Will they win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Will they win the Nobel Peace Prize?
of course not, they'll give it to some brave tranny or something instead
Imagine the liberal asspain if Trump gets a novel peace prize lol
fuck off they will
They'll give another one to Barry after all he did this.
Are you retarded?
That would be in the top 5 five funniest things that have ever happened.
Drowning in your tears
>Are you retarded?
only if they actually reach a deal for denuclearization, which they won't
Explain how they will win the prizes retard
Ending a conflict and denuclearization
oh shit nigger what are you doing?
Protip: If you're going to try to shill against yourself, I suggest multiple incognito windows. It could help prevent embarrassment.
>Thinking theyre gonna do that
are you actually retarded
Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres won in 1994 and they didn't actually do shit. You just have to pretend like you're trying.
Remember how Aung San Suu Kyi won 1991?
The king nigger was given a prize for doing absolutely nothing.
>rev up the war machine
>peace prize
Please. Remember what happened last time?
You fucking niggers are basically Obamadrone 2.0 shills.
Would Madam President Hillary Rodham Clinton have pulled denuclearization off?
How about actual arguments instead of dumb wojak?
Ah yes, and when Chi Ken Nuu Del won in 2001
Hes called slowjak you tard
Did you forget to pay for your vpn?
It doesn't matter, refute what I fucking said
Kim will, sure, because he is a Communist dictator who has continued and empowered the policies of a regime that has actively oppressed or murdered millions of its people.
>being this salty
No, hes right..
Trumps going to win the Andromeda peace price, the most prestigious peace prize in this quandrant of the galaxy
You don't need to even pretend like you're trying. You just need to be a Marxist or Islamist.
This to be honest.
Which was?
Forget it, he's rolling
actually read it you idiot
It'll be rodman.
asspain would be legendary
>please god, let there be peace so trump can be smug AF and i can rub it in everyones face like an asshole at every opportunity
why the hell would people gaslight this place... nobody cares what anybody here thinks.... aren't there better ways to spend money??
tfw shills
that's not a proper claim
If it actually succeeds. Odds are one of them will fuck it up and the whole thing goes to shit
(((They))) won't let them.
>same ID
How autistic are you
Wow you call it that because you cant make an argument
If either of them gets one it will be because of damage control as people already see the modern Nobel Prize as a good goy award
No, its because it actually is not
Explain to me how it isnt
Who gives the fuck about the Nobel cuck prize brought to you by fucking Sweden?
Wow you are extremely retarded
>He cant explain
Both of those niggers are master trolls. This whole sitch is a massive wildcard.
inb4 lolercoaster
>star of david
>He needs someone to explain the obvious
whos the real retard here
>trump winning so bigly you drive yourself into schizo mania
You, retard
Obama does nothing gets one.
Trump negotiates with NK gets nothing.
I will never respect the Nobel prizes ever again if Trump gets stiffed.
So what was Obama's merits for the nobel peace price? Being the first nigger president or what?
He got it for being president while black, bigot
Shit you are right, I was thinking about Stockholm
fuck off, I'm done
you should doxx him
he's no king nigger
Or even worse, to warmongering nigger.
You fucking retarded shill, check the IDs
I wonder if Dennis Rodman might get the Nobel, he's been over to NOKO 5 times just as a real human bean since 2013.
all me senpai
Sad part is Trump actually has to do it. Obango got it for being black, Trump will have to end a decades long conflict for the chance to even be thought of positively by lefties.
The Peace Prize will go to Kim and ONLY Kim.
>In the year 2018 Donald Trump and Dennis Rodman will win the Nobel Peace Prize
wake me the fuck up right now
we can still meme it
you made a good start