration party in Italy than men did
>baaawww women are irredemaable

You mean she pretends to be racist while either banging Tyrone on the side or fantasizing about him when you two are together, right?


a womans instinct is to spread her legs as soon as the enemy arrives, that's how they stay alive

what did you expect?

ITT: bitter white boys angry that women prefer to breed with real studs

The day of Roast is approaching fast.

Roasties who have been loyal shall be spared.

Do you taste his cock whenever you kiss her on the lips?

t. 5'0 goblin


woah 0.5% of a difference. Meanwhile in reality


Understand this : Men are meritocratic. Women are parasitic.
U can observe the proof eeeeveryday, in aaaaal those topics.
It is clear as day by now for every thinking being.

Also, consider this:
Feminism is the PROOF of female inferiority:
Intellectually, morally, work morals, civility, socially, physically, ....

Most right winger voting women are old adults and boomers. Check it out yourself.
Most of our age women are traitors.

>this vote that supports my narrative is more legit than your vote

Yes, if you collected all the different votes the general trend tends to be that men vote a few more points to the right. But votes like the one I posted and Le Pen's vote shows it's not as simple as being explained by one factor. And men voting a few points "better" does not equal women "betraying" the nation, it just means more of them are traitors than men are. Which makes sense to anyone who understands evolutionary biology.


End this shitty meme, white men racemix at a much higher rate than white women.

>white women generally not into black men
>this meme starts up
>no it's more taboo then every before and therefore exciting
>more white women, especially white women that were at least considering traditionalism, succumb to the taboo of inter-racial sex
wow, great moves. sage

Women are biological less loyal to their in-group. Females are naturally more attracted to dominant men. You have nobody to blame but yourself.

I checked and the old people voted for the left-wing party way more than the young people did. The betrayal there is more significant than their marginally more votes for Lega. Also you're a blackpilling kike with your memeflag, it's too obvious. Kill yourself.


this. Sup Forums tards never had a chance with anything other than a hambeast or landwhale because they are more scared than dominant.


Damaged goods. I am sorry for you.

Statistically proven to be false. Fuck off juden

Faggot. Just fucking talk to a girl. Niggers actually talk to them. Most white chicks are pretty fucking racist. Most people don't want to race mix. Most people tho won't look a gift horse in the mouth. If you want a chick then go get one or at least have the balls to say you don't care.


What do you mean by ''betray''?

Women and men vote very similar, and men racemix way more.

No man cares if trash is lost. I've met decent women who arn't attracted to any men but white men. There the ones you want to go after, no one gives a shit if trash fucks trash.

Nothing of value was lost, they are breeding themselves out of the white race, this is a bad thing? No one told women that loyalty is a valuable trait, woops!