why does Sup Forums hate jews so much when most of them are right wing?
Why does Sup Forums hate jews so much when most of them are right wing?
Because when a Jew calls themselves a right wing or left wing Jew it makes no difference. Zionism is the source of all the worlds problems and we will not have peace till Israel is wiped off the map.
Op is flat out wrong.
>most are right wing
conserving jewish culture isn't relevant to me because I'm not jewish, so it literally doesn't matter. I hate them because of how they consistently try to subvert white culture. I wouldn't despise them if they all stopped that shit.
Would hit jew pussy if I was single and had the chance tho
>ywn have a jew GF to nazi roleplay with
What? The vast majority of international kikes are hardcore shitlibs.
Because when a Jew calls himself right wing, it translates to supporting wars for Israel. And when a Jew calls himself left-wing, it means spreading cultural degeneration in his host country.
gosh, why does she look like a fucking kike
What's with all these threads about loving jews?
you just exposed yourself yousef
Because as a perpetual minority in host countries Jews always push for diversity policies so that the entire country isn't solidified.
Through destabilization they can take power.
what's up with your 3rd world country gdp levels
I'm glad I'm not an idiot that sees the world as black or white, right or left, with me or against me.
I don't give a fuck about right wing jews, just like I don't give a fuck about right wing niggers.
Everyone gets the fuck out back to the continent their belong to, no exceptions.
Blame the southern Italians.
I propose a world war allt he world is given to the winner
I thought it was the leftist jews, that also hated Israel?
Right wing, left wing, doesn't matter they all swing.
Sup Forums seems to be extremely jelly of israel to me and is more or less completely idiotically alined. just jelly
Makes sense.
Plenty of Jews were content to join the ghetto police forces.
Jews will attach themselves to any organization that is succeeding.
In the US, they hedged their bets by infiltrating both political establishments and occupy or control the highest rungs of power within them.
The Zionist is fluid in political leanings so long as they further the Zionist cause.
You fucking nailed it
Rubbish. Absolute clap-trap.
I'm jelly of the Jew's Holocaust victim capital they never seem to run out of.
It was a master stroke, they will never not be the victims in any circumstance from then on.
Is this a red flag of a crazy gf
>most "jews" are rightwing
Not true
where's the inforgrapics. you know cnn,moloch/ all the usual stuff
I think only american and british jews are more left leaning. Israeli russian french jews are mostly rightwing
Who would I be enlightening?
Most users here know that shit already.
Spread it anywhere else and it's Anti-Semitism and hate crime arrests for most of us.
If only your endgame was just Israel.
I could live with that. Jews in one place, doing their own thing.
It's the expansionist degenerate horseshit I can't abide.
I don't hate jews, they can even live in Europe since they don't mix. They just shouldn't have citizenship since they have a country now.
>French jews
>right wing
How about no? Heard about BHL, socialist party full of jews, CRIF and LICRA leaning left, etc.
Sepharad in South France are quite based though.
Because jews in the West will more or less always work to oppose any essentialist conception of Western or European identity, in large part because it necessarily excludes them from being Westerners or Europeans in the same way that "white" people are.
We advocate an essentialist identity because, a) we think it reflects reality, and b) because non-essentialist constructions of our identity (e.g. where someone can become a European or a Westerner) have resulted in sustained attempts to deconstruct "European" and "Western" as identities in the name of inclusiveness and in the mass immigration that is leading our populations everywhere towards imminent minoritisation and loss of political self-determination in our own nations.
They're just boomer tier 'Conservatives' who just want to continue their consumerism which wont fix anything.
>le gen z conservative counter culture
Just boomers 2.0