I'm going with...
>Trump colluded with Kim Jong Un
Winner gets nothing but anonymous bragging rights.
I'm going with...
>Trump colluded with Kim Jong Un
Winner gets nothing but anonymous bragging rights.
Other urls found in this thread:
Collusion with communists
i'm going with
>not covering this at all
because sometimes that's easier then spinning it
north korea and the us could totally sign a peace treaty of some kind and the majority of normies would call you a conspiracy theorist if you mentioned it just because they haven't heard it on the msm or on the radio on the drive to work. when you tell them its real and they can check the white house page here and blah blah blah they'll just space out or start talking about sports.
just a total media blackout on the whole thing
you'll be sitting there watching cnn waiting for the news on north korea and then
another bullshit russian collusion narrative propaganda story and still no evidence. but the news anchors will act all excited and blow smoke up their dumb viewerships ass and then i'll have to listen to normies tell me "oh they got him now" "who" "trump" "he's racist, oh he's bad news" "yeah well russian collusion blah blah blah i saw it on cnn" "good, fuck trump" etc
>just a total media blackout on the whole thing
FOX just aired it live. Trump agreed to meet Kim by May? This is going to trigger the shit out of the Democrats.
fucking normies i swear
yeah well, that's fox, the most fair and balanced of the controlled media outlets in america
>Collusion with communists
First "communist" Russia. Now THIS? I could see that.
why would the msm demonize communism? they love it.
>why would the msm demonize communism? they love it.
Right, but their viewers are too stupid to know that.
They'll take the "Well Trump started the problem with N Korea in the first place" angle. Guaranteed. And use that as a platform to repeat all his bolshy tweets.
the CNN spin
>Well Trump started the problem with N Korea in the first place"
Those FUCKING Tweets.
Remember, Trump and Kim will be friends
Kim will tell the world that Rodman was the one who convinced him to make the unification/get rid of nukes, make Trump look like a fool.
As long as Trump doesn't go soft on communism, I see nothing wrong with that.
>Kim will tell the world that Rodman was the one who convinced him to make the unification/get rid of nukes, make Trump look like a fool.
How badly does CNN want an interview with Rodman right now?
Honestly, I think Rodman will be milking that shit...he was one of the few people to call Kim based...I think this is the move.
We are after all living in a fucking twilight zone timeline.
Rodman will probably have to be named American ambassador to the world after this shit,
I see it coming...screenshot this shit, just in case I am right.
I think Kim is going full troll on this one.
>Kim gets on stage...shows the world his perfect english...I would like to thank one man for reunification...a great american man...my brother from a black mother and husband to my sister...Dennis Rodman...Kim wins the internet that day.
they're going to report that it's likely nothing will come of this, because NK won't denuclearize without the US pulling out of SK, which Trump will never agree to
this whole thing is just a ploy by NK to keep their nukes while making Trump look like the bad guy
so they're going to report the truth
>husband to my sister.
Kek. Done.
I knew this would trigger the (((neocons)))
The Russia angle. They'll say Trump and Putin were behind this. Putin brokered the meeting with Kim because of Putins close relationship with Trump.
Thanks bro, I may be the prognosticator of prognosticators at this point.
BREAKING: Multiple women accuse Kim Jong Un of sexual misconduct
Trump is selling us out to Norht Korea,
who is next Russia, China?
Shut up nigger
>BREAKING: Multiple women accuse Kim Jong Un of sexual misconduct
KEK. Please be this.
I think (you) might win.
I’m going with
>initial deafening silence
>”Hurrrr, Draumphs colludud wid Pudin cuz Pudin frans wid Nord Koreas IMPEEEEEEE3ECH!!!!!!!11”
>>initial deafening silence
Have they reported anything yet?
Lol I need to check. I usually only watch CNN in the hopes that I will finally be driven to suicide.
We have activity...
What are talking about, THE BBC just said that Blumpht is only doing this because he raped 600 gorillion child prostitutes
Only facts so far. I don't think the DNC has sent the talking points yet.
They did leave out the part about the South Korean dude saying Trump made this happen.
>Actually the Obama administration is responsible for most of the groundwork here
It doesn't take a genius to see the narrative they will go with.
I said it once, Ameribro screenshot that shit> Kim gonna say Rodman gave him faith in American people...will BTFO Trump in the most awesome fucking troll in history
Trump will have a Twitter meltdown, call Rodman the "fucking nigger trying to steal my thunder"
Well that’s tame. I guess they all haven’t decided on their talking points yet...
The economy play. Maybe. That's not very sensational. That might be Tapper's take but Coumo will need something more over-the-top.
>only liberal media is under Jewish control
Alright fellas which one of you called it?? Its already starting!!
God damn. Was I right, or was I?
Trump caught them off guard and had them do this announcement during the shift change. Amazing how this shit works.
i could see this playing out.
I hope he meets with them a couple of times and maybe take some GOP ers running in 2018 with him... maybe around October.
dems will be on suicide again
Spot on so far, user.
I don't think that's official. "Bromance" is with Putin and they won't let Trump "break up" with Vlad.
We have our first update...
Russia has been trading with NK going against sanctions for years
Russia has manipulated US Elections
Tillerson was just asked TODAY about negotiations between US and NK - and said that they were no where close
Putin didn't want a Clinton victory, but a Trump one because he can manipulate Trump
Putin told NK to have these talks as a way to spread more chaos and uncertainty for the upcoming mid-terms
>Russia has manipulated US Elections
That's not a fact. Is this really what you're going with?
