Trump isn't doing 4d Che


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Let's see how many people still think Trump is dumb, or crazy, or whatever else. Fucking retards need to embrace the God Emperor

Dennis Rodman will be Special Envoy to go with Tillerson, that would be awesome. Liberals will be ordering Hemlock Lattés at Starbucks when this goes down and DPRK comes out of the dark ages and experiences their own Summer of Love.

Dis gon git goot.

somehow they will claim that it was actually obama that accomplished all this and saying otherwise makes you a nazi

> this is simply the delayed after-effect of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's foreign diplomacy. Same as the economy.... delayed effect, delayed effect, delayed effect. Same reason we spent 8 years in the shitter, it was the delayed effect of GWB.

You know what? You're right, because that rolled right off my fingers once I put myself in a Slate/HuffPo mindset. They'll spin anything.

Fuck you, this is just the fruition of Obama's 9 year plan for reunification of Korea. Although he knew it would take 9 years, Obama did it anyway, knowing full well that his successor would get the credit. But Obama didn't care about personal glory, he cared about THE WORLD. Fuck Trump, that filthy, bankrupt, pissed upon, Russian tool, pussy and glory grabbing, tax evading turn stealer. IT WAS HER FUCKING TURN!!!!!

He really is George Costanza

or it was Dennis Rodman

But Trump is short and fat too and orange




holy fuck

The madman did it


he is 6'3


Q predicted this

Who is this q?

oh shit nigger erin burniett is about to to jump out the 10th story window in a fit of suicidal rage




What is the context of this? It sounds like he's indirectly insulting him.

Kek it was her turn to get usa nuked from based kimmy.But little drumphy saved the day inbleech drumwmphy

Lure him into an assassination. The world will support it. So will his people. The closer he physically gets to an opposing powers force the greater the jeopardy he personally faces. This gook pedo lived in Switzerland for boarding school ffs

>so will his people
U wot m8

how did obama win the npp again? lol

affirmative action

Why would Snoop dog and Bill Maher call me an Orange Clown... I would never call snoop a "Nigger" or Bill a "Anti-Christian Kike..." Oh well, I try so hard to be their friend - and maybe someday that will happen!

Sigh... that shit has grown so old... literally nobody gives a shit anymore lel

Some of the best friends I've made in my life started out as enemies.

>from vietnam
Nigga what

kys kike

The SK president has already given credit to Trump for this. If he makes significant progress on the issue then he's going down in history as a good president and there's fuck all anyone can do about it.

I find I care far less about peace with the North Koreans than I do about gloating to all of my lefty friends who insisted Trump was going to kill us all.

you guys will chug his limp dick when he starts negotiating with terrorists too lmbo

The kindling is so dry. I am just waiting for the right spark to set off a full blown race war. I cannot wait.

P.S. every one of my posts ont his website (all previous and future) are satire. This is a parady account.

Found the jew

On his Asian tour

you got me

Kim Jong Un, despite his negatives, is one of the few world leaders to oppose the JWO. That in itself makes me back him because of all the merchant tears.

It's still 24/7 news over here. They literally have nothing else to think about until the Nov 2018 elections.
It's like a laboratory experiment on cognitive dissonance and projection and obsession. Except if a real laboratory tried to run a psychological experiment like this, people would be barred from the profession and jailed.


Trump doesn't know what the fuck he is doing. Kim is going to play him.

I doubt Trump's anyone's fool. He's too busy making them eat shit.

And they are eating shit on CNN as we speak. Clapper eating shit now.

Wrong! This is all Putin's fault. Bringing terror through world peace, no doubt. Vote democrat so we can stop the Russian menace once and for all.

