Hit is honestly best boy in DB right now

Hit is honestly best boy in DB right now.

With all the powerscaling bullshit the series has it's a breath of fresh air to have someone that is speed and technique.

and hax, you can't forget the hax
he is entirely speed, technique, hax and donuts

His head is shaped like a literal dick

It's very big


yeah, idk how much more hax you can get than being able to "store time" and use it at will. he might as well have a fucking stand

Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme?

It seems that cup-shaped ears are OP right now.

His one iconic "technique" is literally hax tier, luckily manga made it more balanced stating he can only timeskip over someone if his prey his channeling a lower power level at that moment.

The same goes in the anime. KK Blueberry Goku could resist timeskip. And watch Jiren next episode nonselling it altogether.

Poor Hit. He ended up on friendly terms with Goku, now he's going to get his shit kicked in against Jiren and his big grey powerlevel.

Seriously, when will Jiren be cool, at the moment he seems like one of those guys that gets Rapid Energy Blast, Big Beam, and Rapid Attack Rush from the games.

He fought Goku blue x10 without getting immediately stomped.

He has a few techniques and uses them in interesting ways: heart stop invisible blasts, pocket dimension intangibility, time skip. All of his fights have been entertaining so far because you are either forced to use them in creative ways or you have a curbstomp.

He is the Kenshiro of DB



and his head is like a benis

>all the powerscaling bullshit
in dbs powerscaling doesn't really matter anymore


Fuck they just keep widening the gap of the Z fighters dont they?
Now the top is just Vegeta, Goku, Hit, Frieza, Jiren, and the Gods

>ywn sexually service Jiren as he pounds your innards into soup
why even live

Hit is such a cool guy.

>Vegeta, Goku, Hit, Frieza, Jiren, and Godhan