Net-juu no Susume

No blogshit allowed

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Very cute anime girl. I hope she finds love with an anime boy.

>still playing MMOs into your 30s

How embarrassing.

>mods literally deleting the thread
what the fuck

She's too qt


>tfw no 30 years old qt girlfriend who play games

The mod should have permabanned that Obaa-san tripfag who is a known banevader. It's been 2 years since I have to filter someone.

>who is a known banevader.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?

Netoge did it better

I wish I could still be a NEET in my 30s

shit taste

Completely wrong. Netoge had some serious problems. A big one was that in Netoge, for the in game scenes the gender and appearance of the characters was changed to their real life appearance as soon as the protagonist learned their gender, even though their in game characters never canonically changed. That's just cheap and shitty.

Why can't real NEETS be as cute as Adult Tomoko

Don't even know what to make of this show. Giving it the 3 episode rule, hoping it picks up.

It's shit if you've never been a NEET or don't play MMO

I've done both.

Spmeone please explain why tripfags exist.

Perhaps in the cake's case.

The guy playing Lily seems to have a full time job and plays the game on his free time, which doesn't really seem that embarrassing.

Pretty sad to see this show get taken over by blogshit so early.

useful ones exist. that does not mean all of them are useful

Becasue they aren't elite.

Japan is a weird place. I thought thta in videogames being a girls made you more popular than being a guy.

She's damn cute. I want to hug her from behind while she dies from the embarrassment.

Cake-chan is definitely cutest girl of the season so far

Would you have the courage to actually do that to a very timid woman?

girls pretending to be guys in games is fine
guys pretending to be girls is fucking gay

I don't know about that user, but I know that I would have the courage to cum on her armpits


>No blogshit allowed
>with a "literally me" MC and hobby related theme
Although when it's MMOs the blogging gets stronger. Or at least that's what I remember from netoge and log horizon.

This was a nice one to get cozy in bed and watch.
Lot of stuff like that this season.

Some dump manga and whatnot, then some other faggots just want a name so people will talk about them.

Yeah this is getting preety annoying

also useful for finding them in archives. or when they're organizing some effort.

>Spmeone please explain why tripfags exist.

I think the problem is that there is only ones episode so far and the large majority of anons aren't reading the manga so there just isn't much to talk about yet.

Yeah. People liked it but there's not much to say about it other than that right now.

From what I've read in these threads so far, it seems like the series won't have an actual conclusion of any kind unless we end up with an anime-original ending.


who is this faggot and why is he trying to speak with authority?

more like
>"playing" mmos at all

there could be worse though. there's 40+ yr olds playing downgraded versions of games released past 05 and thinking they have decent ability

>The GM (short green hair guy) is the guy MC played with in the old MMO. (The kids in the OP)
>They had the same thing going on but it ended abruptly because of her job.
>This is why he won't allow any romance in the guild.
>This is the forced drama in the middle of the story just as everything is going great with MC and main girl/boy.
>He is coincided the "childhood" friend so he won't win.

There, saved you from an entire season of these cancerous tripfag infested threads.

Still going to watch it anyways because I enjoy how the narrative is presented and want to see the cake win.

That's not nice.


this better not be an actual spoiler you fuck

>fantasy MMO
Again? Why can't someone somewhere make an MMO anime like this that's more based on the world of Fallout NV or STALKER. Would be a nice change of pace.

You can't have cute girls in those settings

Or you could just filter them and not spoil the show you gigantic faggot

you can too nigger.

Show me one, I fucking dare you

>All the charts said this airs on the 10th
>It aired on Friday, several days before it was supposed to air
God damn charts, it isn't fun being behind.

Do MMOs in that setting even exist?

What would it be like, the guy playing Lily rescues the cake from ghouls, and teaches her how to survive in the wasteland?

I'd watch it.

Female NEETs don't actually exist.

