Brit/pol/ - Invading Russia Edition

>After hopeful figures, EU takes Spains side on Gibraltar

>Labour fault lines grow between Momentum and Unions

>DUP have checked out of power sharing

>Fiscal Phil to reveal spurious figures next week

>BCC claims UK Govt is using Brexit as a coverup for failings

>Corbyn slams May in PMQs over Saudi 'collusion' in war crimes

>Stormzy for PM, why grime is good for politics

>Sturgeon has also fallen victom to mansplaining

>Official statement on Salisbury false flag assassination expected @ 1215

>YouGov: When is a feminist not a feminist?

Other urls found in this thread:




so fucking glad i didn't join the army


>behind russian lines

>Sir reports just in, the ene-
>hush lad mohammad is doing his morning prayers
>But sir it's an eme-
>I said hush private!

>he doesnt want to kill slavshits


Inshallah Batallion, we shall fight with ISIS

no i dont want another mans cock in my mouth for some barbarian loyalty game

Start buying guns.

alright pansy

You made me laugh out loud last thread, Edward. Thanks.

I was weak minded then, I'd never found a civillian base of friends being English in the most SNP town in Scotland, so I was impressionable. It serves a purpose I suppose, I can't speak for other Corps, but Engineers have a reputation for it, as do RM. I think the more you depend on a man the more the Corps pushes you to prove yourself to them. What is better than pushing you out of your comfort zone? I imagine this has gone on for decades if not centuries as it's not offical policy but a precedent of "they did it to me so I'm doing it to you". That guys dick in the mouth was exceptional in my time though, and I've never heard "officially" of full gay sex. I have heard from a German civvy camp as bastion faggot that he was propositioned most weekends by outwardly straight and often married men.

Bedtime I think.

Goodnight Brit/pol/, I'm of to lay with the PLANTS.

So would they rape me if i refused to get naked/do bender stuff?

that's all fine I'm not questioning any of that, just asking why you'd still be all 'well of course I hate the fags'. Seems like you should have actual real tolerance that comes from experience, as opposed to 'le diversity is good' tolerance. Some of them are disgusting bugchasing queers but most of them have circumstances matching yours at least

Depends where you are, it might just be a case of social rejection, or it might be the case of them kicking the shit out of you. Either way it's a case of a camaraderie based unit of life and death rejecting you. I can't talk post 2012 though, I think Allah is the primary PPE now

basically it's reasonable to go "ARE YOU A QUARE?" and be suspicious of them a bit

but you don't have to throw them off roofs

defend your own borders you bitch ass cUK. # poisoned nation

what the fuck, how common is this, how haven't the govt done anything about it


Based Russia saving UK tax payers, wonder how much the mi6 pension is

It's "normal", and kept in house
Don't take my word for it

Stop trying to humanise yourself

this is nothing compared to how it is in Russia

I'm just too drunk too type in length

Night lads. I need to maintain my sleeping pattern.

I've heard. Seems am actual part of training there, ours in block and squadron bar shit

I know, I have a mate in Russia who went through Dedovshchina

why do british people have such a propensity for fucked up behaviour
we are the most fucked up people on earth
our tourists are hated and notorious
our military is notorious
our women are notorious
is that our superpower as a people?

not a SUSAT lad

Our hooligans were the best in Europe until we banned them. It's an analogy for all British success, we become guilty of our own dominance and ban it ourselves.

Made this for a laugh, borrowed the idea from the other one and experimented with snow patches and paint skills to create the winter landscape I was going for. As you can see, Eddie is wrapped up warm in his Kia with a cap, mug of hot chocolate and some Johnny Cash playing. I've still got the file in Paint right now so changes can still be made if you want.

Oh fug
Been a while
November I've been out as long as I was in

I'm pretty certain I could have a banging night out drinking with Eddie in any town worth half a shit. I've decided he's pretty much alright, but needs to get tf off Sup Forums

>hot chocolate
I consume all goods in the car cold

>half the world is ready for war against the eternal angl*s

beautiful, see you in the gibraltar coast bongs

Lol I like I can't think of much to add to it. More rubbish outside the car and a couple of shits next to the hedge as he has nowhere to take a dump except by the side of his car.

I'm a shitcunt now lad, my stories are early 20's when the world hadn't crushed me. Get me drunk now and you'll have a crying mess talking about the cost of metal detectors

Well too fucking bad you got a hot drink for once get it down your throat, lay off the rum for a night ok pal

I park near a 24hr toilet

anyone got the original eddie?

>lay off the rum

Ni night user see ya in't mornin pal

Stop drinking and stop posting here while drunk. You deserve to give yourself more respect.

You been here the whole time?

this cracks me up every time

No I've been out, just got home.

>he parks near a 24 hour toilet

"want sxc bummin anal + oral no condom knock at the kia parked round the back"

This picture is so sweet

How do I say this without having the archive thrown at me daily...

My mates are scattered and busy and I hate everyone, including you lot, but I love you faggots more than the civvy cunts I currently interact with. I tell you cunts everything because I have no one else to tell. You're as close to regular friends as I'll ever have again

>realised today I am literally deano but with a better taste in cars

Okay night ignore vicaroo rumours

I'm gonna be real Ed if I bump into you one day I'll buy you a pint and a packet of fags.

bless your soul

I don't smoke

I know, most of the actual regulars here love you, we. I just hate seeing you drunk here.

what kind of music are you in the mood for? I want to recc you something

well imagine that

he was buying scratchcards wasn't he? probably more than the kgb pension.

Eddie sucked off a man in a german pub went mad and tried to cut down his door with a fire axe

Glad to see the fag ends rumor is bullshit then

i cant wait to nuke barcelona

I thought most found it funny. I don't normally post in my current state which is "boozy but aware", but wait till I'm black out drunk and full on depressive mode. I normally don't post for a while when I know I hit that stage

See you ont the battlefield

I'm on my phone so it's wasted

It's a HMG lad...

>ont the

You sure?

A set of perfectly nice sony headphones is like a tenner in argos. Come on man you need to be able to listen to music and stuff and not just be a survival robot


Classic rock

Fucking ACOG lad

Eddie has claimed a new vassal.
When will he stop shackling anonymongs?

One minute you'll be offering to buy him a pint or help him get some headphones, the next you'll be sucking off taxi drivers to get enough money to pay for limes so Eddie won't beat you again.

I don't know how to play YouTube while using other apps


Who racist here?

Eddie needs shelter

Kill yourself wigger negro brained retard


whats he doing the madman

Fuck off I'm no noob, just a fellow traveller who recognizes Eddie as an 'Internet Creature' that happened to wash up on the shores of brit/pol/. I think he's an ok guy you could easily be friends with underneath his internet persona. I don't have to answer to any iof you

Not a good idea to listen to headphones when drinking in a car (that you also live in) in Liverpool late at night.

i've listened to it so much that it's ruined for me

the t for twink slong

Eddie's theme.

You won't be the first of his victims.

I'm sure most of liverpool is pretty much safe now. Even my shit tier coastal dump has falling crime rates

>talking about slongs in the same thread as eddie

>Good pair of headphones
>A tenner
I don't think so faggot

Canadians aren't human

Mine have lasted 2 years walking around in rain and snow

>Kim Jong Un to meet Trump by May
>disarmament is on the cards

The absolute madman is actually going to pull off the greatest bit of international diplomacy of this generation.


It's not too bad outside of "bad"neighbourhoods, but they're very really turning into ghettos

I had a story for you fucks but it's unrelated and 4 mins long so I don't bother