Muh blue wave

Muh blue wave


pfft big deal. 2020 we will surely get it.

>blue wave
more like blue balls

>survey monkey


Go back to reeeeddit

How can anyone take them seriously after their last fuck up?

Good, the GOP can stand to lose the House, as long as we hold onto the Senate long enough to get another Justice of the Supreme Court or two

go back to pedo a lago

wait, we trust the polls now?

its probably worse than that, you know they over shoot dems on polls

You see this wave?
This wave is blue
A big blue wave it comes for you
It comes for trump and all his people
And his voting block of sheeple

Would his voting block also be his people?

The only way the Left maintains any power is by keeping minorities pissed off at the world.

cap this

the only blue wave that can happen is if a lot of (((money))) gets poured into fraudulent schemes to subvery the nations voting system.

btw that S is supposed to be blue

>shill for illegals over citizens
>try to go for gun grab
Geee I wonder whyyyyy


anyone else laugh like a maniac everytime you think about "President Trump"!

This is pure leftist propaganda to make people think they do not need to go out, and vote. Also to get the parts voters motivated. I expect this to be the narrative hammered out hard in October by every network.

This is just leftist shilling warm ups.

This picture alone could do in the democratic party in 2018. Don't worry, we will be passing it around.

or this one


or this


no shit.

The Senate map for Democrats in 2018 is fucking ugly. Democrats will have to defend 25 Senate seats in 2018, many in states Trump won, whereas Republicans only have to defend eight seats, and seven of those eight are in pretty red states.

Republicans may suffer in the U.S. House, but they should be all right in the Senate, they should gain seats. Trump's judicial nominees will be easier to confirm come 2019 even if Democrats take the House.

their mental breakdown gives me the will to live

orcs are real

Never voted in my life but I just dropped my registration in the mail because the salt from the midterms will be too pure to pass up. Fuck these goddamn pedo traitor Democrat faggots

You have to vote for Us, we are the loudest!


>Vote for us you stupid racist inbred losers. What's wrong with you?? Why don't you want us to molest your children?

I'll say it right now, Tennessee might be a toss up. If Bredeson gets the dem nod it might be difficult for reps to win. And if Blackburn gets the Rep nod then there are rumors the reps will back Bredeson.

Why did they even build those buildings if no one is going to maintain them?

>Building anything

Bredesen is well liked across both parties in Tennessee while Blackburn is disliked by Democrats and even some Republicans. Bredesen could win Senate but everything else in Tennessee will likely be Republican.

>This will be Russia's fault.

In polls we trust eh?
Polls are garbage,don't let you guard down burgers.

>Man Michelle Obama has really let herself go.





Yep, 2022 all the way. 2024 is our year. People will remember 2026 as the year America's sanity was restored.

Democrats will have huge the primaries. As we see with Texas the Dems are divided among-st the Neolibs, the blue-collar, and the ulta-left. here in pic1 and in pc2 you see that the republicans are uncontested blowout, while democrats are fiercely contested, and in the governor's case a runoff.

Dems are fighting each other for party control rather than Republicans, and many of the people in the sides that lose (in this case the ultra-left and blue-collar) will not show up, just like they didn't show up during the 2016 elections


>Mostly white women

The most spoiled demographic in history

If Gore couldn't win TN in 2000, I don't think any Dem will win a statewide race.


No way Ted Cruz will lose

>Um no sweetie. We just proved the polls and elections cant be rigged. If they were, these polls would reveal an upset from republitards.
>Still playing 2D chess on a 11D board.

>losing against a no-charisma guy who already signed his death warrant by being for a democrat gun control push