Should I go on???
Yes, it's a FACT that Russia did meddle in our elections
So predictable.
>Trump sanctions North Korea
>North Korea wants to talk now
He is bent on winning the Nobel Peace Prize to match Obama and will sell the country out to get it
I've always associated the news with FACTUAL information. what about some firsthand sources cuckboy
That does sound like somethiing that would come out of a panelist’s mouth on CNN while the reporter nods and says nothing....
I like to follow North Korea “experts” on Twitter, and this seemingly positive development has them creating their usual spin about it being somehow the worst thing. These people are NEVER satisfied. Trump is either a warmonger or getting played. Absolutely nuts. I’m officially done with them. All they do is bitch from their ivory towers and offer fuck-all in the way of solutions.
Trump bullies poor communist country into disarming itself. This is literally fascism.
>alright trump if you build a fabulous hotel on Pyongyang we will get rid of nukes and become friendly
If this was the deal it would be the best fucking deal anyone could hope for
>I've always associated the news with FACTUAL information. what about some firsthand sources cuckboy
There is only the DNI report that contains no evidence. Crowdstrike is not credible and LOL
>CNN lite
>That does sound like somethiing that would come out of a panelist’s mouth on CNN while the reporter nods and says nothing....
True. Bill Kristol-esque
>two leaders takin during a nuclear standoff is bad
I hate everyone
Neocons gonna neocon, user. They do sell war for a living. To them... Unstable Trump = War. Stable Trump = War.
>I hate everyone
Can't say I blame you.
>If this was the deal it would be the best fucking deal anyone could hope for
Except commies in DPRK can't afford to live in it... Unless he gets Kim to house the "elite" there.
MFW Trump and Un sign a peace deal.
who the fuck is this guy? ive seen this in a million threads now
they wait for something to go wrong in nk.
did i win
North Korea defector loving in Seoul name is Kim Yam Boon
he used to shill his livestreams, fun gook
They'll play up that porn star stuff and convince normies that it's more important than Korean reunification.
>did i win
Not yet. They are still waiting on talking points. So far just
>Kim is playing Trump
>but sanctions are working
They have no idea how to do actual journalism. Puppets.
This must have killed Acosta. They still don't know how to spin it.
It wouldn't surprise me if they bring up that Otto kid (the one imprisoned for supposedly stealing a flag and came back brain dead) in an attempt to give it an emotional/ethical spin.
>Mr president, have you forgotten about this travesty so soon?
>Look his parents in their eyes and tell them he wasn't so important.
It would be a great excuse for Kimmel or Lemon to cry their asses off on camera again.
Spin what nigger?
*blocks your Nobel*
>muh russian
This will never stop being funny.
I can unironically see this happening.
Wow. That's incredibly weak. They have nothing right now. What the fuck is Brock doing?
Read the Washington Post comments to get an idea
>started the problem
>results in a real solution
He basically threatened them into total compliance after calling out the easiest bluffs ever made.
They won't discuss it. When they do they will make it look like south korea did everything.
Is this really the Devil?
quote is more accurate about hillary akshually
It's rare that idiocy does anything but make me chuckle smugly, but good Lord that's revolting. It's pathological madness.
> sources say...
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Well, if the wrong guy brings peace it's the wrong thing to do.
Even though I know twisted minds like these, I can't get behind THAT logic.
He's such an egomaniac that he has to personally start WWIII.
Imma call it and say that they're going to go with the old Trump is secretly support Korean dissension and preventing the unification of the Korean Penisula
they will also pull shit and say things like attacks on SK are backed by US and shit like that
maybe they will play this in with the whole communist collusion narrative
>US->Trump is colluding with ->NK->China->RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA
>Trump solves North Korea problem that has been festering for 50 years
damn, Putin's russian hackers are going to bring peace to the entire world if he keeps sending Trump on these missions. Just imagine if they get Israel to stop being a mad dog, it'll be worse than Hitler!
Those damn Russians can't keep getting away with it!
trump hired magician autists with 150 IQ minimum
>the pledge
>the turn
*you are here*
>the prestige
The meeting will result in US-NK joint military exercises on retaking the south. Trump will be declared the eternal God Emperor of the newly founded DPRA and the wall to mexico will be replaced with a nearly 2000 mile DMZ remake that no filthy illegal will ever manage to cross. America will become the greatest empire it was supposed to be.
No Kim will say the Trump and rodman started plotting this on celebrity apprentice and Trump 'fired' him so he could begin working on world Peace.
yep. they will ignore the story as much as feasible. when they cant the spotlight of the story will be "kim jong-un coming to his senses" or something like that and the focus will be on Koreans themselves
And we meddle in theirs. What is the fucking big deal. We do it all over the fucking world you dotard.
>Putin's russian hackers are going to bring peace to the entire world if he keeps sending Trump on these missions
Based Putin.
>Trump wins 2020 election
>noko bots!!!
No they will try to spin it off as Trump having bad influence on the peaceful leader in the North.
Lol i hope so.
>>noko bots!!!
Highly likely. Shit. They might break that out this year.
Whoever said...
>media blackout
might be right. They might be trying to slide this story. Red banner at the top changed and they are kissing the ass of an ex-Goldman president.