It can't be.
The manga has never been translated let alone scanned. It's pure speculation. But the OP gives it away way too much.

tell me im not cute faggot.
Would be more along the lines of
>Cake runs into pack of raiders
>Lilys guild stomps in their T51 Power Armor, Fat Mans, Gatling lasers, miniguns, a blazing, saves Cake
>They take the Cake in and teach her about survival
Then all would have their own skillsets
>Lily would be medical specialist
>Elf would be the High Charisma, 100 speech, 100 barter, and 100 science fag that can cheese through the game
>Green hair would be guns and survival 100
>Big guy handles the fatman and gatling lasers, explosives 100, energy weapons 100
>Cat would be sneak 100, lockpick 100, science 100 i guess.
Would watch


I don't know, that doesn't really make room for some of the doki doki scenes, like when they sat on a tree branch and gave each other gifts.

>implying we can't have cooking around the campfire scenes
>implying cake wont go looting to find cute dresses for lily
>implying there wont be snuggling innacave on cold nights
You can have people that are specialized in combat roles and still have doki doki scenes. Doki doki scenes find a way

Ugh, but that doens't seem as fuwa fuwa, though.

Sharing cute gifts by the tree is much more fuwa fuwa than sitting around a campfire in a cold wasteland surrounded by worn-out buildings and furniture.

depends on how its done, but generally speaking you are correct.

I'm actually really liking this show, way more entertaining then anything else this season. Too bad it's only 11 episodes.

yo what the fuck is up with tripfags this season?

Are there any other shows this season with incessant tripfagging in the threads? I only noticed it being really, really bad in Net-juu threads

the one with the leshen and redhair girl and just because also are heavy with em

>this got an anime instead of the one with the OL and her shit movies

>the one with the OL and her shit movies

Perhaps it's a new shitposting strategy they came up with. It's pretty obvious that there's a group of people out there who come together to shit up boards for fun.

Kine-san no Hitori de Cinema.

>thread ruined by tripfaggotry

Just nuke it to hell.

Because most of these shows are about being comfy and fantasy settings are the best for that.

I hate those people. I just want to say how I enjoy or dislike anime without getting shitty board-related agendas and falseflagging involved.

Isn't there literally a show about cute apocalypse girls this season?

This seems rather interesting, I'm going to check it out.


this is my aots

Go samefag somewhere else.

>Of course the neet girl has a nice fit body.

>Of course girl is cute

>Of course the neet girl's weird quirks is her anti social tendencies in public and growling stomach.

If this was a guy, the amounts of people calling him loser degenerate bum who needs to get his act together would be tremendous. In this thread? We have fags saying they want to fuck her and save her.

Fucking idiots.

It is literally a web manga that was in hiatus around 2 year, everything would be spolied at this point

>Of course the neet girl has a nice fit body.

How could you even tell? She just seems like an average thin woman, which isn't anything out of the ordinary in Japan.

Aren't there some NEET guys Sup Forums likes? Amuro Ray from Gundam was pretty sympathetic and he was pretty NEET-y (just sitting at home fiddling with Haro) until he got dragooned into the war.

I agree. I think it ought to be easier/more common to get banned.

Mods please don't ban me for saying that.

Honestly, she looks average and just has a healthy body, considering she used to have an actual job and had to care for her overall appearance.
A guy that had a successful office job and decided to go NEET would look pretty much just like the guy playing Lily at first too.

>If this was a guy, the amounts of people calling him loser degenerate bum who needs to get his act together
Look at the fans of Osomatsu-san

Oh boy another ReLife.

>I enjoy how the narrative is presented.
The whole guild was presented so awkwardly, how did that not throw you off?

People who read Japanese exist.

I guess I was more focused on the cake's life and her enjoyment of the game rather than how she met the guild. It may have been a little awkward at first, but the explanation that came afterwards gave all the information that was needed so it wasn't too bad.

I want less of the MMO, more of the Cake and cute Office Man getting into awkward hijinks together. The store part of the episode was easily the best part.

>what user didn't realize is that I'm actually going to avoid these threads due to cancerous spoilerfags such as him
>he also didn't realize that I'm too used to dealing with spoilerfags to have actually read his post
Go fuck yourself all the same, though.

I spent a lot of time convincing my friends and people on the interent the only not-arthur showed interst in her.Thanks shoujo

So who's the GM in real life?

Just wait it out...

No. I have cancer and only have two weeks to live


I'm so sorry.

Bane Vader?
How awful.
I need proof bane and vader have fused.

OP hints he's the girl in the red dress. Don't know if true.

Oh my

Oh my indeed.

No he's green glasses. I looked tbrought the raws

What does this mean, then?