Best girl thread
post best girls only
Best girl thread
you first
that isn't even a girl.
I only want to watch this show because that character sort of resembles my waifu so I have high expectations
Every best girl thread I see.
Hello 7SE how are you shilling today?
That's a potato.
Is your waifu a giant?
where is nanachi you faggots
She'd look better with black hair and bigger tits.
im pretty sure potatoes aren't supposed to be sexy.
Not at all, I didn't even know this character was a giant. I mean just her face.
Its shit. Characters are way too flat considering the world they live in and it just get striaght up frustrating to watch. The anime only filler is especially irredeemable.
It's funny because the clothes are the skin.
Ozen is a woman not a girl.
>posting boys
Love this meme.
>Implying the filler wasn't a breath of fresh air after being stuck in Layer 2 for three episodes
That fuck already shit up a thread for at least 4 hours repeating the same thing, don't give him more attention.
It's a masterpiece. Characters are way too complex considering the world they live in and it just get straight up addicting to watch. The anime only filler is especially life saving.
She is my potato
I've got your three best girls right here.
>a fart is a breath of fresh air in a sewage pipe guys
you are pathetic.
Sry not my snap, it's from google image search I was too lazy for a MPC-HC snap myself.
I hope you're shitposting
How can you be a girl when you have a huge penis that you use to sodomize little blue haired girls?
It really is a great show
in those 4 hours not once were you able to prove him wrong.
Looks like cont. bait from last thread.
Correct voice actor, wrong character.
>implying I fell for the bait
>admitting you spend four hours in mia threads
Just watch it
Ozen's arc is slow though
>implying you arent right now
>post best girls
>six words deep
Nanachi was never best girl
That's not Dorothy
Wh.. Uh.. First of all RUDE, second I am just having the tab open while working from home. I mean who would be on the thread of a single show all day... not me, no definitely not... I'm not that obsessed with it... pre-ordered the manga sure... made reaction pics...
Oh my god... what have I become?
Otherfag here, not him
It's a masterpiece work of art, the thinking man's Madoka, the Dark Souls of anime, an evocative thesis on humanity's insatiable curiosity and the depths of our cruelty. The abyss is the unbiased uncaring examiner giving way to an adventure fundamentally tied to every aspect of human existence. A once in a decade achievement for anime, an allusion to Miyazaki at his most misanthropic.
Riko really is a potato, but she is the potato, and I can never hate her for that
It really isn't. Cheap writing so there is drama, like the pick axe, the arm, prushka that have no real development. Crying and being sad isn't development. There is no point to torturing these characters other than shock value and conflicts are all rersolved with bullshit deus ex machinas like mushrooms we never heard of before until conviently when she was in need of them. Lazy writing all around. Don't even get me started on Riko.
Good stories has conflict, resolve and character development made out of the former two. MiA has none of these elements working for the characters, the characters are props. The manga has generic art, and the final fight between reg and bondrewd was really fucking awful marker scribbles that is lazy to the highest degree. Prushka was practically a non character. no point to it other than to give her(Riko) a white whistle that wasnt Lyza's. Why are we supposed to cry over someone we barely even got to know. Because they threw in a tragic story that shes being experimented on?
The Evangelion of Fate/Zero. The Spirited Away of Elfen Lied.
Can we just not do this now. Wait until tomorrow or something, just please we already had hours of this. This is best grill thread. Anons, begging you.
>tfw no deaf-mute gf
shut up Reg
Too bad faggot. Try to watch shows and read manga that aren't easy to derail because its filled with amateur mistakes.
Let's just get this out of the way. Made in Abyss is the kind of fiction Miyazaki should have been making instead of his fake family movies that have no resemblance to his grumpy misanthropic personality.
He would trash MiA anyway
Keep posting best grills and don't give (You)s, and we might actually have a better thread than usual.
mia is already trash
>Ever replying to autistic retards sperging out and shit flinging to get momentous satisfactions of reactions like yours
No one to blame but yourself.
He'd be jealous based Tsukushi already surpassed him in artistic skill as a mangaka. Sad.
>It's a masterpiece work of art, the thinking man's Madoka, the Dark Souls of anime, an evocative thesis on humanity's insatiable curiosity and the depths of our cruelty. The abyss is the unbiased uncaring examiner giving way to an adventure fundamentally tied to every aspect of human existence. A once in a decade achievement for anime, an allusion to Miyazaki at his most misanthropic
Is there something wrong with that girl?
Uhm... No she's fine, maybe a little flat.
But that's part of the appeal.
Hehe *sweat*
exact opposites. samefag?
No, one person it clearly wrong and is clearly correct.
just fags
No, one person is clearly wrong and is clearly correct.
ok. now you are just going to far with the bait you are supposed to keep it subtle.
ok. now you are just going to far with the bait you are supposed to keep it subtle.
Are you ok? You seem to be broken. But you like MIA so its not surprising youre defective.
Are you ok? You seem to be broken. But you dislike MIA so its not surprising you're defective.
Yep definitely broken. His mind was fried because of how hard his pedobait was roasted and the fact his safe space is ruined by simple observations
I feel bad for idiots, and this is shitting up the thread even more than usual, so here's a spoiler on what's going on: He's false-flagging to bait shitposters on the other side, and he probably hasn't even watched the show.