Nice job my fellow burgerbro



Someone who WAS 90% possibility of being a legit insider but the larping faggots here started spouting retarded shit every day under his name


??? is this real life? are country leaders sitting on nukes actually calling each other „old“ and „fat and short“ over the internet?
am i dead yet? what is happening ???

pretty sure he only posts on cripplechan after getting paranoid with the feds watching Sup Forums too closely

Pretty sure you're a fucking retard

could you imagine being the guy who had to translate that for the Glorious Father?


it's much less dangerous to just get the bants out there on the internet instead of repressing your anger and actually launching nukes once the pressure builds up too much. twitter lets them just shittalk and blow off steam


Would you rather they fire the nukes instead?

we really dodged a very serious bullet.. a hormonal, estrogen soaked PMS crazed bullet

This is a horrible idea. Stupid beyond belief. Every president since Clinton has been asked to come to NK for 'talks'. This gives Kim a 'America and Trump are afraid' talking point. Kim wants sanctions removed to modernize like the PRC and will be able to grow closer to China. They want the US removed from the area so they can grow. Moon and Trump are idiots.

i agree. imagine how sold down the river we would've been. it is terrifying to think what could've been. Trump single handedly may have been the only person to stop these crazy, greedy, homicidal globalists.


hello Obama/Clinton State dept holdover shill.. don't you have a CFR meeting to haunt?

How much are you paid to shill PRC propaganda ching?

you people really are looking desperate

They will still find some reason to bitch about him i can already see it:

I get three +1's on my citizen's profile of human worth and value to our great democracy .. thank you very much.


Desperate for what? Not wanting to spread manifest destiny and not bend over with one leftist to some god hating commies? Two Dems and two dems calling themselves republicans have fucked over our fp for 20+ years

This shit is going to be like Madeline Albright having a champagne toast with Kim Jong-il.

TRUMP bump

He comes after OP.

actually they're going to set up a wrestling ring and go at each other in sumo tights.

What? No. There's no way North Korea is acting in bad faith.

democrat vs republican, just to divide and distract the chattel. nice try, shill. just like fox news right now is only putting inflammatory pieces about trump/un. all part of controlled opposition. get a life.

We're here because we have none. Chin up

we have none of what?

>They want the US removed from the area so they can grow.
We will always be connected to SK. We know nearly everything that goes on in NK.

Its all so much like professional wrestling now

If its a fight to the death that is fine. Newly sworn in President Pence can exact violent vengeance if Trump happens to lose.

Fun and games are over. NK has a nuke umbrella now, Kim is just laughing his ass off right now and Trump is just stroking his ego falling for all this bullshit.

This was one of his best shitposts.

Lol literally just now Hannity reminded Bill and Hillary it is their "right to remain silent"

oh you meant life? lol
I am precisely here because I DO have a life. I want the truth and this place is currently the closest thing to it. That is why it is a week ahead (sometimes more) of all news. The reason people like you are ranting here is because you are afraid of the truth that will come to light.


none life

Maybe I'm retarded, but I seem to remember rhat being an official account?

fuck mt rushmore. he deserves a whole mountain to himself.

I can't help to laugh at this picture. so many beautiful tears

So.. he is 100% doing it. If only to spite CNN.

>projecting this hard
Not everyone on Sup Forums is a loser believe it or not

had to be one of the funniest elections I've witnessed

if i have a bad day i watch election footage and it cheers me up

>sit on their couches all day drinking and collecting welfare
>the mere thought of Trump turns liberals against welfare dependents

>when you solve centuries old USA problems by shitposting over twitter

me too

holy shit hannity right now with the nutty illegal immigration california idiots

I know they will try but it's really obscene. They did fuck all with the Norks. Fucking nothing.

But what they will spin it to is Russia conspiracy theorizing and suddenly become bellicose on North Korea. "HOW DARE TRUMP NEGOTIATE WITH SUCH A BRUTAL REGIME (which we celebrated and fawned over during the olympics) HE SHOULD BE MORE SEVERE IN SANCTIONS AND EVEN GO TO WAR WITH THEM"

I'm amazed at the histrionics of these people. Fucking crybaby overly emotional buffoons

The God Emperor will unify humanity in the fight against the niggers.