well pol what you gonna do?
Well pol what you gonna do?
just lurking for now but why so curious about user's intent?
>Your people are being replaced and there's nothing you can do about it
i really hate the combative spiteful gloating that people like this come out with
i take solace in the fact that once white people are gone, the world's population will revert to desperately scrabbling in the dirt for beetles within a few generations
The nation of America was founded by Europeans so how could they possibly be "illegal"?
White people are not immigrants we conquered this land. Get it right shlomo.
he isn't white. Typical Talmudic jew.
There was no law in America, therefore there can be no illegal immigration. Teepee niggers were the first niggers in America and deserved a genocide. A shame we didn't finish it.
Don't have to do anything. Popular opinion is against illegal immigration. Liberal antics like in CA and crime relating to it are only getting worse which will turn more people against.
By this soy boys logic I can look back to a time when murder was legal as a justification for committing murder now. People came to this country in the past by whatever legal means were possible for the time. If they didn't then they were committing a crime back then as well, not justification for doing so today.
He's just another attention seeking snowflake, butt hurt that a majority of the voting population thinks he's a moron.
I wish Muslims weren't so fucking stupid and weak. If they allied with the Chinese they could finally stop this shit.
the whole argument falls apart in all kinds of ways.
natives fought over land all the time, so which tribe did it belong to???
should we give it back to the oogabooga tribe or the dungdonga tribe??? etc
Fucking Yids suspended this account. I wonder why?
Clovis people were the first then the second wave of immigration started (later known as american indians) and they destroyed the Clovis population. Think about that.
Punish the insolent terrorists who have usurped control of the Palestinian Mandate and restore direct imperial control. Once the troublemakers have been suppressed then unrest in other territories should also decline and legitimate government can be re-established.
Cathy Young is a stupid hypocritical bitch. She spread fake news about InfoWars, which I normally wouldn't care about if it wasn't such a blatant lie. When called out on her lie she was literally like "lol who cares it is a lie gay frogs". This is "libertarianism". This is "journalism". These sacks of shit literally think they it is OK to lie. They think they have the right to. We should shut their lying mouths so they can never speak again!
Good thread.
Everyone should be archiving this kind of shit for use.
Nice dump. Gas the juice.
Post this:
This one is my favourite. You really see how injured he is, how he shrinks back, when called out as the jew that he is.
Goebbels was fucking right.
A wise Jew once said "When there is a point to be made I'm white, when there is a penny to be made I'm a Jew."
gas em
This one always makes me laugh.
I thought it was that NSA guy for a second
Excellent. Breed out the jews.
Fucking hypocrites
There's basically no shortage of anti-White sentiment on the internet, it comes from pretty much all groups, but particularly Blacks and Jews.
We all need to do more to record and expose this because this information will prove to be invaluable in awakening other Whites to the problems we face. We are dealing with an enemy that are in open attack formation and there are still laws in place that are supposed to make such things illegal. We would be fools not to draw as much attention to this as possible and try and use the law to crack down on these people and shut their organisations down. If the governments fail to uphold their own laws, or officially state that these laws do not apply to White people, then we will have no choice but to replace those governments.
So, drawing attention to this situation and trying to deal with it in the most legal ways first is in our best interests for if we have to resort to anything else, we will have far more normie recruits because they will have seen us try to be reasonable only for our requests for fair application of the law to be applied.
If someone hates you and wants to kill you, you have absolutely no reason to respect their rights or cooperate with them.
These people have declared a race war against us.
>growing up Italian and Jewish
In the US it's the same fucking thing
>le 6000000% face
Settlers aren't immigrants. Immigrants come to an establish society. The settlers weren't welcomed by the natives mostly(quite hostile), and the settlers had to build a society from scratch cause natives only had villages and such.
This nigga woke af. Respect
Red pill material right there.
More white people need to see this stuff.
Good job who ever captured all that!
What is with this "do the work" line they keep using?
The fuck does that even mean?
Roll over and take a pounding?
This is what makes Sup Forums bearable
We'll deport the Jews too. To the moon.
The 100% verified and conclusive evidence that we are up against people that want to murder us is one of our most important tools in our arsenal.
At the moment anti-Whites openly oppose the White race. Gullible White normies do not realise what they are up against nor do they realise that there are people out to flat out kill them.
When you expose the enemy for their motives, which they no longer hide, that shit sends a jolt to the system of White normies and converts them almost immediately as their combat instincts kick in.
If you are a vet of this kind of thing, then you need to act like an officer. It's your job to educate, train and coordinate new initiates.
We should of ran with that and just make a bunch of memes of Dark Vader walking down a corridor with Storm Troopers in the back ground giving the roman salute.
Basically do to Star wars, what we did to PePe and Co-opt it, make it our own.
It's a shylock debt. You pay usurious interest daily, forever, never reducing the principle.
I cant wait to make racists afraid again
you know, racists
Cunts like this are disgusting.
And the fact she doesn't even know what she is and even flip flops on her Jewish background is even worse because you're telling white women to abort their children.
Build more ovens.
>white genocide isn't real
>but I'm so excited about it happening!
Don't we have hate speech laws for this? People like this make me long for fascism, even if it would be shit for me.
Quick someone call the ADL oh wait...
Finishing eating my dinner. Pissants like this are not worth my time or effort.
We did run with it though. Or, at least I did.
The Galactic empire is part of our aesthetic now as far as I am concerned. I don't know why more Sup Forumss have no embraced this image pepe style. The stormtrooper is white for fucks sake.
shut this thread down right now goy!!
Wew it’s real. archive.fo
need a reality check. This is Riff Raff's brother
and this is Riff Raff.
>green texted comment about jewish ancestry
fuckin Russians amirite?
My Hymie town folder is now fuller thanks to this thread.
Thanks Sup Forums
Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake as they say.
I've not used the legal option yet because I am watching the left put the noose around themselves. They pushed this "anti racist" shit onto society, and then decided to become mega-racists. They are far more racist than even the Nazis at this point. They support persecution on the basis of race, racial prejudice, and racial discrimination in the work place and in academia. They also support shit like anti-appropriation which says that you can't do certain things like eat certain foods or wear certain clothes, purely on the basis of race and ethnicity.
They also scapegoat Whites for all the worlds problems.
As I said, they have become MEGA racists, and we can now lynch them in the name-of anti racism. Any "anti racists" actually left on their side will support us 100%. If they don't and it turns out that NOBODY is actually anti-racist then we can get rid of anti-racist bullshit and our enemies in one fell swoop. What's the point of anti-racism if it's merely a pretext for murdering races you don't like?
The left have handed us validation for absolutely everything we've believed for years and MORE. They have out-done us in terms of racist insanity. We thought boarders and racialist biology was extreme. LOL, they flat out scream from the rooftops that they hate White people and want to kill them all.
Christ, that kike couldn't look any more Jewish if he had a star of David tattoo'd on his forehead.
every fucking time
It's not?
how the fuck (((these kinds of people))) get and maintain their (((blue checkmark))) is beyond me
twitter is the devil
By the looks of it her account got shut down. I don't think she's posted in a while.
She just tweeted 2 days ago.
Oh, my mistake, she had an old post pinned where she is boasting about her Jewish ancestry.
Yeah she's still at it. Delusional bitch.