White man hate the nig
Too much crime too damn loud and
Too much monkeyshines
Express Yourself With A Haiku, Pol
Other urls found in this thread:
White man burns as red
But negro will always turn deep purple
Too much sunburn
Oy Vey Oy Gevalt
Remember the six trillion
Shut down now goyim
My girl is a whore
How did I get stuck with you
I hope you die cunt
just want to shoot guns
fuck off with your common sense
shall not be infringed
How in the fuck
Do shitty island gook poems
Express oneself right
i am best
suck my dick
like now bitch
They are plotting again
The dirty nips must be stopped
Don't forget Pearl Harbor
This isn't Haiku you retard. The syllable count is 5-7-5.
Fifty six percent
Ooga booga suk muh dik
your mother is pig
I want to burn you
Burn your eyes with a blowtorch
Watch your head explode
Once again I sit
dick placed firmly in my hands
testosterone gone
size 14 high heels
dilating my cloaca
happy womans day
you should fuck this guy cum inside his ballsack, then
double suicide
Taxation is theft
Don’t fuck with the NAP
Hands off my guns Reeee
Asians have no soul
Two nukings were not enough
they need twenty more
Why are you so angry
Dick is so tiny, you must sit
When you need to piss
your politics suck
collectivism isn't your enemy
who will build your roads
usury is theft
you think the goyim dont know?
One Hundred and Nine times
fuck off you nigger
it's muh dik muh dik muh dik
every day with you
Your nation did this
Anime destroys all life
have to nuke again
You are the nigger
Tiny dicked yellow coward
You need some more nukes
Lonely but not alone
I write these words
with no scorn
I'd cut off your dick
but you have beat me to it
good game no rematch
thats a nice tree
Time is like a river
In India, full of rancid shit and
Many dead people too
You talk like a fag
And your shit's all retarded
u not no de wey
Playing tunes on metal spoons
Spoons are wack
jap bro nice flow
Killing niggers is all i know.
fuck these haters bro.
Hahaha le epic meme XD
>5 syllables
>7 syllables
>5 syllables
this isn't /prose general/
Japan needs more nukes
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Multiplied exponentially
>counting sillybulls
Leaves falling from trees / Snow drifting onto the ground / Life leaving your corpse.
Who knew that pol was so sensitive and into poetry and shit? Namaste motherfuckers.
Parkville teens got shot
now they want to take my guns
fuck those stupid brats
good luck you faggot
your once proud nation is blacked
niggers and jews reign
nine timeless fine time
test all chankind's champions
all the best m'lols
Your words work too well
I am sure you teach English
You baka gaijin
Spring becomes autumn
No longer does my ball-sweat
Cling to my undies
ah fuck I got the
seasons all fucking mixed up
time for one for fart
Op is a fag
Shitposting on our board Sup Forums
Can’t stop sucking cock
warm asphalt sunset
silhouettes cool menthol breeze
looms chimpout season
Satanic Clinton
John Podesta rapes children
Trump will stop it all.
I am one saffer
surrounded by monkey men
smelly african
Monkey soup no tasty
Bullets pass overhead fast
Bunda will bunda
I took the red pill
Degeneracy abounds
And now I see it
All my friends are fags,
They don't know about the kikes.
Please someone love me.
faggots spammers
your product is shit
this was not a haiku
The eternal leaf
If he kills his enemies
He lets them all win
Basement Nazi kids
So much inchoate anger
Yell to Mom for snacks
i like me mehmet
he doenst like me at all
shame makes a host
This is a haiku
It's the best that I could do
This is a haiku
BTW for non-moonrune readers:
"The plums blossom
niggers gonna nig
I want off this ride"
and mine:
"Spring arrives
oppose immigrants
Nippon Banzai"
This guy can't really be competed with honestly
The Apocalyspe
is when Gaia cries and her
Children do not hear.
This is very good, adheres to the core principles.
Modern day Issa right there
memes memes
what does it means
nigger tongue my angus so it seems so it seems
Too fancy shmancy
best stick to the seasonal words and mundane observations, that's the core of Haiku. See: Tanka or Waka are better for what you're aiming for here.
Pedro mows the lawn
He wanders in a foreign country
He needs to go back home
Silent and quiet
The car heater burn hotter
Spreading my ass kiss
hope it was worth it
text deleted in fifty
after honorless death
Thanks for the tip, user. I've never heard of those forms before. Seems like it's basically Haiku with 2 extra 7-sylable sentences.
I'll read up more on it.
this is beautiful
Come paradise Fall
Lay to rest the living's work
Nature's soft decay
Light fades from the streets
Niggers nigging on the wind
Need rooftop Asians
too much apathy
what's the point, without changes
distracting comfort
Browsing on 4 chan
Reading tons of shitposts, sigh
Sitting too damn long.
Black lives do matter
It's because without black lives,
Crime would have no home
Caucasian man
civilization builder
nonwhite man destroys
thanks user
ill drink for that , cheers
Aye, lemme Holla
Aye girl, you with the fat ass
Aw-ight, fuck youthen
Thank you kind user
I will drink to that right now
Cheers to one and all
Cold wind Melting snow
Streets crack and potholes open
Busts my damn tire.
Anons pol deus vult
Asian gf appear
user value disappear
asians number one
unmatched beauty and smarts
bye bye cucked white pig
Yeah well your panda nation won't even screw to save your own species zipperhead. Keep hugging your waifu pillow tighter as you eek closer to dying alone and meaningless with your abnormally long lifespan, silly dao cho
DAMN, I was thinking of Sup Forumsoems today, perfect.
Tendies cool on wind
Threads slide into the great dark
And Frog(s) go to rest
Spring time April comes
It's Okay To Be White
on dear Adolf's birthday
this one is really really good
U obviously have patrician taste, user
Where you based? Tokyo here, at university.
You an English teacher?
Tear gas Riot shields
Cries of racism abound
Antifa knocked down
haiku is shit
Middleish part of Honshu, work in translation
briefly taught English many many years ago
Sounds nice. Have a good spring m8.
It is illegal
for Germans to question Jews
Just think about that
Nigger nigger nig
Nigger nigger nigger nig
Nigger nigger nig
thanks brother, watch out for nigs leaking out from roppongi and the upcoming SJW (((international media))) influx ahead of the Olympics
They seem to send their worst kikes to cover Japan so watch out for (((interviewers))) who want to misquote you to cause a scandal
happened to a few guys after the earthquake I recall
An age of evil comes
The Jewish menace is here
But the white man stirs
her teeth are as the sun bright
her ass cheeks dark as the night
spread it, and its still huwhite
How much nig could a
nigger nig if a nigger
could nig niggers, nig?
Liberty failing everywhere
It will never happen
I will fight regardless