Women's March leader refuses to condemn Farrakhan.
Right there on the CBS Tweet: "The FBI has been the worst enemy of Black advancement. The Jews have control over those agencies of government."
Goodness, this timeline, I tell you.
Women's March leader refuses to condemn Farrakhan.
Right there on the CBS Tweet: "The FBI has been the worst enemy of Black advancement. The Jews have control over those agencies of government."
Goodness, this timeline, I tell you.
Other urls found in this thread:
KEK is with us now
Finally the nogs realize who's trying to control them.
none of your tricks we know you control the nogs
You'll answer to God for this caricature.
They don't realize anything. Ice Cube was rapping about Jews controlling blacks since the late 80s, and nobody listened then.
>post yfw feminism is now anti-Semitic
This needs more press.
>raps about Jews
>is a Jew puppet
What level of chess are the Jews on?
a crucified kek doesn't even make any thelogical sense, he's a god of chaos and smugness
'It's a case of divide and conquer
'cause you let a Jew break up my crew'
Fuck, horseshoe theory strikes again
Was the women's march /OurCunts/ all along
I love how FBI is the leftists favorite good boy organization all of a sudden
??? Farrakhan and the rest have been saying this for decades dude.
also I do not think the FBI has been working against black people since the Martin Luther King days.
People need to understand Jewish people are victims of racist white people.
>it's okay when niggers say it
and yet they will still vote for Dems
>white devil this white devil that
>not racist, no news
>names the jew, "evil jew"
Blacks hate jews and they're an oppressed people so let's side with them
Understand this : Men are meritocratic. Women are parasitic.
U can observe the proof eeeeveryday, in aaaaal those topics.
It is clear as day by now for every thinking being.
Also, consider this:
Feminism is the PROOF of female inferiority:
Intellectually, morally, work morals, civility, socially, physically, ....
it's not like they have new tricks everytime
M8, let the apes be content with their shiny, noisey, buzzy devices along with the plethora if cinsumer products they are addicted to. It makes the american economy go round and aren't these people basically going the way of the dinosaur anyway?
relevant threads from yesterday
I knew riling up the black community against whites could easily backfire on the Jewish community, since theres virtually no difference between the two. Now the more pressure they apply against Farrakhan the more resistance the black community is going to mount against not only the media, but Jews as a whole.
This is the perfect opportunity to infiltrate black forums and internet communities and start promoting the role of Jews in the slave trade.
>when your golem turns on you
oy vey